The Geoscience paradigm: resources, risk and future perspectives

Potenza, 19-21 settembre 2023

Programma delle sessioni

S1. Biogeochemical processes in the Anthropocene: nutrients and pollutants cycling across the environmental matrices

Conveners and Chairpersons: Stefania Venturi - Università degli Studi di Firenze Nicolas Greggio - Università degli Studi di Bologna Marco Taussi - Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo


Wednesday 20 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula A5

1-1 11.00 - 11.15: Pennisi M.*, Baneschi I., Adamo M.P., Gavrichkova O., Maerkel M., Ragazzi E., Richiardi C., Rossi V., Salvadori M., Scartazza A., Sella L., Vicario S. & Zanetti A. : Linking earth sciences, terrestrial ecosystems and social sciences in critical zone study: the project ABRESO (Belmont Forum).

1-2 11.15 - 11.30: Carlini C.*, Chauduri S., Greggio N., Marazza D., Mann O., Schinner R., Hüffer T., Hofmann T. & Sigmund G. : Immobilization of leachable metals and metalloids in soil with dolomite-enriched biochar and comparison with commercial activated carbon.

1-3 11.30 - 11.45: Greggio N.*, Carloni G., Giambastiani B.M.S., Toller S., Dinelli E. & Antonellini M. : Enrichment of Potential Toxic Elements (PTEs) in sediments of drainage canals in a low-lying coastal area.

1-4 11.45 - 12.00: Pulcher R.*, Greggio N., Marazza D., Dinelli E. & Buscaroli A. : Magnetic carbon-based biomaterials for the recovery of inorganic pollutants from contaminated water.

1-5 12.00 - 12.15: Cabassi J.*, Vaselli O., Venturi S., Nisi B., Doveri M., Chemeri L., Di Spigno M., Franceschi L., Cornacchia I., Agostini S., Caprai A., Pomoni E. & Luna Aroche J.R. : Hydrogeochemical characterization of Asunción Mita (Jutiapa, Guatemala) pilot site: assessment of groundwater resources potentiality and pollution in the framework of the Agua Futura Project.

1-6 12.15 - 12.30: Lo Bue G.*, Marchini A., Baroni M. & Mancin N. : Microplastics agglutinated in Sabellariid bioconstructions (Polychaeta, Annelida) of northern adriatic sea – Part 2:  first attempt to quantify their amount.

1-7 12.30 - 12.45: Biagi R.*, Ferrari M., Tassi F., Frezzi F. & Venturi S. : From rural to urban areas: a transect along the Greve River Basin (Chianti territory, Central Italy) investigating greenhouse gases distribution and metal deposition with a combination of traditional and low-cost technical approaches.

1-8 12.45 - 13.00: Randazzo A.*, Davie-Martin C.L., Tassi F. & Rinnan R. : Release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from hydrothermally altered soil: biological, physical, and chemical constraints.


Wednesday 20 September 2023 - Poster Area

1-9 Booth 1: Micheletti F.*, Fornelli A., Festa V., Tommasi F., Gjata I. & Bruno G. : Critical trace elements and REE in abiotic and biotic environments: geochemical inferences from the Apulian karst (southern Italy).

1-10 Booth 2: Morelli G.*, Rimondi V., Balestra B., Monnanni A. & Costagliola P. : Road dust, a vector for potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and microplastic contamination in the urban areas of Ravenna and Marina di Massa (Italy).

1-11 Booth 3: Tiepolo M.*, Compostella C., Muttoni G., Gatta G.D., Ferrari E., Sessa G., De Giorgi D., Colombi C., Cuccia E. & Dal Santo U. : Historical trends of metal pollution in the metropolitan area of Milano: a combined dendro-chemical, dendro-magnetic and dendro-X-ray diffractometric study.

1-12 Booth 4: Taussi M.*, Vespasiano G., Chemeri L., Nisi B., Vaselli O. & Renzulli A. : Anthropogenic and natural factors affecting the water quality of the Metauro River valley groundwater resource (Central Italy).

1-13 Booth 5: Giannetti F.*, Gozzi C., Venturi S., Natali C., Rimondi V., Morelli G., Vaselli O., Tassi F., Maccelli C., Buccianti A. & Avanzinelli R. : Disentangling natural vs. anthropogenic sources of heavy metals in river ecosystems: a geochemical perspective to support biodiversity in multiple sourced environments.

1-14 Booth 6: Venturi S.*, Frezzi F., Biagi R., Chemeri L., Viti G., Ferrari M., Maccelli C., Gozzi C., Nisi B., Capecchiacci F., Vaselli O. & Tassi F. : Rain or shine, flowing from the spring to the outflow: geochemical evolution of stream waters across a rural-to-urban transect (Greve River, Tuscany, Italy).

1-15  Booth 7: Chemeri L.*, Cabassi J., Taussi M. & Venturi S. : Development and testing of a new flexible, rapid and easily applicable Chemical Water Quality Index (CWQI).

1-16 Booth 8: Lo Bue G.*, Marchini A., Musa M., Croce A., Riccardi M.P. & Mancin N. : Microplastics agglutinated in Sabellariid bioconstructions (Polychaeta, Annelida) of northern adriatic sea – Part 1: an integrated approach for a correct identification in environmental matrices.

S2. Geodiversity vs Geobiodiversity: a multidisciplinary approach to describe the Earth surface

Conveners and Chairpersons: Camilla Palmiotto - CNR - ISMAR di Bologna Mara Cipriani - Università della Calabria Adriano Guido - Università della Calabria Valentina Alice Bracchi - Università di Milano-Bicocca - Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare, Roma


Wednesday 20 September 2023 [08.30-10.30] - Aula A5

2-1 08.30 - 08.45 Maruca G.*, Bruno F., Lagudi A., Barbieri L., Gallo A., Cipriani M. & Guido A. : A new approach for the remote 3D study of Mediterranean marine bioconstructions.

2-2 08.45 - 09.00 Palermiti S.*, Ortolano G., Magazzù G. & Cirrincione R. : The mylonitic rocks of the Ulivarella Staks (Palmi - RC): a natural laboratory unravelling the Mediterranean microplates geodynamics.

2-3 09.00 - 09.15 Savini A.*, Taviani M. , Fabri M. , Freiwald A. & Sarrazin J. : Cold-Water corals on the southern Apulian margin (Mediterranean Sea): unveiling the role of geodiversity for ecosystem-based management of offshore resources.

2-4 09.15 - 09.30 de Luca A.*, Lisco S.N., Festa V., De Giosa F., Acquafredda P., Gimenez G. & Moretti M. : Comparison between different mesophotic bioconstruction substrates in the current systems of Apulian coasts.

2-5 09.30 - 09.45 --- Withdrawn --- Wu Q.*, Bertinelli A., Nicora A., Susta U. & Rigo M. : Radiolarians biostratigraphy at the Carnian/Norian boundary from Pizzo Mondello section (western Sicily, Italy).

2-6 09.45 - 10.00 Canonica L.*, Gianoglio F., Di Piazza S., Capra V., Marescotti P. & Zotti M. : Culturable mycobiome in serpentinite soils.

2-7 10.00 - 10.15 D'Amico F.*, Guido A., Kočí T., DeVries T.J., Collareta A., Bosio G. & Sanfilippo R. : Unusual biomineralization processes in marine invertebrates: the example of Cirratulid polychaetes from Peru.

2-8 10.15 - 10.30 Bracchi V.A.*, Basso D. : On the biogeomorphology of crustose coralline algae in the Mediterranean Sea.


Wednesday 20 September 2023 - Poster Area

2-9 Booth 9 Bonatti E.* : Geodiversity versus biodiversity in Oceanic Islands.

2-10 Booth 10 Palmiotto C.*, Cuffaro M., Ficini E., Loreto M.F. & Muccini F. : Geodiversity of Oceanic Back-Arc Spreading Centers.

2-11 Booth 11 Romano S.*, Mugnai C., Palmiotto C., Giuliani S. & Bellucci L.G. : Geo- and bio-diversity interaction and human impacts in an area subject to climate change: the case of Thi Nai Lagoon, central Vietnam.

2-12 Booth 12 Bellini F.* & Colacicco R. : A geological path to enhance geodiversity in the Gravina of Laterza ("Terra delle Gravine" Regional Park, Puglia, Southern Italy).

2-13 Booth 13 Casaburi A.*, Alberico I. & Matano F. : Geodiversity national scale map of Italy: challenges and opportunities.

2-14 Booth 14 Santagati P.*, Guerrieri S., Borrelli M. & Perri E. : MIS 5a carbonate deposits (MIS 5a) of Capo Colonna (Crotone, Southern Italy): microfacies and biosedimentary processes.

2-15 Booth 15 Innangi S.*, Ferraro L., Bracchi V.A., Di Martino G., Giordano L., Innangi M. & Tonielli R. : On the outstanding geo and biodiversity of the submarine volcanic edifice of Linosa island (Sicily Channel, Mediterranean Sea).

2-16 Booth 16 Bracchi V.A.*, Negri M.P., Bazzicalupo P., Bertolino M., Cipriani M., D'Alpa F., Donato G., Guido A., Rosso A., Sanfilippo R., Sciuto F. & Basso D. : On the contribution and possible role of mollusks to coralligenous build-ups: results from CRESCIBLUREEF project.

2-17 Booth 17 Cipriani M.*, Apollaro C., Basso D., Bazzicalupo P., Bertolino M., Bracchi V.A., Bruno F., Costa G., Dominici R., Gallo A., Muzzupappa M., Rosso A., Sanfilippo R., Sciuto F., Vespasiano G. & Guido A. : The dual role of sponges in Coralligenous build-ups: competitors of carbonatogenic bacteria and promoters of unusual biomineralizations.

2-18 Booth 18 Guido A.*, Belmonte G., Sanfilippo R. & Rosso A. : Continental vs. marine stalactites: differences and similitutes between two peculiar geobiological system.

2-19 Booth 19 Deias C., Guido A.*, Sanfilippo R., Apollaro C., Dominici R., Cipriani M., Barca D. & Vespasiano G. : Geochemical composition and fractionation of trace elements in biocement of Sabellaria (Polychaeta) as proxy for short- and long-term environmental studies.

S3. The coastal environment paradigma: landforms, deposits and sediment dynamics

Conveners and Chairpersons: Matteo Vacchi - University of Pisa Gaia Mattei - University of Napoli Parthenope Marta Pappalardo - University of Pisa Pietro Aucelli - University of Napoli Parthenope Alessio Rovere - Ca' Foscari University of Venice


Thursday 21 September 2023 [15.30-17.30] - Aula Leonardo

3-1 15.30 - 15.45 Caporizzo C.*, Gracia F.J., Mattei G., Martín-Puertas C., Stocchi P. & Aucelli P.P.C. : Reconstructing Holocene RSL changes in the Bay of Cádiz: the influence of local and regional dynamics.

3-2 15.45 - 16.00 Borzì L.*, Barbagallo V., D'Andrea N.M., Distefano S., Marino M., Urso S., Tavilla G., Sciandrello S., Grasso R., Spena M.T., Cavallaro L., Di Stefano A., Foti E. & Musumeci R. : Coastal human-induced changes in the context of Climate Change: the case study of South-East Sicily.

3-3 16.00 - 16.15 Tursi M.F.*, Minervino Amodio A., Caporizzo C., Del Pizzo S., Figliomeni F.G., Mattei G., Parente C., Rosskopf C.M. & Aucelli P.P.C. : The response of a tectonically stable area to Holocene sea-level rise by means of remote sensing and direct Surveys: The case study of Punta Licosa Promontory (Southern Italy).

3-4 16.15 - 16.30 Morelli D.*, Locatelli M., Crispini L., Corradi N., Cianfarra P., Federico L. & Brandolini P. : Late-Quaternary paleo-environment evolution and structural constraints in the Gulf of Genoa (Ligurian Sea, Italy): new evidence from CARG survey.

3-5 16.30 - 16.45 Lippolis E.* : Photogrammetry as a tool to preserve and enhance rare fossil mollusks studied by Arcangelo Scacchi.

3-6 16.45 - 17.00 Raffa G.*, Morelli D., Pepe F., Corradi N., Perego A., Starnini E., Vacchi M., Ryan D.D., Zerboni A., Notter O., Rossoni-Notter E., Moussous A. & Pappalardo M. : Detecting submerged palaeo-shoreline landforms created by sea level variation during Late-quaternary in the Ligurian-Provençal continental shelf, facing an outstanding Palaeolithic archaeological site, through multibeam and high-resolution seismic data.

3-7 17.00 - 17.15 Zanola E.*, Bonomo S., Di Stefano A., Distefano S., Ferretti P., Fornaciari E., Galeotti S., Incarbona A., Macrì P., Raffi I., Sabatino N., Speranza F., Sprovieri M., Di Stefano E. & Capraro L. : Unraveling sub-millenial central Mediterranean climate variability across the Piacenzian/Gelasian boundary: insights from high-resolution δ18O and δ13C isotopes analysis.

3-8 17.15 - 17.30 Mattei G.*, Rizzo A., Vacchi M. & Aucelli P.P.C. : Can the Mediterranean coastal plains be resilient to the ongoing climate change?


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

3-9 Booth 1 Borchi F.* & Belvedere M. : Unravelling a mystery box: valorization and dissemination of Poggiorosso's "Hyena's den", from the Pleistocene of upper Valdarno, through virtual paleontology.

3-10 Booth 2 Borzì L.*, Tri Laksono FX A., Distefano S., Czirok L., Halmai A., Di Stefano A. & Kovács J. : Shoreline change dynamics along the Augusta Coast, Eastern Sicily, South Italy.

3-11 Booth 3 Mattei G.*, Cinque A., Caporizzo C., Amato L., Pappone G., Stocchi P. & Aucelli P.P.C. : Interaction between ground deformations and human sphere along the unstable coastal area of Campi Felgrei volcano (Southern Italy).

3-12 Booth 4 Pandolfi L.* : Investigating the cranial morphology of Quaternary rhinoceroses: benefits and limits in virtual environment.

3-13 Booth 5 Perrone C.B.*, Cornacchia I., Rossi V.M., Brandano M. & Longhitano S.G. : Chemostratigraphy of a lower pleistocene section from the siderno paleostrait, Calabria, Southern Italy.

3-14 Booth 6 Santagati P.*, Perri E., Borrelli M. & Guerrieri S. : Late Pleistocene (MIS 5e) SST estimate: a multiproxy study on a macrofossil assemblage.

3-15 Booth 7 Sorrentino A.*, Mattei G., Pappone G., Tursi M.F. & Aucelli P.P.C. : From sea-level proxies to coastal changes: a new geostatistical approach to reconstruct the Late-Quaternary coastal evolution of Cilento promontory (Southern Italy).

3-16 Booth 8 Vacchi M.* & Mattei G. : Drivers of Holocene sea-level changes along the Italian coasts.

3-17 Booth 9 Vacchi M.*, Bonetto J., Rossi V., Metelli C., Carraro F. & Di Rita F. : Late-Holocene sea-level reconstruction in the archeological site of Nora (southern Sardinia).

