T8. Geosciences on display: the role of Natural History Museums in the future of our planet


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Geosciences are playing a crucial role in our society, which has to face new challenges in a rapidly evolving planet. In this context, Natural History Museums have a key function in helping society to develop a deeper understanding of both the scientific method and natural systems, with a particular focus on the evolution of the lithosphere, with its mineral resources, and life, as testified by the paleontological record.
This session aims to facilitate the discussion on the role of scientific museums in present-day society. The focus will be mainly devoted to the research and dissemination activities carried out in museums. We welcome contributions on taxonomy, diagnostics, conservation, and valorisation of museum collections and specimens (including digitization and cataloguing), the study of biodiversity, history of science and environment (including the exploitation of geo-resources through the centuries), curatorial aspects (innovative exhibits and storytelling), citizen science, and education. Abstracts regarding geo-sites and case studies on the indicated topics are also recommended.
CONVENERS: Rosarosa Manca (Università di Firenze), Maura Fugazzotto (Università di Catania), Luca Bellucci (Università di Firenze), Daniela Mauro (Università di Pisa)
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