T70. New frontiers in georesources exploration, exploitation storage and monitoring


Congressi SGI-SIMP

The sustainable management of georesources is mandatory, considering the global increase in energy demand and the urgent need to tackle climate change and promote low greenhouse gas emission technologies.
The current global energy supply chain still heavily relies on fossil fuels. In this respect, the increase in renewable energy sources, such as geothermal energy and hydrogen geological storage, and low-CO2 emitting technologies (CO2 capture and storage i.e. CCS) must be favored, as well as new exploration frontiers such as hydrogen and unconventional techniques like raw-strategic materials.
Such exploitation choices are often associated with geohazards, such as fluid leakage, induced uplift, subsidence, and seismicity. In light of this, geoscientists can play a key role in increasing scientific knowledge about georesource exploration and exploitation processes, and mitigating every possible geohazard.
This session welcomes multidisciplinary contributions devoted to areal screening, site selection, reservoir characterization, and monitoring, by geophysical-geochemical methods, of exploited geo-energy systems as geological storage (e.g., carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen, nuclear waste disposal) and geothermal systems (conventional and unconventional). Last but not least, we also welcome and encourage contributions focusing on the ethical and social impact of the exploration and exploitation of georesources.
CONVENERS: Mario Anselmi (INGV ), Mauro Buttinelli (INGV), Monia Procesi (INGV), David Iacopini (Università di Napoli Federico II), Katriona Edelmann (University of Edimburgh).
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