S4. Geomaterials and Cultural Heritage

Conveners and Chairpersons: Michele Secco - Università degli Studi di Padova Concetta Rispoli - Università di Napoli Federico II Domenico Miriello - Università della Calabria


Wednesday 20 September 2023 [08.30-10.30] - Aula Magna

4-1 08.30 - 09.00 [KEYNOTE] Cappelletti P.* : An outstanding example of volcanic geomaterials utilization: pozzolana and Phlegrean materials with pozzolanic activity.

4-2 09.00 - 09.15 Gambino F.*, Borghi A., Cossio R., Martire L., Appolonia L., Glarey A. & Vendrell M. : Characterization of ancient mortars: an archaeometric protocol of analysis.

4-3 09.15 - 09.30 Indelicato V.*, Punturo R., Beninato G., Lanzafame G., Vaccaro C. & Cirrincione R. : Characterisation of natural stone materials employed in some historical monuments of Catania (Sicily): case study of the fabric-related degradation phenomena.

4-4 09.30 - 09.45 Falcone F.*, Perna M.G., Casolino C. & Stoppa F. : Microanalytical approach for archaeometric characterization of glazed ceramic.

4-5 09.45 - 10.00 Rispoli C., Montesano G.*, Verde M., Balassone G., Columbu S., De Bonis A., Di Benedetto C., D'Uva F., Esposito R., Graziano S.F., Mercurio M., Morra V. & Cappelletti P. : The key to ancient Roman mortars hydraulicity: ceramic fragments or volcanic materials?

4-6 10.00 - 10.15 Bruzzone L.*, Gaggero L., Zucchiatti A. & Molera J. : Experimental investigation of historical processing of cobalt and arsenic phases to obtain blue as-free pigment by roasting erythrite and clinosafflorite.

4-7 10.15 - 10.30 Indelicato V.*, Punturo R., Lanzafame G., Maniscalco R., Fazio E., Muschella L. & Cirrincione R. : Pore network impact on petrophysical characteristics of the asphaltic limestone used in the Late Baroque towns of the Val di Noto UNESCO site (south-eastern Sicily).

Wednesday 20 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula Magna

4-8 11.00 - 11.15 Dilaria S.*, Secco M., Bonetto J., Previato C., Ricci G., Ghiotto A.R., Miriello D. & Artioli A. : Vitruvian and "alternative" volcanic pozzolans in the ancient world. A brief review based on recent scientific advances.

4-9 11.15 - 11.30 Paghi D.*, Manca R., Casalini M. & Benvenuti M. : On the origin of Italian maiolica: a compositional and lead isotopic study of maiolica glazes.

4-10 11.30 - 11.45 (Invited) Ortiz S.*, de Lucio O.G., Nagaya A., Goguitchaichvili A. & Barba L. : Heating temperatures in the Kilns: evidence on how the Maya pre-Hispanic society manufacturing their lime.

4-11 11.45 - 12.00 Cupido M.*, Mammoliti E., Teloni R., Tittarelli F., Giuli G., Farabollini P. & Santini S. : Implementation of a non-destructive method to assess weathering deterioration on sandstones in cultural heritage.

4-12 12.00 - 12.15 Manca R.*, Ciani F., Rimondi V., Costagliola P. & Benvenuti M. : The use of corrosive sublimate (HgCl2) in the Herbaria of the University of Florence – state of the art and future research.

4-13 12.15 - 12.30 d'Aniello F.*, Cappelletti P., Di Benedetto C., Izzo F., Langella A., Rispoli C. & De Bonis A. : Formulating restoration mortars for improved substrate compatibility: insights from Vitruvius' recipe.

4-14 12.30 - 12.45 Verde M.*, De Bonis A., Tomeo A., Renson V., Germinario C., D'Uva F., Rispoli C. & Morra V. : Differently Calenian: a multi-analytical study on coarse-grained pottery from the archaeological site of Cales (South Italy).

4-15 12.45 - 13.00 Massinelli G.*, Possenti E., Colombo C., Gatta G.D., Realini M. & Marinoni N. : 4D imaging synchrotron x-ray microtomography to investigate the dynamic of the consolidation process due to inorganic treatments on calcareous stone.

Wednesday 20 September 2023 [17.30-19.30] - Aula Magna

4-16 17.30 - 17.45 Macchiarola M.* & d'Aniello F. : Innovative and sustainable lime-metakaolin restoration mortars: development and applications.

4-17 17.45 - 18.00 Morabito G.*, Gatta G.D., Marinoni N., Colombo C., Catrambone M., Pedrazzi T. & Botto M. : Discovering peoples, cultures, and technologies: toward a non-invasive approach for the study of archaeological ceramics from the Phoenician necropolis of Monte Sirai and Pani Loriga (Sardinia).

4-18 18.00 - 18.15 Lamuraglia R.*, Stucchi N.M.E., Coletti C., Mazzoli C., Menegazzo F. & Traviglia A. : Archaeometric investigation on Roman fresco fragments from topsoil of Aquileia (Italy).

4-19 18.15 - 18.30 Senesi M.*, Borghi A., Giacobino E. & Mariano G. : The historical collection of minerals and rocks from Egypt preserved at the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences.

4-20 18.30 - 18.45 Razzante V., Secco M.*, Chavarría Arnau A. & Brogiolo G.P. : Alkali-activated earthen mortars in the medieval site of San Giovanni Evangelista in Castelseprio (Varese).

4-21 18.45 - 19.00 Gizzi F.T.*, Bentivenga M., Biscione M., Giano I., Masini N., Potenza M.R., Antunes I.M.H.R., Muceku Y. & Sannazzaro A. : The BEGIN project: from the census to the geoconservation and valorisation of Italian "ghost towns".

4-22 19.00 - 19.15 Miriello D., Staine M.*, Bruttini J., Cantini F., Columbu S., De Luca R., Fratini F. & Pecci A. : Archaeometric study of ancient mortars and plasters from Palazzo Vecchio (Florence, Italy).

4-23 19.15 - 19.30 Sighinolfi G.P.*, Di Salvatore M., Foggia F. & Turano G. : Preliminary results of a multidisciplinary study on the anthropogenic vitrified rock structure of Serravuda (Acri, Calabria, Italia).


Wednesday 20 September 2023 - Poster Area

4-24 Booth 20 Calandra S. , Salvatici T. , Centauro I., Cantisani E. , Garzonio C.A., Manca R. & Pecchioni E.* : The characterization of construction materials of the Arno riverbanks (Florence): comparison between the techniques and raw materials of several sections of the Florentine Lungarno.

4-25 Booth 21 Ibarra T., Ortiz S., de Lucio O.G.*, García-Alonso L. & Barba L. : Prehispanic lime plaster production technology at Ichkaantijoo, Yucatán, México: an analytical study for archaeological conservation of Maya architecture.

4-26 Booth 22 Izzo F., d'Aniello F.*, De Bonis A., Ellis S., Germinario C., Guarino V., Grifa C., Mercurio M., Morra V. & Langella A. : Preliminary minero-petrographic characterization of archaeological ceramics from Pompei (Regio I, Insula 1). Pompei Archaeological Research Project: Porta Stabia (IV-I century B.C.).

4-27 Booth 23 Laskaridis K.*, Arapakou A., Patronis M. & Papatrechas C. : Promotion of Thassos and Naxos heritage ornamental stones.

4-28 Booth 24 Liano M., de Lillo T.E., Mangone A., Monno A., Laviano R., Roascio S., Tempesta G. & Eramo G.* : Diagnostic investigation on a Sorel and Portland cement boiserie at Palazzo Fizzarotti (BA).

4-29 Booth 25 Mameli P.*, Garau E. & Rovina D. : Roman settlement in Sardinia: archaeometric contribution to the excavation of Santa Filitica Villa (Sorso, Italy).

4-30 Booth 26 Maspoli R., Fratini F.* & Rescic S. : Analysis and evaluation of abandoned modern concrete heritage: the case study of the "Marxer Pharmaceutical Laboratory and Research Institute" in the context of the Olivetti heritage in Ivrea.

4-31 Booth 27 Romiti C.*, Donatelli E., Paggini F., Vaselli O. & Camaiti M. : New advances in stone Cultural Heritage conservation: the advantages of superhydrophobic and self-cleaning coatings.

4-32 Booth 28 Scanu M., Capaldi C., Ciotola A., D'Uva F., Morra V., Verde M.* & De Bonis A. : Archaeometric analysis for the provenance of Roman amphorae of Cumae from North Africa: a preliminary assessment.

4-33 Booth 29 Senesi M.* & Santoro L. : Geological and ore deposit collection of the Museum of Natural Sciences of Turin.

S5. Geosciences and heritage in a time-lapse: origin, lifetime and future challenges

Conveners and Chairpersons: Michela Botticelli - CNR-ISPC Catania Giulia Ricci - Università di Padova Laura Medeghini - Sapienza Università di Roma


Thursday 21 September 2023 [08.30-10.30] - Aula Magna


5-1 08.30 - 08.45 Porrovecchio C.* : Direct study of natural stone materials of historical architecture in the context of the deposit for rubble of cultural interest in seismic emergency.

5-2 08.45 - 09.00 Calzolari L.*, Fernandez-Martinez A., Magnin V., Medeghini L. & Mignardi S. : Evaluation of the hydraulicity of ancient Roman mortars: the aqueducts of ancient Rome.

5-3 09.00 - 09.15 Stucchi N.M.E., Lamuraglia R.*, Coletti C., Franceschin G., Vavasori A., Mazzoli C. & Traviglia A. : Minero-petrographic characterization of historical mortars from Aquileia.

5-4 09.15 - 09.30 Capriotti S.*, Chiarabba E., Marconi N., Conati Barbaro C. & Medeghini L. : Provenance analysis and production technology of ancient ceramics from Battifratta cave, Italy.

5-5 09.30 - 09.45 Russo G.*, Petrinelli Pannocchia C., Vassanelli A., Medeghini L., Ridolfi S., Capriotti S. & Mignardi S. : Back to Ancient Neolithic: archaeometric investigation of pottery sherds from Rio Tana (Abruzzo, central Italy).

5-6 09.45 - 10.00 Conti L., Gennari D., Massa V., Sidoti G., Medeghini L. & Botticelli M.* : Birth and rebirth of the mosaic in Rome: characterizing the revival of Roman recipes in the 16th century large-scale wall decorations of the Caetani Chapel, Santa Pudenziana.

5-7 10.00 - 10.15 Montanaro A.C.* : Amber jewelry from pre-roman Apulia between 6th and 5th century BC the case of Rutigliano.

5-8 10.15 - 10.30 Fabrizi L.*, Liu Y., Casalini M., Scognamiglio A., Naso A., Chiarantini L. & Benvenuti M. : The ingots from the archaic Giglio-Campese wreck: chemical and isotopic study.

Thursday 21 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula Magna


5-9 11.00 - 11.15 Bernabale M.*, Cognigni F. , Rossi M. & De Vito C. : Multiscale characterization of corrosion in archaeological artefacts from Motya (Sicily, Italy) through X-ray microscopy.

5-10 11.15 - 11.30 Boccaccini F.*, Riccucci C., Messina E., Pascucci M., Bosi F., Chelazzi D., Guaragnone T., Baglioni P., Ingo G.M. & Di Carlo G. : Reproduction of archaeological patinas on bronze coupons through 15 years of intentional burial in the soil of Tharros (Sardinia, Italy).

5-11 11.30 - 11.45 Bentivenga M., Nappi A., Guidetti G., Lucente S., Giordano A.*, Oliveto S., Guerra J.G., Minervino Amodio A., Cerone D. & Prosser G. : The itinerary of Muro Lucano, in Basilicata: between geology, archeology and industrial archeology.

5-12 11.45 - 12.00 Kratter M.*, Benedetti F., Beccaccioli M., Tomassetti M.C., Reverberi M. & Rinaldi T. : Microbiological survey in hypogeal environments, assessing the bacterial and fungal metabolic role in biodegradation.

5-13 12.00 - 12.15 Benedetti F.*, Kratter M., Atanasio P., Buccini L., Passeri D., Rossi M., Trippetta F. & Rinaldi T. : Biomineralization activity of bacteria for ornamental stones restoration.

5-14 12.15 - 12.30 Grano M.C.*, Scavone M., Masini N. & Sileo M. : Non-destructive monitoring of an outdoor stone monument for analyzing the evolution of degradation phenomena in 25 years.

5-15 12.30 - 12.45 Fratello C., Di Fazio M.*, Aibéo C., Simon S., Furche A., Leonelli F. & Medeghini L. : Study for the production of a new sustainable additive for restauration mortars.

5-16 12.45 - 13.00 Logiodice A.L., Germinario G., Mezzadri P., Vasanelli E. & Calia A.* : New prospective in the use of inorganic consolidants for mortars: the case of the urban mural "Ama il tuo sogno" by Jorit Agoch in Matera.


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

5-17 Booth 10 Calzolari L.*, Amadasi M.E., Medeghini L. & Mignardi S. : Aqua Virgo: first characterization of mortars and plasters from the inner duct.

5-18 Booth 11 Capriotti S.*, Medeghini L., Bernabale M., Calzolari L., Chiarucci C., Di Fazio M., De Vito C., Mignardi S. & Stasolla F.R. : Preliminary investigation of geomaterials from the archaeological site of the Holy Sepulchre.

5-19 Booth 12 Fabrizi L.*, Coeli C., Moggi Cecchi V. & Benvenuti M. : The gems of the Targioni Tozzetti 18th century naturalistic collections: a mineralogical study.

5-20 Booth 13 Giaccari M.*, Soncin S., Pellegrini M., Riga A., Lelli P., Di Matteo M. & Tafuri M.A. : Diet and mobility in Medieval Florence: a multi-isotopic approach.

5-21 Booth 14 Bentivenga M.*, Pescatore E., Gizzi F.T., Masini N., Piccarreta M. & Giano S.I. : Geoheritage and geoconservation, from theory to practice: the "ghost town" of Craco (Matera, Basilicata Region, Southern Italy).

5-22 Booth 15 Rea C., Di Fazio M.*, Romano M., Petti F.M., Ciccola A., Benedetti F., Kratter M., Rinaldi T. & Medeghini L. : Protection of dinosaur footprints in carbonate deposits: the case of Sezze (Latium, central Italy) ichnosite.

5-23 Booth 16 Bernabale M.*, Medeghini L., De Vito C., Calzolari L., Capriotti S. & Mignardi S. : Exploring ancient mortars for the creation of innovative restoration materials: On-Tech Project.

5-24 Booth 17 Boccaccini F.*, Mancini L., Degli Esposti F., Riccucci C., Pascucci M., Messina E., Bosi F., Favero G. & Di Carlo G. : Artificial reproduction of natural and artistic patinas on bronze mock-ups to be used as sacrificial substrates for the validation of new conservation materials.

S6. The new era of remote sensing and 3D modelling in digital geological mapping

Conveners and Chairpersons: Daniele Cirillo - Università degli Studi G. d'Annunzio Chieti-Pescara Chiara D'Ambrogi - Dip. Servizio Geologico d'Italia - ISPRA Stefano Tavani - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Angelo Cipriani - Dip. Servizio Geologico d'Italia - ISPRA


Tuesday 19 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula Magna

6-1 11.00 - 11.15 Tarascio S.*, Barreca G., Carbone S., Gambino S., Monaco C. & Scicchitano G. : GIS application for the analysis of the geological risk along the coastal area included in the 1:50.000 Siracusa Geological Map (CARG Project).

