T69. Innovation toward sustainable and regenerative farming


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Recognizing the impact of modern farming on the environment and climate change drives to seek new practices for agri-food production. It is shaping a transformative landscape toward sustainable and regenerative farming, where the effort is concentrating on methodologies for the preservation and enhancement of natural resources, that requires comprehensive and interdisciplinary approaches.
This session aims to spotlight latest advancements and current research in sustainable farming, in line with the European Green Deal targets, delving into the incorporation of new methodologies, processes, and materials, also incentivizing but being not restricted to PNRR actions.
Laboratory and field research works are highly encouraged, as well as case studies on larger scale.
Contributions to this session may therefore encompass:
  • Insights on the soil system dynamics for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient losses. Implications in land management.
  • Innovative fertilizers and techniques to reduce nutrient pollution and increase fertilization efficiency.
  • Bio and geomaterials to ameliorate soil properties.
  • Efficient recovery and reuse of agricultural byproducts. Recycling of materials in the agrifood sector.
  • Innovative management of the livestock supply chain with the aim of reducing environmental impact.
  • New strategies for the control of phytopathogens and replacement of chemical pesticides.
CONVENERS: Giulio Galamini (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Daniele Malferrari (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Giacomo Ferretti (Università di Ferrara), Luisa Barbieri (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
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