6-2 11.15 - 11.30 Pasqualone L.*, Mirabella F. & Brozzetti F. : Field survey using technological devices: an example from CARG geological mapping projects in Umbria (Northern Apennines, Italy).

6-4 11.30 - 11.45 Brighenti F.*, Carnemolla F., De Guidi G., Giuffrida S. & Messina D. : Use of UAS survey method to monitor, analyze geological hazards and morphological changes on the Santa Barbara mud volcano of Caltanissetta (Central Sicily, Italy).

6-5 11.45 - 12.00 Perozzo M.*, Menegoni N., Maino M., Benedetti G., Poggi E., Carretta N., Ferro S., Rivola W. & Seno S. : Evaluation of an innovative approach for the stability analysis of critical rock cliff based on UAV-based Digital Outcrop Model. A case from the 245-Albenga sheet (CARG Project).

6-6 12.00 - 12.15 Tomassetti L.* : Digital outcrop modeling as tool for geological field mapping in hard-to-reach areas: examples from "Sheet 370 Guardiagrele" CARG-project (Geological map of Italy at 1: 50.000 scale).

6-7 12.15 - 12.30 (Invited) Carboni F.*, Porreca M., Cenci G., Valerio E., Manzo M., De Luca C., Ercoli M., Occhipinti M. & Barchi M.R. : Integration of DInSAR and geological data to infer lithology and tectonic structures controlling coseismic deformation.

6-8 12.30 - 12.45 Menichetti M.*, Francioni M. & Torre D. : Geological 3D survey with iOS LiDAR: quantitative and qualitative comparative assessment.

Tuesday 19 September 2023 [15.30-17.30]
- Aula Magna

6-9 15.30 - 15.45 Marinangeli L.*, Pondrelli M., Di Pietro I., Tangari A.C. & Caramanico A. : Combining multisensor and multiresolution data for stratigraphical analysis on Mars.

6-10 15.45 - 16.00 Solaro G.*, De Novellis V., Alvioli M., Barone A., Bonfante A., Buonanno M., Castaldo R., Pepe S., Reichenbach P., Tizzani P. & Vitale A. : Deformation and rockfall processes on Ischia Island (Italy) by integrating satellite measurements and UAS platform data.

6-11 16.00 - 16.15 Bistacchi A.*, Benedetti G., Arienti G., Comelli T. & Penasa L. : PZero: a new open-source Python geomodelling platform.

6-12 16.15 - 16.30 Abdallah I.*, Manniello C., Prosser G. & Agosta F. : Reservoir-scale structural architecture of high-angle basin-bounding faults in Mesozoic platform carbonates.

6-13 16.30 - 16.45 Olita F.*, Giampaolo V., Capozzoli L., De Martino G., Giano S.I., Palladino G., Prosser G. & Rizzo E. : Multidisciplinary analyses for a 3D modeling of Quaternary clastic infill of the High Agri Valley.

6-14 16.45 - 17.00 Montalbano S.*, Maniscalco R., Anzelmo G., Carbone S., Catalano S., Di Stefano  A., Distefano S. & Iacopini D. : Subsurface Map and 3D model of CARG Ragusa Sheet 648 (Hyblean Plateau, SE Sicily, Italy).

6-15 17.00 - 17.15 Gambino S.*, Tarascio S., Barreca G., Monaco C., Mineo S., Pappalardo G., Pagano M. & Carbone S. : Tectonic and paleo-morphologic influence on surface and ground water flows revealed by field-mapping and 3D modelling: the Floridia basin (Siracusa, Italy) case study.

6-16 17.15 - 17.30 Dozzo M.*, Ganci G., Scollo S. & Lucchi F. : Exploiting Planetscope imagery for volcano deposits mapping.


Tuesday 19 September 2023 - Poster Area

6-3 Booth 1 Fazio E.* : Geo-petro-structural digital mapping of crystalline basements and 3D Virtual Outcrop Model.

6-17 Booth 2 Abbassi A.*, Cipollari P. & Cosentino D. : The "il Casone-Monte delle Fate" mega-olistostrome in the Eastern External Ligurian Unit.

6-18 Booth 3 Abbassi A.*, Cipollari P., Zaghloul M.N., El Mourabet M. & Cosentino D. : The Mesorif unconformity: new stratigraphical constraints from a late Serravallian wedge-top basin in the Tamda tectonic window (Northern Morocco).

6-19 Booth 4 Cipriani A.*, Radeff G., Romagnoli G., D'Ambrogi C., Capotorti F., Consorti L., D'Orefice M., Fabbi S., Fiorenza D., Frezza V., Garzarella A., Lo Faro S., Muraro C., Nocentini M., Pampaloni M.L., Papasodaro F., Prinzi E. & Tomassetti L. : A new digital era for geological mapping in the CARG Project at 1:50,000 scale: the case of the Sheet n. 313 "Camerino".

6-20 Booth 5 Cipriani A., Scarani R.*, Menegoni N., Stori L., Citton P., Romano M., Nicosia U. & Ronchi A. : The Cala Viola-Torre del Porticciolo coastal area: a unique tectono-stratigraphic site to unravel the polyphase tectonics in NW Sardinia.

6-21 Booth 6 Cirillo D.*, Tangari A.C., Scarciglia F., Lavecchia G. & Brozzetti F. : Determining the age of fault surface in a seismic gap area of Northern Calabria (Southern Italy), using UAV photogrammetry, high-resolution topography, and pedological analyses.

6-22 Booth 7 Cirillo D.*, Cerritelli F., Agostini S., Bello S., Lavecchia G. & Brozzetti F. : Structural-geological analysis through Integration of PPK-UAV photogrammetry and digital field mapping.

6-23 Booth 8 D'Ambrogi C.*, Congi M.P., Clemente F., D'Orefice M., Marino M., Petricca P., Pieruccioni D. & Tomassetti L. : The CARG Project toward 3D geology: the new "dimension" of the Geological map of Italy 1:50,000 scale.

6-24 Booth 9 Gigante M.*, Dezio L., Di Gregorio M., Garofalo A., Susini A. & Cirillo D. : The 2023 Turkey earthquakes: a 3D geological model reconstruction of fault surfaces using the move software.

6-25 Booth 10 Ielpo D.*, Olita F., Giampaolo V., Capozzoli L., De Martino G., Palladino G., Prosser G. & Rizzo E. : Multidisciplinary study of the Tramutola oil field in the High Agri Valley, integrating geophysical and well data to the surface geological survey.

6-26 Booth 11 Manna L.*, Perozzo M., Menegoni N., Tamburelli S., Crispini L., Federico L., Seno S. & Maino M. : Integration of field and 3D high-resolution digital outcrop model data for the study of a km-scale fault zone in the Ligurian Alps: a case from the Albenga sheet (CARG Project).

6-27 Booth 12 Palmucci A.*, Cirillo D., Cerritelli F., Agostini S. & Brozzetti F. : Semi-automatic textural characterization of a massive rock failure deposit: the Rock avalanche of Sant'Eufemia a Maiella (Abruzzo, Italy).

6-28 Booth 13 Peronace E.*, Cirillo D., Brozzetti F., Bello S., Messina P. & Galli P. : UAV photogrammetry for geomorphological and stratigraphical application in active tectonics perspective: the case of the Fornaca fan system (central Italian Apennines).

6-29 Booth 14 Pietrolungo F.*, Palano M., Sparacino F., Cirillo D., de Nardis R. & Lavecchia G. : Crustal deformation at the Himalaya region and South Tibet: a 3D structural model from a multidisciplinary perspective.

6-30 Booth 15 Susini A.*, Dezio L., Di Gregorio M., Garofalo A., Gigante M. & Cirillo D. : 3D geological modelling generated from structure from motion, fieldmove and move software.

S7. From magma degassing to gas-water-rock interaction: the role of fluids in understanding natural processes

Conveners and Chairpersons: Michele Paternoster - Università della Basilicata Andrea Ricci - INGV Palermo Antonio Caracausi - INGV Palermo Ilaria Fuoco - Università della Calabria Giovanni Vespasiano - Università della Calabria


Tuesday 19 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula 7

7-1 11.00 - 11.15 [KEYNOTE] Paonita A.*, Federico C., Bellomo S., Di Martino R.M.R., Gattuso A., La Pica L., Pecoraino G., Pisciotta A.F. & Sortino F. : The 2021-22 unrest of La Fossa volcano (Vulcano, Aeolian Archipelago): the amazing geochemistry of fumaroles.

7-2 11.15 - 11.30 (Invited) Federico C.*, Paonita A., Bellomo S., Di Martino R.M.R., Gattuso A., La Pica L., Lazzaro G., Longo M., Pecoraino G., Pisciotta A.F. & Sortino F. : The hydrothermal area of Levante Bay hit by magmatic fluids during the 2021-23 unrest of La Fossa volcano (Vulcano Island, Aeolian Archipelago): clues from fumarole composition and submarine gas emissions.

7-3 11.30 - 11.45 (Invited) Moretti R.*, Robert V., Moune S., Inostroza M., Jessop D.E., Tassi F., Vaselli O., Bonifacie M., Fiebig J., Labidi J., Vlastelic I., Chilin-Eusebe E., Grassa F., Metcalfe A. & Allard P. : The geochemistry of magmatic solicitations on volcanic-hydrothermal systems: the long-standing unrest of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe dissected via non-condensable gases.

7-4 11.45 - 12.00 (Invited) Buono G.*, Caliro S., Chiodini G., Paonita A., Pappalardo L. & Tramelli A. : New insights into the recent volcanic unrest at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) from geochemical and petrological evidence.

7-5 12.00 - 12.15 (Invited) Bini G.*, Chiodini G., Caliro S., Tassi F., Vaselli O., Rizzo A.L., Mollo S., Vougioukalakis G.E. & Bachmann O. : Nitrogen, Helium, and Argon reveal the magmatic signature of fumarole gases and episodes of outgassing from upper-crustal magma reservoirs: the case of the Nisyros caldera (Aegean Arc, Greece).

7-6 12.15 - 12.30 Tieri M.*, Cardellini C., Chiodini G., Caliro S. & Frondini F. : Deeply derived CO2 transported by the main rivers of Tiber basin (Italy): quantifications of the CO2 fluxes and implication for monitoring the seismic activity.

7-7 12.30 - 12.45 D'Alessandro W.*, Li Vigni L., Brugnone F., Bellomo S., Brusca L., Cardellini C., Caliro S., Parello F. & Calabrese S. : Geochemical characterization of the karstic waters of Crete (Greece).

7-8 12.45 - 13.00 Chemeri L.*, Taussi M., Cabassi J., Capecchiacci F., Delgado-Huertas A., Granados A., Tassi F., Renzulli A. & Vaselli O. : Groundwater geochemistry in the Pesaro-Urbino province (Marche Region, central-eastern Italy) and stable isotope application to infer water-rock interactions and hydrological pathways.


Tuesday 19 September 2023 - Poster Area

7-9 Booth 16 Cisullo C.*, Zummo F., Buccione R., Paternoster M. & Mongelli G. : Distribution of chemical and physical parameters of the water column of Lago Piccolo, Mount Vulture hydro-mineral basin (southern Italy).

7-10 Booth 17 Fuoco I., Figoli A., De Rosa R., Bloise A., Vespasiano G., Criscuoli A., Paternoster M. & Apollaro C.* : Hexavalent chromium in groundwaters interacting with serpentinite rocks outcropping in Pollino Massif: geochemical characterization and treatment.

7-11 Booth 18 Haddaji B.*, Colombani N., Agoubi B. & Karroubi A. : Assessing the suitability of geothermal water for irrigation in arid areas: a comparative study using SVM and CART algorithms based on the Irrigation Geothermal Water Quality Index (IGWQI) in the EL Hamma Aquifer, Southeastern Tunisia.

7-12 Booth 19 Kleidon A., Buccianti A. & Gozzi C.* : Linking dissipative Earth systems with their probability distributions.

7-13 Booth 20 Pierozzi A.*, Rateau R. & Rodriguez-Blanco J.D. : Introduction and prospects for the study of reactions between polymineralic-supercritical fluids systems.

7-14 Booth 21 Terribili L.*, Rateau R., Szucs A.M., Maddin M. & Rodriguez-Blanco J.D. : The crystallisation of CaCO3 from solution at ambient temperature in the presence of rare earth elements.

7-15 Booth 22 Vespasiano G.*, De Rosa R., Grassa F., Pizzino L., Cinti D., Cianflone G., Cipriani M., Fuoco I., Guido A., Bloise A. & Apollaro C. : Preliminary hydrogeochemical characterization of the Agnana, Casignana and Bivongi thermal systems (South Calabria): application of a multidisciplinary geochemical approach for geothermal resource exploitation.

7-16 Booth 23 Vetuschi Zuccolini M.*, Cabiddu D., Pittaluga S. & Miola M. : PHREESQL: a tool to process PHREEQC solubility-speciation computations as support to reaction and transport calculation on unstructured meshes.

S8. Multidisciplinary insights into rock-fluid interactions and fluid emissions: exploring tectonic settings, geochemistry and modelling approaches

Conveners and Chairpersons: Dario Buttitta – INGV Palermo Guido Maria Adinolfi - Università di Torino Daniele Maestrelli – Università di Firenze Michele Paternoster - Università della Basilicata, INGV Palermo Serena Panebianco – Università di Ferrara, (IMAA, CNR), Potenza Andrea Ricci – INGV Palermo


Wednesday 20 September 2023 [08.30-10.30] - Aula A6

8-1 08.30 - 08.45 Capelli Ghioldi G.*, Tamburello G., Sciarra A., Rizzo A.L., Liuzzo M., Rouwet D., Tassi F., Coltorti M. , Pesci A., Civico R. & Ricci T. : Estimation of natural methane release originating from a structurally controlled system.

8-2 08.45 - 09.00 Giambastiani B.M.S.*, Nespoli M., Chiapponi E., Piombo A., Martinelli G. & Antonellini M. : Mud flow dynamics and gas emissions at the mud volcanoes of Nirano, Italy.

8-3 09.00 - 09.15 Taussi M.*, Nisi B., Brogi A., Liotta D., Zucchi M., Venturi S., Cabassi J., Boschi G., Ciliberti M. & Vaselli O. : Hot and cold degassing areas unravel deep regional fluids pathways in an extensional tectonic setting: insights from the Larderello geothermal system (Northern Apennines, Italy).

8-4 09.15 - 09.30 Salvadori M., Pennisi M.*, Masciale R., Frollini E., Ghergo S., Parrone D., Preziosi E. & Passarella G. : Multi-isotope tool (O, H, B, Sr) to distinguish salinity sources in a Mediterranean karstic aquifer (Murgia, Apulia, Southern Italy).

8-5 09.30 - 09.45 Pizzino L.*, Cinti D., Grassa F., Sciarra A. & Barberio M.D. : Long-term geochemical monitoring in both cold and thermal aquifers in two seismically active sectors of southern Apennines: Irpinia and upper Sele Valley. Results from the INGV project "Myburp".

8-6 09.45 - 10.00 Buttitta D.*, Capasso G., Paternoster M., Barberio M.D., Gori F., Petitta M., Picozzi M. & Caracausi A. : Understanding the Complex Interactions of Fluids and Rocks in the Earth's Crust using multidisciplinary approach: Insights from the Contursi Hydrothermal System (Italy).

8-7 10.00 - 10.15 Adinolfi G.M.*, Carducci A., de Nardis R., De Matteis R. & Romano M.A. : A MATLAB tool to assess the quality of focal mechanisms for different purposes.

8-8 10.15 - 10.30 Morelli R.S.*, Delle Donne D., Orazi M., Nardone L., Liguoro F., Giudicepietro F., Peluso R., Scarpato G., Tramelli A., Pappalardo L., Morra V. & Caliro S. : Seismic harmonic tremor provides constraints on the hydrothermal outgassing at Pisciarelli area (Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy).

Wednesday 20 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula A6

8-9 11.00 - 11.30 (Invited) De Landro G.*, Amoroso O., Russo G., D'Agostino N., Esposito R., Emolo A. & Zollo A. : Decade-long monitoring of seismic velocity changes at the Irpinia fault system (southern Italy) reveals pore pressure pulsations.

8-10 11.30 - 11.45 Serlenga V.*, Fat-Helbary E.R., Panebianco S., Telesca L., El-Amin E.M., Hamed A. & Stabile T.A. : The role of fluids in the 1982-2016 seismicity of Aswan region (south Egypt).

8-11 11.45 - 12.00 Adinolfi G.M.*, Massa B., Convertito V. & De Matteis R. : New insights about the induced seismic sequence of the St. Gallen deep geothermal project (Switzerland).

8-12 12.00 - 12.15 Ferrari E.*, Rizzo A.L., Di Michele F., Lovati S. & Massa M. : Real-time monitoring of seismicity, groundwater and meteorological parameters: an approach for multidisciplinary studies.

8-13 12.15 - 12.30 Tarantino S.*, Poli P., D'Agostino N., Festa G., Maurizio V., Ventaffrida G. & Zollo A. : Hydrological forcing of karst aquifers in the Southern Apennines, Italy.

8-14 12.30 - 12.45 Ventola I.*, Romano G., Tripaldi S., De Girolamo M., Patella D., Filippucci M., Tallarico A. & Siniscalchi A. : Continuous monitoring of seismic-electromagnetic signals: the case-study of the Gargano promontory.

8-15 12.45 - 13.00 de Nardis R.*, Vuan A., Carbone L., Romano M.A., Talone D. & Lavecchia G. : Multi-depth spatiotemporal evolution of the Sora seismic sequence (MW4.8, central Apennines) - enhanced catalog data and 3D cluster analysis for seismotectonic purposes.


Wednesday 20 September 2023 - Poster Area

8-16 Booth 30 Bonini M., Bicocchi G., Montanari D., Ruggieri G., Tassi F., Capecchiacci F.*, Vaselli O., Sani F.2 & Maestrelli D. : Fluid vents eruptions triggered by small-magnitude earthquakes in a pressurised CO2 system, Caprese Michelangelo (Northern Apennines, central Italy).

8-17 Booth 31 Sciarra A.*, Voltattorni N., Gasparini A., Pizzino L., Chiodini G., Esposito A. & Pecoraro P. : Continuos CO2 monitoring at Mefite d'Ansanto area (Irpinia, Southern Italy): preliminary test results in the frame of the FURTHER project.

8-18 Booth 32 Tarantino S.*, Adinolfi G.M., De Landro G., Picozzi M., Carotenuto F., Caruso A., Nazeri S., Colombelli S., Muzellec T., Emolo A., Zollo A., Orefice A., Ulivieri B., Calcagni D. & Piantanida M. : An automatic monitoring platform as a tool to investigate the role of fluids in the natural/induced earthquake process.

8-19 Booth 33 Zummo F.*, Buttitta D., Caracausi A., Panebianco S., Stabile T.A. & Paternoster M. : Geochemical monitoring of Tramutola thermal water (High Agri Valley, Southern Italy): relationships to seismic activity and hydro-meteorological parameters.

S9. Geochemistry of fluids from hydrothermal and volcanic environments: classical, innovative, and prospective approaches to investigate the behavior of natural systems

Conveners and Chairpersons: Franco Tassi, Università di Firenze Sergio Calabrese, Università di Palermo


Tuesday 19 September 2023 [15.30-17.30] - Aula 7

9-1 15.30 - 15.45 Brugnone F.*, Brusca L., Dominech S., D'Alessandro W., Parello F. & Calabrese S. : Lanthanoids chemistry in Etna's rainwater during the paroxysmal sequence of 2021.

9-2 15.45 - 16.00 Tripodi F.*, Brugnone F., D'Alessandro W., Bellomo S., Brusca L., Paonita A. & Calabrese S. : Preliminary results on atmospheric deposition monitoring during the recent volcanic unrest at Vulcano Island (Italy).

9-3 16.00 - 16.15 Capecchiacci F.*, Tassi F., Vaselli O., Venturi S. & Biagi R. : The 2021-2022 unrest of Vulcano Island volcanic system (Aeolian islands): geochemical evidences from fumarolic gas discharges and well waters.

9-4 16.15 - 16.30 Ricci A.*, Fiebig J., Tassi F., Hofmann S., Capecchiacci F. & Vaselli O. : Peculiar bulk stable isotope composition of methane in high-temperature volcanic gases from Vulcano Island (Italy).

9-5 16.30 - 16.45 Agusto M., Lamberti M.C., Tassi F.*, Carbajal F., Llano J., Nogués V., Núñez N., Sánchez H., Rizzo A., García S., Yiries J., Vélez M.L., Velasquez G., Bucarey C., Gómez M., Euillades P. & Ramos V. : Geochemical survey on fumarolic discharges from Peteroa volcano (Argentina-Chile): insights into the 2018-2019 eruptive phase.

9-6 16.45 - 17.00 Cinti D.*, Procesi M. , Brusca L. , Capecchiacci F. , Chelucci L., Galli G., Grassa F., Tassi F., Vaselli O. & Voltattorni N. : Geochemical characterization of cold and thermal waters from the Pontina Plain (Latium region, Italy).

9-7 17.00 - 17.15 Venturi S.*, Randazzo A., Cabassi J., Cinti D., Meloni F., Procesi M., Nisi B., Voltattorni N., Capecchiacci F., Ricci T., Vaselli O. & Tassi F. : Geochemical features of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in punctual and diffuse hydrothermal manifestations across the Sabatini Volcanic District (Latium, Italy).

9-8 17.15 - 17.30 Bini G.*, Chiodini G., Ricci T., Sciarra A., Caliro S., Mortensen A., Martini M., Mitchell A., Santi A. & Costa A. : Soil CO2 emission and stable isotopes 13C, δ18O) of CO2 and calcites reveal the fluid origin and thermal energy in the supercritical geothermal system of Krafla, Iceland.


Tuesday 19 September 2023 - Poster Area

9-9 Booth 24 Biagi R.*, Venturi S., Ferrari M., Montegrossi G., Sacco M., Frezzi F. & Tassi F. : Development and machine-learning-based calibration of a low-cost multiparametric station for the measurement of CO2, CH4, (or H2S and SO2) in the air: an innovative approach for investigating the impact on air quality of natural and anthropogenic contaminant sources.

9-10 Booth 25 Capecchiacci F.*, Tassi F., Vaselli O., Rumachella M. & Zorzi F. : Geochemical survey of the main low temperature fluid discharges in Southwestern Tuscany (Italy): review and implementation of previous data.

9-11 Booth 26 Dallara E.*, Lelli M., Fulignati P. & Gioncada A. : Physico-chemical characterization of fluids discharged by natural manifestations in Le Biancane area (Larderello geothermal field, Italy).

9-12 Booth 27 Li Vigni L., Brugnone F., Calabrese S., Parello F. & D'Alessandro W.* : Preliminary estimation of the CO2 output at Solinari (Florina Basin, Greece).

9-13 Booth 28 Nisi B.*, Vougioukalakis G.E., Vaselli O., Kanellopoulos C., Koufogiannis I., Giannini L. & Tassi F. : Soil diffuse CO2 flux emission from Nea Kameni (Santorini), 2015-2022.

9-14 Booth 29 Randazzo A.*, Bouaicha F., Chemeri L., Cinti D., Voltattorni N., Capecchiacci F. & Tassi F. : Geochemical characterisation of hydrothermal waters from Mila Province (north-eastern Algeria).

9-15 Booth 30 Stocchi M.*, Costa A., Sulpizio R., Houzeaux G. & Folch A. : Modeling the priming mechanism of phreatic eruptions: numerical integration of 1D- and 2D-systems.

9-16 Booth 31 Tassi F.*, Inostroza M., Fischer T., Grassa F., Liuzzo M. & Aguilera F. : Geochemical features of fumarolic discharges from Alitar volcano (Chile): Insights into fluid source(s) and implications for volcanic surveillance.

9-17 Booth 32 Zorzi F.*, Venturi S., Tassi F., Capecchiacci F., Cinti D., Rouwet D., Tamburello G., Cantucci B. & Procesi M. : EMOTION-Project for creating a geochemical web portal useful to accelerate the geothermal exploitation in central-northern Italy.

S10. Geochemistry of sediments and sedimentary ores: addressing paleogeographic restoration and georesources exploration

Conveners and Chairpersons: Roberto Buccione, Università della Basilicata Rabah Kechiched, Ouargla University, Algeria Giovanni Mongelli, Università della Basilicata Francesco Perri, Università della Calabria


Wednesday 20 September 2023 [17.30-19.30] - Aula A6

10-1 17.30 - 18.00 [KEYNOTE] Ohta T.* : Application of multivariate statistics and artificial intelligence to sediment geochemistry.

10-2 18.00 - 18.15 Bernardi F.*, Skogby H., Tavazzani L. & Lenaz D. : Detrital quartz from NE Adriatic flysch basins: an FTIR and trace elements provenance study.

10-3 18.15 - 18.30 Buccione R.* : Image analysis on ore deposits: The case of southern Italy Cretaceous karst bauxites.

10-4 18.30 - 18.45 Kechiched R.*, Buccione R., Ameur-Zaimeche O., Aouachria R. & Mongelli G. : Mineralogical and REE-geochemical characteristics of fine-grained fraction of phosphorites from the Tébessa region (NE Algeria): Glauconitizaton and REE distribution .

10-5 18.45 - 19.00 Mameli P.*, Sinisi R. & Oggiano G. : Chemosynthetic precipitation of Mn-phases: the coated pebbles of the Scala Erre conglomerate (NW Sardinia, Italy).

10-6 19.00 - 19.15 Micheletti F.*, Fornelli A., Spalluto L., Parise M., Gallicchio S., Tursi F. & Festa V. : Polygenetic origin for terra rossa: petrographic and geochemical inferences from the Apulian karst.

10-7 19.15 - 19.30 Pasetti L.*, Fornasini L., Mantovani L., Andò S., Raneri S., Palleschi V. & Bersani D. : Mg-Fe ratio in dravite-schorl series analysed by Raman spectroscopy for provenance studies.


Wednesday 20 September 2023 - Poster Area

10-8 Booth 34 Jintao Z., Wenchao Y.*, Wei W. & Yuansheng D. : Provenance and tectonic evolution of bauxite deposits in Tethys: perspective from random forest and logistic regression analyses.

10-9 Booth 35 Khosravi M. & Mongelli G.* : Geochemistry of Paleozoic-Mesozoic Iranian karst bauxite deposits, Irano-Himalayan belt: paleogeographic constraints.

10-10 Booth 36 Buccione R., Mongelli G. & Rizzo G.* : Geochemical features of southern Apennines shales (Italy): constraints on paleoweathering and provenance.

10-11 Booth 37 Buccione R.*, Ameur-Zaimeche O., Ouladmansour A., Kechiched R. & Mongelli G. : Data-centric approach for predicting critical metals distribution: heavy rare earth elements in cretaceous Mediterranean-type karst bauxite deposits, southern Italy.

10-12 Booth 38 Buccione R., Cerri G., Cisullo C.*, Lacalamita M., Mameli P., Mesto E., Mongelli G., Pinto D. & Schingaro E. : Geochemistry and mineralogy of bauxite residues (red muds) from Porto Vesme (Sardinia): from disposal material to new resource.

10-13 Booth 39 Cavalcante F.*, Perri F., Lettino A., Belviso C. & Prosser G. : Clayey sediments characterization as a useful tool to assessing the geodynamic evolution of fold-and-thrust belts: a case study of the Southern Apennines (Italy).

10-14 Booth 40 Nakano A.*, Kemp D.B. & Ohta T. : The degree of continental weathering during the Toarcian OAE in Yorkshire, UK.

10-15 Booth 41 Perri F.*, Dominici R., Guido A., Cipriani M. & Cianflone G. : Mineralogical and geochemical constraints from the mudrocks of the Calcare di Base Formation (Calabria basin, Southern Italy).

10-16 Booth 42 Sassi S.*, Ounis A., Khammassi H., Horchani-Naifer K. & Barca D. : Phosphate rocks as potential source for critical rare earth elements.

S11. Mercury as a global contaminant: from geogenic and anthropogenic sources to environmental impact and potential remediation strategies

Conveners and Chairpersons: Barbara Nisi - IGG-CNR Firenze Elena Pavoni - Università di Trieste Jacopo Cabassi - IGG-CNR Firenze


Thursday 21 September 2023 [08.30-10.30] - Aula A6

11-1 08.30 - 09.00 [KEYNOTE] Rimondi V.*, Fornasaro S., Morelli G., Ciani F., Nannoni A., Lattanzi P. & Costagliola P. : The complex handling of historical contaminated sites: the case of the world-class Mt. Amiata district (Italy).

11-2 09.00 - 09.15 Ciani F.*, Manca R., Bianchi E., Salmi A., Mortato A., Costagliola P., Benvenuti M. & Rimondi V. : Mercury pollution of the University of Florence herbaria wooden cabinets: assessment of gaseous emissions and wood characterization.

11-3 09.15 - 09.30 Floreani F., Pavoni E., Gosar M. & Covelli S.* : Gaseous mercury emissions from forest and urban soils heavily impacted by past mining in the Idrija mining district (Slovenia).

11-4 09.30 - 09.45 Vaselli O.*, Nisi B., Bianchi F., Cabassi J., Rappuoli D., Meloni F., Esposito A. & Piccinelli F. : The former Hg-mining area of Abbadia San Salvatore (Mt. Amiata, central Italy): geochemical investigation vs. remediation activities.

11-5 09.45 - 10.00 Ghezzi L.* & Petrini R. : Novel determination of elemental mercury in silicate rock by thermal desorption.

11-6 10.00 - 10.15 Nannoni A.*, Fornasaro S., Ciani F., Morelli G., Lattanzi P., Rimondi V., Costagliola P. & Fagotti C. : Mercury transport in stream sediments from a former mining area to the sea: the case of the Fiora River basin, Southern Tuscany, Italy.

11-7 10.15 - 10.30 Pavoni E.*, Petranich E., Floreani F., Crosera M., Marussi G., Bortolini D., Greggio N., Campanella B. & Covelli S. : May mercury availability to methylation in contaminated sediments be reduced by using biochar as an amendment? Preliminary evidences from laboratory experiments.

Thursday 21 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula A6

11-8 11.00 - 11.15 Becatti A., Fagotti C. & Manciocchi T.* : Duplicate measurements of airborne gaseous mercury in contaminated environments using Lumex RA 915 analyzers: results, problems and optimization of operating procedures.

11-9 11.15 - 11.30 Cabassi J.*, Lazzaroni M., Cardone F., Meloni F., Capecchiacci F., Randazzo A., Vaselli O. & Tassi F. : Mercury distribution in environmental matrices (water, air, sediment) at former mining sites: the case study of the "Argento Vivo" mine (Levigliani, Apuan Alps).

11-10 11.30 - 11.45 Meloni F.*, Vaselli O., Nisi B., Bianchi F. & Rappuoli D. : Heavy metal enrichment and potential ecological risks from solid mine waste: The case study of the Lame Hg mining dump (Abbadia San Salvatore, Mt. Amiata, Southern Tuscany).

11-11 11.45 - 12.00 Vecchio A.*, Andrisani M.G., Guerra M., Mariani E., Floreani F., Covelli S., Spinelli L. & Virgili G. : Mercury contamination in Italy: developing strategies for risk assessment.

11-12 12.00 - 12.15 Friani R.*, Meloni F. & Becatti A. : Determination of Hg0 in solid matrices: a new approach with Lumex-Pyro thermal desorption. The case study in the former mine of Abbadia San Salvatore (Mt. Amiata, Southern Tuscany, Italy).

11-13 12.15 - 12.30 Bruno D.E.* & De Simone F. : Mercury pollution in artisanal small-scale gold mining: new approach to estimate emissions and impact of releases.

11-14 12.30 - 12.45 Fornasaro S.*, Fulignati P., Gioncada A., Mendoza P., Menoscal M., Villalta M. & Mulas M. : The origin of mercury in the area affected by artisanal mining in the Ponce Enriquez Gold District (Southern Ecuador): a preliminary investigation.

11-15 12.45 - 13.00 Nisi B.*, Meloni F., Cabassi J. & Vaselli O. : Gaseous elemental mercury and total and leached mercury from the Rezzaio treatment plant (NW Tuscany, central Italy).


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

11-16 Booth 18 Ciani F.*, Costagliola P. & Rimondi V. : Limit values for gaseous mercury: an overview.

11-17 Booth 19 Meloni F.*, Farieri A. , Higueras P.L., Esbrí J.M., Nisi B., Cabassi J., Rappuoli D. & Vaselli O. : Mercury distribution in plants and soils from the former mining area of Abbadia San Salvatore (Tuscany, central Italy).

11-18 Booth 20 Nannoni A.*, Annese V., Fornasaro S., Ciani F., Morelli G., Lattanzi P., Rimondi V., Costagliola P. & Fagotti C. : Suspended load and mercury pollution: towards a simple method to measure Hg flux from the Monte Amiata Mining District (Southern Tuscany, Italy).

11-19 Booth 21 Pavoni E.*, Petranich E., Floreani F., Bezzi A., Makdoud M., Fracaros S., Fontolan G. & Covelli S. : Occurrence and speciation of mercury in the recent sediments of the western coastal area of the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea): is the legacy of historical mining still present?

11-20 Booth 22 Barago N., Petranich E., Floreani F., Pavoni E., Lenaz D. & Covelli S.* : Identification of mercury species via thermodesorption in environmental samples from a tetrahedrite historical Cu-Sb(-Ag) mining site (Mt. Avanza, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy).

S12. New approaches in geochemical data analysis and mapping: from the urban scale to continental wide experiences

Conveners and Chairpersons: Stefano Albanese - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Domenico Cicchella - Università del Sannio Annalise Guarino - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Pooria Ebrahimi - CNR ISMAR


Thursday 21 September 2023 [15.30-17.30] - Aula A6

12-1 15.30 - 15.45 Iannone A.*, Guarino A., Pacifico L.R. & Albanese S. : Stream sediments and environmental contamination assessment: a case study from southern Italy based on the Sample Catchment Basin approach.

12-2 15.45 - 16.15 [KEYNOTE] Gozzi C.*, Templ M. & Buccianti A. : Implemented robust CoDA balances describe geochemical variability of heterogeneous catchments.

12-3 16.15 - 16.30 Guagliardi I.*, Astel A.M. & Cicchella D. : Self-Organizing Maps for soil geochemical data analysis.

12-4 16.30 - 16.45 Guarino A.*, Albanese S., Cicchella D., Ebrahimi P., Dominech S., Pacifico L.R., Rofrano G., Nicodemo F., Pizzolante A., Allocca C., Romano N., De Vivo B. & Lima A. : Factors influencing the bioavailability of some selected elements in the agricultural soil of a geologically varied territory: the Campania region (Italy) case study.

12-5 16.45 - 17.00 Marrocchino E.*, Telloli C., Santamaria F. & Ferroni L. : Elemental and isotope geochemistry as a tool for geographical origin identification: the case study of red chicory in Massenzatica (Ferrara, NE, Italy).

12-6 17.00 - 17.15 Pacifico L.R.*, Guarino A., Pizzolante A. & Albanese S. : Environmental impact of wildfires on soil geochemistry: a case study of two fire events in Campania region (southern Italy).

12-7 17.15 - 17.30 Albanese S.*, Aruta A., Guarino A., Ebrahimi P., Dominech S., Belyaeva O., Tepanosyan G., Ambrosino M. & Cicchella D. : Radiological risk proceeding from road paving and building materials in the downtown of Naples (Italy).

Thursday 21 September 2023 [17.30-19.30] - Aula A6

12-8 17.30 - 18.00 [KEYNOTE] Vetuschi Zuccolini M.* & Pittaluga S. : Stochastic geochemical atlas: a tool to predict uncertainty in local elemental background evaluation.

12-9 18.00 - 18.15 Ambrosino M.*, Albanese S., Cicchella D. & Palarea-Albaladejo J. : A hybrid knowledge-data driven method to build compositional indicators in geochemistry: an application to outline geochemical domains in Volturno River Basin (South Italy).

12-10 18.15 - 18.30 Lugli F.* & Cipriani A. : 87Sr/86Sr spatial distribution in Italy: geocomputational tools to track the geographical origin of biological samples.

12-11 18.30 - 18.45 Simunovic P.*, Taucare M., Benoit V., Quiroga I. & Daniele L. : Developing a hydrogeological conceptual model of Central Chile's coastal fractured rocks.

12-12 18.45 - 19.00 Iannone A.*, Albanese S., Ambrosino M., Guarino A., Germano G., De Tullio G. & Cicchella D. : Risk assessment from Radon-222 following tap water consumption (and showers) in Campania region (Italy).

12-13 19.00 - 19.15 Pacifico L.R.*, Guarino A., Brambilla G., Pizzolante A., Esposito M. & Albanese S. : Transfer factors of potentially toxic elements from soil to agricultural products in Campania region, southern Italy.


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

12-14 Booth 23 Albanese S.*, Dinelli E., Valera P., Cicchella D., Lima A., Guarino A., Marigliano M., Qi S., Qu C. & De Vivo B. : The new environmental-geochemical atlas of rural and anthropized soils of Italy: preliminary elaboration of elemental data.

12-15 Booth 24 Ambrosino M.*, Elsaadani Z., Khatita A., Qi W., Palarea-Albaladejo J. & Cicchella D. : Geochemical speciation, ecological risk and assessment of main sources of potentially toxic elements in stream sediments from Nile River in Egypt.

12-16 Booth 25 Cicchella D.*, Ambrosino M., Albanese S., Guarino A., Lima A., De Vivo B. & Guagliardi I. : Major elements concentration in soils. A case study from Campania Region (Italy).

12-17 Booth 26 Gozzi C.*, Templ M. & Buccianti A. : The Langelier-Ludwig square diagram through a new compositional lens.

12-18 Booth 27 Guagliardi I., Albanese S., Ambrosino M., De Vivo B., Lima A. & Cicchella D.* : Occurrence and distribution of silver, gold, palladium and platinum resulting from the high-resolution soil geochemical survey in Campania Region (Italy).

12-19 Booth 28 Guarino A.*, Pacifico L.R., Iannone A., Gramazio A. & Albanese S. : A multimedia geochemical prospecting project in Basilicata region: the activities carried out on soils and stream sediments of the Cavone and Basento River basins.

S13. Petrological and geochemical tools to investigate recycling processes: new insights and future directions

Conveners and Chairpersons: Martina Casalini - Università degli Studi di Firenze Francesco Narduzzi - Università degli Studi di Trieste Enrico Cannaò - Università degli Studi di Milano Statale Mattia Bonazzi - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pavia Vincenza Guarino - Università di Napoli Federico II Davide Berno - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Arabia Saudita


Thursday 21 September 2023 [15.30-17.30] - Aula Magna Matematica

13-1 15.30 - 16.00 [KEYNOTE] Conticelli S.*, Ammannati E., Avanzinelli R., Foley S.F., Günther J., Jacob D., Mertz D., Mertz-Kraus R. , Prelević D. & Rocholl A. : Subduction-legacy and olivine monitoring for mantle-heterogeneities of the sources of ultrapotassic magmas an overview from the Central Western Mediterranean basin.

13-2 16.00 - 16.15 Bianchini G.*, Brombin V., Bonadiman C., Natali C. & Ghiotto M. : The exotic accessory minerals within mantle metasomatic domains: new insights of the sources of orogenic magmas.

13-3 16.15 - 16.30 Ghiotto M.*, Natali C., Bragagni A., Braschi E., Avanzinelli R., Casalini M., Ghafaribijar S., Arvin M. & Conticelli S. : Petrology and geochemistry of the Eocene-Oligocene subduction-related Lar igneous complex (SE, Iran).

13-4 16.30 - 16.45 Cariddi B.*, Guarino V., Costamagna L.G., D'Antonio M., Jourdan F., Morra V. & Melluso L. : Polybaric fractional crystallization and open-system processes in the Cixerri amphibole-rich domes (SW, Sardinia, Italy).

13-5 16.45 - 17.00 Casetta F., Nardini N.*, Coltorti M., Tavazzani L., Peres S., Ntaflos T. & Dellantonio E. : Framing the temporal evolution of the Mid-Triassic magmatism in the Southern Alps (Italy): clues from U-Pb dating of titanite in phonolitic dykes from the Dolomites area.

13-6 17.00 - 17.15 Bonazzi M.*, Ogunyele A.C., Giovanardi T., Mazzucchelli M. & Zanetti A. : New insights into the evolution of Triassic-Jurassic alkaline magmatism in the Southern Alps: evidence from trace and isotopic composition of dyke zircons.

13-7 17.15 - 17.30 Ogunyele A.C., Zanetti A.*, De Min A., Marzoli A., Nimis P., Roghi G., Sanfilippo A. & Salters V. : Hf isotopic variability of Early Mesozoic magmatism in the Ivrea-Verbano Zone and Dolomites: Implications on the geodynamic evolution and correlation of the Southern Alps.

Thursday 21 September 2023 [17.30-19.30] - Aula Magna Matematica

13-8 17.30 - 17.45 (Invited) Bragagni A.*, Avanzinelli R., Münker C., Mastroianni F. & Conticelli S. : Elevated Nb/Ta, SiO2 undersaturated magmas, and the recycling of carbonate-rich sediments in subduction zones.

13-9 17.45 - 18.00 Toffolo L.*, Tumiati S. & Confortini G. : Molecular hydrogen solubility in quartz at subduction conditions: insights from redox-buffered experiments at 2 GPa and 700°C.

13-10 18.00 - 18.15 Tumiati S.*, Faucher G., Monzillo A., Ferrari E., Toffolo L., Erba E. & Poli S. : The link between subducted marine microalgae and volcanic arc emissions.

13-11 18.15 - 18.30 Scambelluri M.*, Pennacchioni G. & Cannaò E. : Subduction zone recrystallization of the oceanic lithosphere by hydration of brittle structures.

13-12 18.30 - 18.45 (Invited) Di Giuseppe P.*, Manetti P., Conticelli S., Lustrino M., Savascin M.Y. & Agostini S. : Fingerprinting the subduction factory in the Neogene magmatic activity of central and eastern Anatolia.

13-13 18.45 - 19.00 Maffeis A.*, Ferrando S., Connolly J.A.D., Frezzotti M.L. & Castelli D. : Fluid redox fingerprint of the CaCO3+antigorite dehydration reaction in subducted metacarbonate sediments.

13-14 19.00 - 19.15 Narduzzi F.*, Petranich E., Pavoni E., Covelli S., Crosera M., Venier M., Černok A. & Ziberna L. : Source and mobility of mercury in continental magmatic systems: the STECALMY Project.

13-15 19.15 - 19.30 Guarino V.* & Melluso L. : The crystallization and mineral assemblages of F-disilicates in peralkaline trachyphonolites from Ischia, Phlegrean Fields and Sardinia.


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

13-16 Booth 29 Balassone G., Schingaro E., Lacalamita M., Mesto E., Mormone A., Piochi M., Guarino V.*, Pellino A. & D'Orazio L. : Trioctahedral micas in xenoliths related to Plinian eruptions from the Somma-Vesuvius volcanism (Italy): composition, structure, and genetic implications.

13-17 Booth 30 Cannaò E.* & Debret B. : Trace element and  δ11B evolution of the Asùt Tesoru mud volcano (Mariana forearc, IODP Exp 366): evidence for shallow slab devolatilization and element recycle.

13-18 Booth 31 Narduzzi F.*, Ponton M., Marello M., de Castro M.P., Queiroga G. & De Min A. : The olivine-minette dykes from the Julian Alps, NE Italy: age, geochemistry and geodynamic implications.

13-19 Booth 32 Secchiari A.*, Tumiati S. & Toffolo L. : A novel methodology for quantitative analysis of sulfur volatile species from HP-HT experiments.

S14. The continental crust through space and time: unraveling igneous, metamorphic and mineralization processes

Conveners and Chairpersons: Alessia Borghini - Universität Potsdam Roberto Braga - Università di Bologna Giulia Consuma - University of Western Australia Antonio Langone - Università di Pavia


Thursday 21 September 2023 [08.30-10.30] - Aula Magna Matematica

14-1 08.30 - 09.00 (Invited) Beranoaguirre A.* : In situ U-Pb dating of low-U minerals: challenges and opportunities.

14-2 09.00 - 09.15 Caso F., Zucali M.*, Filippi M. & Mahan K.H. : Pressure-Temperature evolution and U-Pb geochronology of biotite-cordierite gneiss from the Boulder Creek batholith (Front Range, Colorado, USA).

14-3 09.15 - 09.30 Piloni C.B.*, Caso F., Filippi M., Zucali M., Barberini V. & Villa I.M. : 40Ar/39Ar Jurassic apparent age from biotite petrochronology in the Valpelline Unit (Dent-Blanche Tectonic System, Austroalpine Domain, Western Italian Alps).

14-4 09.30 - 09.45 Bonazzi M.* & Langone A. : Titanite from metacarbonate: a "complementary" petrochronological tool for deciphering the P-T-t evolution of the continental crust (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy).

14-15 09.45 - 10.00 Maino M.*, Corvò S., Langone A., Schenker F.L., Casini L., Perozzo M. & Seno S. : Deformation-induced changes in the metamorphic record along rheologically contrasted boundaries.

14-6 10.00 - 10.15 Tiepolo M.*, Langone A., Cannaò E., Sessa G., Previti V. & D'Antonio M. : Sr isotope stratigraphy of the Finero Complex (Ivrea Verbano Zone).

14-7 10.15 - 10.30 Novella D.* & Sossi P.A. : Investigating the effect of oxygen fugacity on magnetite-melt Fe isotope fractionation at high-pressure and high-temperature: an experimental approach.

Thursday 21 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula Magna Matematica

14-8 11.00 - 11.30 (Invited) Daczko N.* & Piazolo S. : Melferite: formed by high-strain melt transfer through sub-solidus rocks.

14-9 11.30 - 11.45 Ibe C.U.*, Langone A., Stuart F.M., Brogi A., Caggianelli A., Liotta D. & Tursi F. : Exposed young granites as a gauge for exhumation rate: an example from the pluton of the Giglio Island (Tuscany).

14-10 11.45 - 12.00 Biget T.*, Bruand E., Pereira I., Boyet M., Gasser D., Stuewe K. & Langone A. : Trace elements behaviour and Nd isotopic ratios in REE-bearing accessory minerals from greenschist facies to crustal anatexis.

14-11 12.00 - 12.15 Cesare B.*, Bartoli O., Moranduzzo G., Randazzo A. & Brack P. : Contact metamorphism of pelitic country rocks constrains the depth of emplacement of the Re di Castello intrusion (Adamello Batholith).

14-12 12.15 - 12.30 Nerone S.*, Groppo C. & Rolfo F. : The potentialities of kyanite as a petrogenetic indicator in migmatites.

14-13 12.30 - 12.45 Tursi F.*, Godard G., Braga R. & Piluso E. : Modelling the chemical potential landscape of garnet–sillimanite restites from Catena Costiera (Calabria, southern Italy).

14-14 12.45 - 13.00 Groppo C.*, Tamang S., Girault F., Perrier F. & Rolfo F. : The contribution of dolomitic and magnesitic rocks to orogenic degassing.


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

14-5 Booth 33 --- Withdrawn --- Mariani D., Tribuzio R.* & Zanetti A. : Origin of underplated gabbroic crust: insights from the lower Mafic Complex of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone.

14-16 Booth 34 Braschi E., Langone A., Corvò S. & Orlando A.* : Elemental mapping and in-situ microanalysis of accessory minerals: an essential petrochronological tool.

14-17 Booth 35 Černok A.*, Ziberna L., Klötzli U., Skrzypek E., Narduzzi F. & Venier M. : Assessing thermal history of the prograde metamorphic sequence in the Kinzigite Formation (Ivrea-Verbano Zone) through monazite-xenotime thermometry.

14-18 Booth 36 Corvò S.*, Beranoaguirre A., Maino M., Piazolo S., Seno S. & Langone A. : Garnet and monazite U-Pb dating of metasomatic effect around a mafic intrusion.

14-19 Booth 37 Di Minno B.*, Corvò S., Biget T., Bruand E., Caggianelli A. & Langone A. : Temperature estimates from the lower continental crust exposed in Calabria: application of the Zr-in-rutile thermometer to migmatites and granulites.

14-20 Booth 38 Groppo C.*, Tamang S., Girault F. , Perrier F. & Rolfo F. : Identifying evaporitic protoliths in metasedimentary sequences of collisional orogens: implications for ore deposits prospection.

14-21 Booth 39 Maffeis A.* : Modelling SiO2 solubility over wide P-T conditions: open problems and advances.

14-22 Booth 40 Russo D.*, Fiannacca P., Fazio E., Cirrincione R. & Mamtani M.A. : From floor to roof of a late Variscan batholith: geology and petrography of the north-eastern Serre Batholith (Calabria, southern Italy).

S15. Exploring the interaction of surface processes and tectonics in coastal and fluvial systems

Conveners and Chairpersons: Michele Delchiaro (Sapienza - Università di Roma) Ciro Cerrone (Università Ca Foscari) Francesco Pavano (Lehigh University, USA) Luigi Capozzoli (CNR-IMAA) Gerardo Romano (Università di Bari) Enzo Rizzo (Università di Ferrara)


Thursday 21 September 2023 [15.30-17.30] - Aula Magna


15-1 15.30 - 16.00 [KEYNOTE] Valente E.* : The topographic signature of active tectonics: insights from the central Apennines (Italy) and the Peruvian Andes (South America).

15-2 16.00 - 16.15 --- Withdrawn --- Deal E.* : Physical models of channel width in alluvial and bedrock rivers with implications for long-river profiles.

15-3 16.15 - 16.30 Foti A.*, Catalano S., D'Agostino A., Pavano F. & Tortorici G. : Morphometric characterization of the main lithologies in eastern Sicily.

15-4 16.30 - 16.45 Matano F.* & Esposito G. : Analysis of failure mechanisms and retreat rates of sea cliffs along the Campi Flegrei volcanic coastline, Italy.

15-5 16.45 - 17.00 Racano S.*, van der Beek P., Faccenna C. & Cosentino D. : Quantifying Quaternary spatio-temporal uplift variations in the Central Apennine from linear inversion of the drainage system.

15-6 17.00 - 17.15 Salerno A.* & Catalano S. : Satellite multispectral images analysis to develop a rock classification method.

Thursday 21 September 2023 [17.30-19.30] - Aula Magna


15-7 17.30 - 18.00 (Invited) Moretti M.*, D'Abbicco V., De Giosa F., Fracchiolla T., Lisco S.N., Mastronuzzi G., Rizzo A. & Scardino G. : The Marine Geology surveys of the Taranto seas (Northern Ionian Sea): natural resources and anthropogenic impacts.

15-8 18.00 - 18.15 Romano G.*, Capozzoli L., De Martino G., Lapietra I., Lisco S.N., Patella D. & Moretti M. : Integration of ERT and GPR prospecting for coastal areas characterization.

15-9 18.15 - 18.30 Capozzoli L., De Martino G., Giampaolo V.*, Limoni P.P., Rizzo E., Romanazzi A., Zuffianò L.E. & Polemio M. : Integrated approaches to support the hydrogeological coastal plain conceptualization (Metaponto, Southern Italy).

15-10 18.30 - 18.45 Rizzo E.*, Boldrin P., Bondesan A., Droghetti F., Capozzoli L., De Martino G., Ferrari E., Fornasari G., Giampaolo V. & Neri F. : Geophysical monitoring of the salt wedge in the Po di Goro river (Italy).

15-11 18.45 - 19.00 Ludeno G., Gennarelli G., Esposito G., Persichetti G., Bernini R., Crocco L., Soldovieri F. & Catapano I.* : Water leak detection via optical fiber and ground penetrating radar sensors: a laboratory experimentation.

15-12 19.00 - 19.15 Ludeno G.*, Esposito G., Catapano I., Soldovieri F. & Gennarelli G. : Spatial and temporal monitoring of sea waves very close to the coastline using K-band radar.

15-13 19.15 - 19.30 Gangone G.*, Gallipoli M.R., Tragni N., Vignola L. & Caputo R. : Soil-building resonance effect in the urban area of the city of Villa d'Agri (Southern Italy).


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

15-14 Booth 41 Mukaizato D.*, Mukaizato Y., Suzuki K. & Ohta T. : Grain shape evaluation by elliptic Fourier and principal component analyses: Application to fluvial sands and its relationship with transportation distance.

15-15 Booth 42 Mureddu A.* : Study of the active gravitational phenomena along the provincial road n°18 - Project for the functional recovery of the unstable areas between Km 2+500 and Km 10+700, along the "Panoramic road of southern Sarrabus".

15-16 Booth 43 D'Ettorre U.S.*, Liso I.S., Lollino P. & Parise M. : Instability at Roca Vecchia: safeguarding a site of archaeological and naturalistic values along the Adriatic coast of Apulia, southern Italy.

15-17 Booth 44 Lapietra I., Lisco S.N., Capozzoli L., De Giosa F., Fracchiolla T., Romano G., Scardino G. & Moretti M.* : A standard procedure for monitoring sandy beaches.

15-18 Booth 45 Sabattini M.*, Ronchetti F., Arosio D., Brozzo G. & Panzani A. : Application of an integrated hydrogeological and geophysical approach for monitoring the effects of climate change on the main aquifer of the lower Val di Magra (SP).

S16. Georesources and Sustainability: from cultural heritage promotion to waste exploitation

Conveners and Chairpersons: Sossio Fabio Graziano - Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II Rossana Bellopede - Politecnico di Torino Nicola Careddu - Università degli studi di Cagliari Giovanna Antonella Dino - Università degli studi di Torino


Thursday 21 September 2023 [15.30-17.30] - Aula 7

16-1 15.30 - 15.45 Signori G.* : 12 stones for 12 months: the project for the promotion of the stones of Bergamo.

16-2 15.45 - 16.00 Jagoda E.*, Bobrowska A. & Domonik A. : Sustaining heritage architecture with Basalt: exploring geomechanical and thermal properties.

16-3 16.00 - 16.15 Bellopede R.*, Baietto O. & Marini P. : The importance of surface porosity assessment to prevent and to protect ornamental stones from decay.

16-4 16.15 - 16.30 Gambino F.*, Borghi A., Croveri P., d'Atri A., Dino G.A., Martire L. & Appolonia L. : Characterization of Chianocco Marble employed for Palazzo Madama façade in Turin (North-West Italy).

16-5 16.30 - 16.45 Sabra G., Ngadi Sakatadi G., Seccatore J. & Cardu M.* : Sustainable management of resources in Small-Scale Mining.

16-6 16.45 - 17.00 Graziano S.F., Mercurio M., Langella A., Izzo F.*, Monetti V., Santaniello D., Rispoli C. & Cappelletti P. : Preliminary results on the characterization of zeolitized tuffs mining waste from Sorano Formation (Tuscany - Italy) for high-value technological applications.

16-7 17.00 - 17.15 Tazzini A.*, Chiappino C. & Dino G.A. : Residual sludge from Carrara marble exploitation: characterization, challenges and potentialities.

16-8 17.15 - 17.30 Vitale E.* & Russo G. : Multi-scale analysis on soil improved by alkali activated fly ashes.


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

16-9 Booth 46 Aquilano A.*, Marrocchino E. & Vaccaro C. : Investigating sustainable processing strategies for recycling granite quarry waste in Sardinia's quarrying industry: a case study of the Buddusò quarry in Northern Sardinia.

16-10 Booth 47 Baldassarre G.* & Marini P. : Screening tests on potential recovery of strategic and critical raw materials from mining waste facilities in Italy.

16-11 Booth 48 Belviso C.*, Lettino A. & Cavalcante F. : Zeolite synthesis and steam: preliminary data using coal fly ash as raw material

16-12 Booth 49 Casale M.*, Dino G.A. & Oggeri C. : Reuse of by-products coming from blasting of unstable rock blocks.

16-13 Booth 50 Dino G.A.*, Cavallo A., Casale M. & Zaho X. : Critical raw materials supply: potentialities and challenges to exploit REE from granites' and gneisses' extractive waste facilities.

16-14 Booth 51 Dino G.A., Mancini S.*, Casale M. & Lasagna M. : Mining waste and tailings: examples of recovery and use for a sustainable approach to the management of extractive operations.

16-15 Booth 52 Marini P.*, Baietto O. & Bellopede R. : The HerSTONES project: a step forward for the heritage stones recognition.

16-16 Booth 53 Padoan E., Passarella I., Khelifi F., Zaho X. & Dino G.A.* : From waste to valuable resources: exploitation of mineral waste in environmental application.

16-17 Booth 54 Rateau R., Drost K., Maddin M., Szucs A.M., Terribili L.*, Guyett P. & Rodriguez-Blanco J.D. : The potential of eggshells to capture rare earth elements from waste waters.

16-18 Booth 55 Signori G.* : From nature to nature. Vegetable fibers replace cement.

S17. From waste to resource: the contribution of mineralogy to past and present waste management

Conveners and Chairpersons: Ernesto Mesto – Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro Mario Tribaudino – Università degli Studi di Torino Giovanni de Giudici – Università degli Studi di Cagliari Paola Di Leo - CNR-IMAA e Università della Basilicata Cristina Maria Belfiore - Università degli Studi di Catania


Wednesday 20 September 2023 [08.30-10.30] - Aula 7

17-1 08.30 - 09.00 (Invited) Funari V.* : Eco-technological solutions for resource supply from secondary sources.

17-2 09.00 - 09.15 Arletti R.*, Fantini R., Conte S., Zanelli C., Dondi M. & Gualtieri A.F. : Understanding the effect of iron in porcelain stoneware tiles: can red clays represent a viable alternative raw material?

17-3 09.15 - 09.30 Bernasconi A.*, Bernasconi D., Francescon F., Sartori R. & Pavese A. : Fireclay-ceramics industry: technological properties and mineralogy by tuning slip composition and raw materials (waste included) particle size distribution.

17-4 09.30 - 09.45 Marian N.M.*, Ercoli R., Riccardi M.P., Zema M. & Tarantino S.C. : Hydrothermally dewatered sewage sludge as a substitute of clay for the production of ceramics.

17-5 09.45 - 10.00 De Matteis C., Mantovani L., Toller S., Caviglia C., Destefanis E. & Tribaudino M.* : High-temperature stabilization of bottom ashes (BA) from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator: composition of residuals and leachates.

17-6 10.00 - 10.15 Bellotto M.*, Cristiani C., Balzarotti R. & Latorrata S. : White steel slags as alkaline activator for hydraulic binders with heavy metal adsorption capabilities.

17-7 10.15 - 10.30 Fortunato M.*, Cardinale A.M., Consani S. & Carbone C. : From Libiola's natural woodwardite to the energy storage systems: a journey through the Layered Doubled Hydroxides (LDHs).

Wednesday 20 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula 7

17-8 11.00 - 11.15 Russo R.E., Fattobene M., Conti P., Zamponi S., Berrettoni M.* & Giuli G. : Optimization lithium recovery from LiFePO4 batteries based on agri-food wastes through experimental design.

17-9 11.15 - 11.30 Fornari G.*, El Chami D., Clausi M. & Pinto D. : Vegetal biomass ashes as a potential resource for sustainable production of mineral fertiliser: characterisation and feasibility study.

17-10 11.30 - 11.45 Belviso C.*, Mancinelli M., Lettino A., Martucci A. & Cavalcante F. : Zeolite synthesis from natural bauxite by low-temperature vapor phase treatment.

17-11 11.45 - 12.00 --- Withdrawn --- Mancinelli M.*, Chenet T., Pasti L. & Martucci A. : Competitive adsorption of 4-hydroxybenzaldheyde (p-HBA) and toluene (TOL) by Y and ZSM-5 high-silica zeolites.

17-12 12.00 - 12.15 Annunziata E.M., Di Leo P., Lubraco G.*, Melis M. & Sogliani F. : Testing the new Hypercolorimetric Multispectral Imaging method to understand pigment technology in ancient ceramics: the Graffita ware from Moliterno Castle (Basilicata region, southern Italy) case study.

17-13 12.15 - 12.30 Caggiani M.C.*, Fugazzotto M., De Ferri L., Bertino A., Andriulo F., Barone G. & Mazzoleni P. : Investigation of iron-based pigments using infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics as guidance in a multi-analytical approach: the case of Røros (Norway).

17-14 12.30 - 12.45 Marescotti P.*, Brancucci M., Gianoglio F., Tonini V. & Manfrinetti P. : A multi-analytical investigation for the characterization of the vergaut pigment in polychrome wooden statues from Liguria, Italy.

17-15 12.45 - 13.00 Cammarota F.*, Di Leo P. & Vita C. : Understanding the pigment technology of the matt painted pottery from the north-Lucanian district: the SandDMAN project.


Wednesday 20 September 2023 - Poster Area

17-16 Booth 43 Cavallera R.*, Russo R.E., Cardinale A.M., Carbone C., Zamponi S., Berrettoni M. & Giuli G. : Tuning syntetic minerals for recovering raw materials from WEEEs.

17-17 Booth 44 Campanale F.*, Vergani F., Marian N.M., Pavese M., Nisticò R., Lavagna L., Dalpiaz M., Odorizzi S., Viti C. & Capitani G.C. : Recycling detoxified cement asbestos in cement mortar and concrete.

17-18 Booth 45 Vergani F.*, Campanale F., Marian N.M., Capitani G.C., Viti C., Bizjan B., Širok B., Mrvar P. & Bombač D. : Recycling of thermically deactivated cement asbestos material in the production of mineral wool fibers.

17-19 Booth 46 Moretti P.* : The contemporary art paradox: to conserve asbestos.

17-20 Booth 47 Margheri S.*, Bindi L., Bonazzi P., Goudjil M. & Lepore G.O. : Hollandites and pyrochlores for heavy-metal removal from contaminated water.

17-21 Booth 48 Curetti N., Bernasconi D. & Tribaudino M.* : Raman spectra of feldspars from critical environments.

17-22 Booth 49 Mastrorilli M.*, De Felice G., Turchiano M. & Eramo G. : Archaeometry and contemporary archaeology: the case of POW camp 65 (Altamura, Southern Italy).

S18. Geomaterials: characterization, industrial uses and environmentally friendly innovative applications

Conveners and Chairpersons: Stefano Columbu - Università di Cagliari Davide Comboni - Università di Milano Concetta Rispoli - Università di Napoli Dario Fancello - Università di Cagliari Marco Lezzerini - Università di Pisa


Thursday 21 September 2023 [08.30-10.30] - Aula 7

18-1 08.30 - 08.45 Mancinelli M.* & Martucci A. : Furfural (C5H4O2) encapsulation and release by ZSM-5 zeolite for sustainable treatment in agriculture.

18-2 08.45 - 09.00 Battiston T., Comboni D.*, Lotti P., Migliori M., Giordano G., Ferrarelli G. & Gatta G.D. : Pressure-mediated adsorption in 6-membered ring zeolites with EAB topology.

18-3 09.00 - 09.15 Coticelli S.*, Cappelletti P., Rispoli C., Balassone G., Granitzio F. & Mondillo N. : Geological and mineralogical investigation of the S'Aliderru bentonite deposit.

18-4 09.15 - 09.45 [KEYNOTE] Dore E.*, Frau F. & Sedda L. : Fluoride removal from water by Layered Double Hydroxides (LDHs).

18-5 09.45 - 10.00 Norio N., Murgia S., Arca M., Aragoni M.C., Pintus A. & Columbu S.* : New conservative treatment based on a functionalized phosphate for silicate rocks: the study-case of the pyroclastic tuffs.

18-6 10.00 - 10.15 Comboni D.*, Battiston T., Gatta G.D. & Lotti P. : Pressure-driven phase transitions in hydrated borates.

18-7 10.15 - 10.30 Roberto A.* : Waste food-packaging plastic as a possible additive modifier in asphalt mixtures.

Thursday 21 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula 7

18-8 11.00 - 11.30 [KEYNOTE] Bussolesi M.*, Grieco G. & Cavallo A. : Producing high-performing foundry sands from ophiolite chromitites: an arduous challenge?

18-9 11.30 - 11.45 Costamagna L.G. & Fancello D.* : Claystone deposits in the middle Jurassic of central Sardinia: a reappraisal.

18-10 11.45 - 12.15 (Invited) Mladenovič A., Mancini L.*, Viani A., Marinoni N., Pappalardo L., Buono G., Oprčkal P. & Mauko A. : Alkali-silica reaction in commercial high-strength concrete: role of mineral aggregate fraction on fracture mechanisms.

18-11 12.15 - 12.30 Sisti M.*, Giovanelli D., Mazzieri M., Pifferi M., Fantini R., Gualtieri A.F. & Arletti R. : Evaluation of residual tension in enamelled large porcelain stoneware slabs though chemical and mineralogical phase evolution and SEM microstructural analysis.

18-12 12.30 - 12.45 Brodu G., Marrocu S., Deias G., Fancello D.* & Columbu S. : Perlitic volcanic rocks for the production of high permeability lime plaster mortars.


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

18-13 Booth 56 Baid S.*, Algouti Ab., Tabit A., Algouti Ah., Pagnotta S., Lezzerini M. & Salma E. : The mineralogical composition of granitoids from the Igoudrane region of Jbel Saghro in Morocco's eastern anti-atlas.

18-14 Booth 57 Cau C.*, Mameli P., Garroni S., Murgia F., Simula M. D., Cappai L., Mulas G., Enzo S. & Monsù Scolaro A. : Valorization of Granite waste materials for the sequestration of carbon dioxide via mechanochemical activation.

18-15 Booth 58 Comboni D.*, Battiston T., Lotti P. & Gatta G.D. : High-pressure phase transition and crystal structure evolution of inderite, MgB3O3(OH)5·5H2O.

18-16 Booth 59 Ezzahzi S.*, Algouti Ab., Algouti Ah., Sarti G., Lezzerini M. & Baid S. : Study of a Quaternary fluvial-estuarine deposit at the mouth of the Tensift River, Souiria Laqdima, Morocco.

18-17 Booth 60 Pagnotta S.*, Aquino A. & Lezzerini M. : Bentonite Geopolymers: a possible reuse of burned foundry bonding clays.

18-18 Booth 61 Pagnotta S.*, Ionut F.D., Aquino A., Di Rosa M., Fornasaro S. & Lezzerini M. : Poison Block: evidence of As-Sb mineralization waste used as aggregate in Portland Concrete in Matra Mining District (Corse, France).

18-19 Booth 62 Randazzo L.*, Ricca M., Ruffolo S.A., Gargani L., Moranti A., Caponi R., Barone M. & La Russa M.F. : EcoCalMix Project (Ecofriendly Mix based on Calabrian clay for tanning applications): the use of local clays for eco-sustainability in the tanning sector.

18-20 Booth 63 Secchi G., Norio N., Brodu G., Fancello D., Pes F. & Columbu S.* : Potential and industrial uses of basalt as a georesource in the perspective of a circular economy.

18-21 Booth 64 Settembre Blundo D., Vacchi M., Cattini A., Rovini A., Siligardi C., Foca G., Monsù Scolaro A., Randazzo L.* & La Russa M.F. : REDIRECT Project (REDuce REuse Ceramic Tiles): from the circular economy to a sustainable economy.

S19. Elemental behaviour for a sustainable future: geochemistry in petrological, environmental and industrial research

Conveners and Chairpersons: Valentina Brombin - Università di Ferrara Alessandra Costanzo - University of Galway, Ireland Salvatore Dominech - INGV Palermo Nicolas Greggio - Università di Bologna Federica Meloni - Università di Firenze Simone Toller - Università di Bologna


Tuesday 19 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula A4

19-1 11.00 - 11.15 Greggio N.*, Marazza D., Pulcher R., Carlini C., Buscaroli A., Toller S. & Dinelli E. : Leaching of potentially toxic elements in contaminated soils amended with biochar: evidences from 2 years column experiments.

19-2 11.15 - 11.30 Chiapponi E.*, Zannoni D., Giambastiani B.M.S., Silvestri S., Buscaroli A. & Costantini F. : Salinity as a regulator of microbial communities and greenhouse gas emissions in temperate coastal wetlands: a biogeochemical study.

19-3 11.30 - 11.45 Viti G.*, Randazzo A., Zorzi F., Tatàno F., Venturi S. & Tassi F. : Optimization of the abatement of landfill gas diffuse emissions in cover soils treated with sewage sludge and leachate: A laboratory experiment.

19-4 11.45 - 12.00 Dallara E.*, Fulignati P., Gioncada A., Lelli M. & Mauro D. : A fluid inclusion approach to study the evolution of fluids in the north-easternmost part of the Larderello geothermal field (well Sesta 6bis).

19-5 12.00 - 12.15 Malaspina N.* : Epitaxy in multiphase inclusions as driving force for olivine oxidation coupled with hydrogen production at high pressure in the mantle.

19-6 12.15 - 12.30 Brugnone F.*, D'Alessandro W., Liotta M., Bitetto M., Randazzo L., Rubino C., Bellomo S., Brusca L., Parello F. & Calabrese S. : Major ions and trace element concentrations in rainwater of Palermo (Sicily, Italy).

19-7 12.30 - 12.45 Dominech S.*, Federico C., Brusca L., Fornasaro S., Bellomo S. & D'Alessandro W. : Partitioning rare Earth element distribution among particulate, colloidal, and truly dissolved fractions: implications for environmental and industrial applications.

19-8 12.45 - 13.00 Toller S.*, Zannoni D., Greggio N., Rombolà A.G., Vasumini I. & Dinelli E. : Element mobility and spatial distribution of metals in sediments from Conca River and Reservoir, Italy.


Tuesday 19 September 2023 - Poster Area

19-9 Booth 33 Allevato E.*, Marabottini R., Carbone F., Vinciguerra V., Salani G.M., Bianchini G. & Stazi S.R. :  Land use effects on soil characteristics in Fiuggi basin ecosystem.

19-10 Booth 34 Bisciotti A.*, Brombin V., Bianchini G. & Cruciani G. : Describing the environmental impact from Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) pollutants release through in-deep mineralogical and geochemical analyses.

19-11 Booth 35 Brombin V.*, Salani G.M., De Feudis M., Falsone G., Vittori Antisari L., Precisvalle N. & Bianchini G. : Soil organic carbon pools in managed temperate forests: two case studies in the Apennine chain of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Northern Italy).

19-12 Booth 36 Cipriani M.*, Donato S., Costanzo A., Guido A., Cianflone G., Alessandro F., Campilongo G., Lanzafame G., Maruca G. & Dominici R. : Can crystal imperfections alter petrophysic proprieties of halite crystals?

19-13 Booth 37 Ghani J.*, Dinelli E., Toller S. & Funari V. : Environmental impact assessment and recoverability of metals from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) plants ashes during pre- and post-pandemic period.

19-14 Booth 38 Mantovani L.*, Toller S., De Matteis C., Tribaudino M., Boschetti T., Funari V., Dinelli E. & Pelagatti P. : Grain size and mineralogical constrains on leaching in the bottom ashes from municipal solid waste incineration: a comparison on 5 plants from Northern Italy.

19-15 Booth 39 Petrini R.*, Ghezzi L., Mugnaioli E., Perchiazzi N. & Franceschini F. : Chromium oxidation in the time-dependent response of the pyrolyzed tannery waste KEU: environmental implications.

19-16 Booth 40 Vaselli O.*, Meloni F., Nisi B., Cabassi J., Panarese M., Montegrossi G., Fagiolino I. & Maccelli C. : Bulk composition and leaching tests on an environmentally dangerous production residue (KEU).

19-17 Booth 41 Viti G.*, Randazzo A., Zorzi F., Tatàno F., Amico F., Venturi S. & Tassi F. : Realization of a prototype aimed at investigating the degradation potential of landfill gas in bio-covers.

S20. Sustainable strategies for the design and development of innovative materials: from non-renewable resources to valorisation of anthropic wastes

Conveners and Chairpersons: Marina Clausi - Università degli Studi di Bari A. Moro Claudio Finocchiaro - Università di Catania Roberta Occhipinti -Università di Catania Daniela Pinto - Università degli Studi di Bari A. Moro Francesco Radica - Università di Chieti - Pescara G. d'Annunzio


Tuesday 19 September 2023 [15.30-17.30] - Aula A4

20-1 15.30 - 16.00 [KEYNOTE] Valentini L.* : Building a circular future: raw materials sourcing and supply chains in the construction industry.

20-2 16.00 - 16.15 Müller P.*, Budach C. & Siebert B. : Reusability potential of selected soil types as supplementary cementitious material: Case studies with particular regard to tunnel excavation material.

20-3 16.15 - 16.30 Belfiore C.M. & Parisi S.A.* : Reuse of waste materials in the manufacture of ceramic tiles: an experimental study.

20-4 16.30 - 16.45 Finocchiaro C.*, Portale S., Crespo-López L., Cultrone G., Barone G. & Mazzoleni P. : Porosity and ageing durability assessing for volcanic ash and basalt sludge-based alkali-activated materials (Mt. Etna volcano, Italy).

20-5 16.45 - 17.00 Mastrorilli M.*, Rizzi F., Lasala P., Grandolfo A., Fanizza E., Depalo N., Eramo G., Gentile G., Castaldo R., Lavorgna M. & Curri M.L. : Sustainable smart inorganic nanocarriers for corrosion inhibition in conservation of reinforced concrete based Cultural Heritage.

20-6 17.00 - 17.15 Portale S.*, De Ferri L., Felter M.G., Zisi A., Barone G. & Mazzoleni P. : New geo-resources for the conservation of Cultural Heritage: feasibility study on the application of stone sawing sludges-based Alkali Activated Materials.

20-7 17.15 - 17.30 Bertino A.*, Caggiani M.C., Fugazzotto M., Barone G. & Mazzoleni P. : Synthesis and characterization of pigmented geopolymers for sustainable conservation interventions.


Tuesday 19 September 2023 - Poster Area

20-8 Booth 42 Bernasconi D.*, Viani A., Zárybnická L., Bernasconi A., Caviglia C., Destefanis E., Gobetto R. & Pavese A. : Influence of municipal solid waste fly ash on phosphate-based geopolymer foams properties.

20-9 Booth 43 Clausi M.*, D'Accolti L., Savino S., Cangialosi F., Fornaro A., Eramo G. & Pinto D. : Geopolymer-based catalysts for pollutants removal by photo-Fenton reaction.

20-10 Booth 44 Cofano V.*, Medini M., Clausi M. & Pinto D. : Porosity influence on MK-based geopolymers for ammonium removal.

20-11 Booth 45 Fornasini L.*, Stabile P., Bersani D. & Paris E. : Different kinds of waste into a single secondary product: a chemical and mineralogical characterization of recycled waste.

20-12 Booth 46 Girardi G.*, Clausi M. & Pinto D. : Influence of environmental curing conditions on mechanical and microstructural features of water potabilization sludge – clay alkali activated blends.

20-13 Booth 47 Clausi M., Fernàndez-Jeménez A. & Pinto D.* : Alkali activation of mechanically pre-treated carbonate-bearing clays.

20-14 Booth 48 Radica F.*, Iezzi G., Trotta O., Bonifazi G., Serranti S. & de Brito J. : Calibrating HSI-SWIR (hyperspectral imaging-short wave infrared) for rapid discrimination of CDW (construction and demolition waste).

20-15 Booth 49 Volpintesta F.* & Armienti P. : Chemical-mineralogical-petrographic characterization of building demolition waste (CDW) from Tuscany for the valorization and recycling.

20-16 Booth 50 Zafarana S.*, Barone G., Finocchiaro C., Occhipinti R., Portale S. & Mazzoleni P. : Design of experiments (DOE): a preliminary study for the optimization of alkali-activated formulations.

S21. Mineral crystal chemistry: a powerful tool for our understanding of the inner nature of geomaterials. In memory of Alessandro Guastoni

Conveners and Chairpersons: Maria Lacalamita - Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro Cristian Biagioni - Università di Pisa Ferdinando Bosi – Sapienza Università di Roma


Tuesday 19 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula A6

21-1 11.00 - 11.15 [KEYNOTE] Nestola F.* : Alessandro Guastoni and his world: minerals and pegmatites.

21-2 11.15 - 11.30 Pasero M.* : The columbite supergroup: crystal-chemical classification and nomenclature issues.

21-3 11.30 - 11.45 Altieri A.*, Pezzotta F., Skogby H., Hålenius U. & Bosi F. : Tourmaline petrogenetic indicator highlighted in a multicolored crystal from the Mavuco area (Alto Ligoña pegmatite district, NE Mozambique).

21-4 11.45 - 12.00 Celata B.*, Andreozzi G.B., Ballirano P., Bosi F. & Marshall H.R. : Tourmaline life-cyle in subduction systems.

21-5 12.00 - 12.15 Conconi R.*, Gentile P., Fumagalli P. & Capitani G.C. : Ca-REE fluorcarbonates from Cuasso al Monte (Western Southern Alps): a new (Nd)-fluorcarbonate and evidence of Ce mobility.

21-6 12.15 - 12.30 Mauro D.*, Biagioni C. & Sejkora J. : Occurrence and crystal chemistry of austinite, conichalcite, and zincolivenite from the Peloritani Mountains (northeastern Sicily, Italy).

21-7 12.30 - 12.45 Lepore G.O.*, Bindi L., Landi A.I., d'Acapito F., Holtstam D. & Bonazzi P. : Crystal structure and disorder of layered lead oxychlorides: the cases of blixite and thorikosite.

21-8 12.45 - 13.00 Musetti S.*, Voudouris P., Biagioni C. & Sejkora J. : Tennantite-(In) from Pefka (Greece): occurrence and crystal chemistry.

Tuesday 19 September 2023 [15.30-17.30] - Aula A6

21-9 15.30 - 16.00 [KEYNOTE] Moëlo Y.* : Minor cations or anions as key components for the stabilization of complex sulfosalts: a review.

21-10 16.00 - 16.15 Comodi P.*, Fastelli M., Balic-Zunic T., Collings I., Hanfland M. & Zucchini A. : Equation of state and structural evolution of jamesonite (FePb4Sb6S14) at high pressure.

21-11 16.15 - 16.30 Andreozzi G.B.*, Bosi F., Celata B. & Ballirano P. : Axinite crystal chemistry and thermal behavior.

21-12 16.30 - 16.45 Curetti N.* & Pavese A. : Fe-bearing vanadium dioxide - paramontroseite: structural details and high temperature transformation.

21-13 16.45 - 17.00 La Fortezza M.* & Belmonte D. : Stability and metastability of MgSiO3 pyroxenes at deep mantle conditions: new insights from ab initio calculations.

21-14 17.00 - 17.15 Zucchini A.*, Boffa Ballaran T., Masotta M., Fastelli M., McCammon C., Di Michele A., Frondini F., Nazzari M., Comboni D., Hanfland M. & Comodi P. : Disorder and Fe-enrichment in thermally treated ankerite.

21-15 17.15 - 17.30 Lacalamita M.*, Mesto E., Kaneva E., Merli M. & Schingaro E. : High temperature studies of fedorite and fluorcarletonite from the Murun alkaline complex (Russia).


Tuesday 19 September 2023 - Poster Area

21-16 Booth 51 Altieri A.*, Skogby H., Hålenius U., Pezzotta F., Sejkora J. & Bosi F. : Understanding genesis and color origin of the very rare leek-green tourmaline variety.

21-17 Booth 52 Bosi F.*, Altieri A., Skogby H., Pezzotta F., Hålenius U., Tempesta G., Ballirano P., Flégr T. & Cempírek J. : Ferro-bosiite, a new tourmaline species from Mavuco, Alto Ligoña pegmatite district, NE Mozambique.

21-18 Booth 53 Celata B.*, Bosi F., Musiyachenko K., Korsakov A. & Andreozzi G.B. : Crystal chemistry of oxy-dravite-maruyamaite series.

21-19 Booth 54 Conconi R.*, Ventruti G., Nieto F. & Capitani G.C. : Chemical characterization of geomaterials at a nanoscale with TEM-EDS: a comparison between the Standardless, Cliff & Lorimer and Absorption correction quantification methods.

21-20 Booth 55 Fregola R.A., Ciccolella A.*, Ruggieri G., Ventruti G., Mesto E. & Schingaro E. : Mineralogical characterization of zoned sphalerite from the Zn-Pb ore deposit of Longobucco (Sila Massif, Calabria, Southern Italy).

21-21 Booth 56 Galliano Y.*, Bellatreccia F. & Carbone C. : In situ temperature dependent investigation of natural taranakite from the Pollera Cave (Liguria, Italy).

21-22 Booth 57 Lepore G.O.*, Paternostro S., Goudjil M. & Conticelli S. : Crystal chemistry of phlogopite from Mount Amiata volcano: preliminary data.

21-23 Booth 58 Mauro D.*, Biagioni C., Sejkora J. & Dolníček Z. : Batoniite, a new Al sulfate from the Cetine di Cotorniano mine (Tuscany, Italy).

21-24 Booth 59 Morana M.*, Minelli A., Bindi L. & Lepore G.O. : Exploring disorder in complex mineral structures through single-crystal X-ray diffuse scattering: preliminary data.

21-25 Booth 60 Musetti S.*, Sejkora J., Biagioni C., Škácha P. & Dolníček Z. : Adding new species to the tetrahedrite group: three new members of the hakite series.

21-26 Booth 61 Perchiazzi N.*, Ferraris C. & Vignola P. : Crystal chemical investigations on rare zirconium-niobium silicates of the Alfred Lacroix collection of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris).

21-27 Booth 62 Solomita G.*, Mormone A., Balassone G. & Piochi M. : The aluminium sulfate- and kaolinite-rich deposits from the Tolfa volcanic district (Latium, Italy): texture and mineral chemistry.

21-28 Booth 63 Ulian G.* & Valdrè G. : QUANTAS, an open-source Python code for the analysis of mineral thermodynamics and elastic properties.

S22. Mineral science for waste recycle and circular economy

Conveners and Chairpersons: Paola Stabile - Università di Genova Eleonora Paris - Università di Camerino Luciana Mantovani - Università di Parma Azzurra Zucchini - Università di Perugia Paola Comodi - Università di Perugia


Wednesday 20 September 2023 [17.30-19.30] - Aula 7

22-1 17.30 - 17.45 Colombo F.*, Di Renzo F., Malavasi G., Malferrari D. & Arletti R. : Exploitation of 13X zeolite for the recovery of REEs from spent fluorescent lamps: evaluation of the exchange selectivity and cation exchange capacity.

22-2 17.45 - 18.00 Bisciotti A.* & Cruciani G. : Estimation model of attached mortar paste volume on the surface of recycled aggregates combining Rietveld refinement of X-ray powder diffraction and image analysis.

22-3 18.00 - 18.15 Roberto A.*, Mantovani L., Romeo E., Tebaldi G., Montepara A. & Tribaudino M. : Re-using Ladle Furnace Steel slags as filler in asphalt mixtures.

22-4 18.15 - 18.30 Pandolfi Balbi E.*, Cambi C., Fastelli M., Cerni G., Corradini A., Cotana F., Bocci C., Montanari C. & Comodi P. : Application of biomass ashes in the stabilization of road pavements subgrade soils: a multimethod approach.

22-5 18.30 - 18.45 De Matteis C.*, Pollastri S., Mantovani L. & Tribaudino M. : PTE speciation in bottom ashes from municipal solid waste incinerator: a combined SEM-EDS, XRF and XANES by synchrotron radiation study.

22-6 18.45 - 19.00 Galderisi A., Bravo M., Iezzi G.*, Cruciani G., Paris E. & de Brito J. : The effect of CDW (Construction and Demolition Waste) type and crystalline phases on the physical-mechanical performance of mortars.

22-7 19.00 - 19.15 Volpintesta F.*, Finocchiaro C., Barone G., Mazzoleni P. & Paris E. : Influence of CDW composition in geopolymer mortars based on volcanic ash, fly ash and metakaolin using Na and K solutions.

22-8 19.15 - 19.30 Tarantino S.C.*, Marian N.M., Ercoli R., Riccardi M.P. & Zema M. : Closing the loop: transforming sewage sludge into alkaline cements through hydrothermal and alkali-activation processes.


Wednesday 20 September 2023 - Poster Area

22-9 Booth 50 Caviglia C.*, Bernasconi D., Destefanis E., Bonadiman C., Brombin V. & Pavese A. : Characterization of MSWI fly ash solid residues after steam washing treatment, for their potential reuse.

22-10 Booth 51 De Matteis C.*, Mantovani L., Tribaudino M., Bernasconi A., Destefanis E., Caviglia C., Toller S., Funari V. & Dinelli E. : Sequential extraction procedure and grain size in bottom ashes from MSWI.

22-11 Booth 52 Fastelli M.*, Frondini R., Frondini F., Zucchini A., Vivani R., Pandolfi Balbi E. & Comodi P. : C-capture by mineral carbonation in fresh cement vs. recycled masonry aggregates.

22-12 Booth 53 Ossoli E.* & Stabile P. : Recycling of disposable face masks into geopolymeric matrices for lightweight materials for green building.

22-13 Booth 54 Ossoli E.*, Volpintesta F., Reggiani A., Stabile P. & Paris E. : Fine industrial waste in geopolymer foam binders for new insulation materials.

22-14 Booth 55 Russo R.E., Fattobene M., Zamponi S., Conti P., Berrettoni M.* & Giuli G. : Recovery of molybdenum from exhaust catalyst with a green process based on agri-food wastes.

22-15 Booth 56 Santulli C.* : Properties of M25 concrete filled with different amounts and types of waste: proteinic, lignocellulosic, and ceramic.

22-16 Booth 57 Santulli C.*, Volpintesta F., Felici A., Paris E. & Stabile P. : Sea-derived ceramic waste for application in geopolymers.

22-17 Booth 58 Toller S.*, Mantovani L., De Matteis C., Tribaudino M., Boschetti T., Funari V., Dinelli E. & Pelagatti P. : Deep characterization of bottom ashes from municipal solid waste incineration: mineralogical and geochemical data from 5 plants of Northern Italy.

S23. Biomineral, environment and gemmological studies

Conveners and Chairpersons: Fabio Bellatreccia - Università Roma 3 Giovanni De Giudici -Università di Cagliari Valerio Funari - ISMAR-CNR Bologna Giovanna Agrosí - Università di Bari Maria Cristina Caggiani - Università di Catania Alessandra Costanzo - University of Galway, Ireland


Thursday 21 September 2023 [08.30-10.30] - Aula A4

23-1 08.30 - 09.00 [KEYNOTE] Birarda G.*, Bedolla D.E., Piccirilli F., Stani C. & Vaccari L. : Biominerals and Environment: Advances in infrared spectroscopic investigations at micro and nano scale.

23-2 09.00 - 09.15 Montegrossi G.*, Venturi S., Baroni T., Casentini B., Fazi S., Rimondi V., Costagliola P. & Di Benedetto F. : Arsenic in the Piscine Carletti Thermal Spring System (Viterbo, Italy): a XAS speciation study.

23-3 09.15 - 09.30 Onnis P.*, Medas D., Dore E., Podda F., Fancello D. & De Giudici G. : Bio-geo interaction in mining-impacted environments.

23-4 09.30 - 09.45 Izzo F.*, Di Renzo V., Langella A., D'Antonio M., Tranfa P., Widory D. & Mercurio M. : Investigating the strontium isotope linkage between human urinary stones and drinking waters from South Italy.

23-5 09.45 - 10.00 Cotellucci A.*, Pellegrino L., Dela Pierre F. & Pastero L. : New insights on gypsum twinned crystals: mineralogical implications for natural gypsum deposits.

23-6 10.00 - 10.15 Sedda L.*, Naitza S., Podda F. & De Giudici G. : Biominerals occurrence at Montevecchio mine (SW Sardinia).

23-7 10.15 - 10.30 Viani A.*, Zárybnická L., Ševčík R. & Mácová P. : Mechanisms of crystallization inhibition of struvite-K by citric acid.

Thursday 21 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula A4

23-8 11.00 - 11.15 Cotellucci A.*, Pellegrino L., Dela Pierre F. & Pastero L. : The effect of different evaporation rates on gypsum habit: mineralogical implications for natural gypsum deposits.

23-9 11.15 - 11.30 Tempesta G.*, Elettivo G.S. & Agrosì G. : Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of gem quality topaz from different localities.

23-10 11.30 - 11.45 Monico S.*, Cantaluppi M., Gatta G.D., Adamo I., Fumagalli P. & Marinoni N. : Similarities and differences among the most relevant varieties of chalcedony in gemmology: chemistry, mineralogy and microstructure.

23-11 11.45 - 12.00 Costanzo A.* , Bojarski B. ,Kosior M. & Klikowicz A. : An insight in Baltic amber: determining the origin and the nature of the inclusions trapped in the natural organic gem.

23-12 12.00 - 12.15 Rizzo F.*, Tempesta G., Della Ventura G., Bernardini S., Sodo A., Vadrucci M. & Agrosì G. : Raman spectra comparison between untreated and treated colored tourmalines from different localities.

23-13 12.15 - 12.30 Galliano Y.*, Carbone C. & Bellatreccia F. : Guano derived biominerals from the Pollera Cave (Liguria, Italy).

23-14 12.30 - 12.45 Precisvalle N.*, Bonadiman C., Zanetti A., Butini F. & Martucci A. : Imperial topaz, from commercial name to new gemmological variety: a new definition for chromium bearing topaz.

23-15 12.45 - 13.00 Spironello M.Y.*, Caggiani M.C., Fugazzotto M., Barone G., Mazzoleni P., Raimondi F. & Spampinato G. : Historical ecclesiastic jewelry from 18th century Sicily: non-invasive gemological investigation.


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

23-16 Booth 65 Bloise A.*, De Rosa R., Vespasiano G., Fuoco I. & Apollaro C. : Synthesis of pyroxenes of gems quality and size.

23-17 Booth 66 Dore E., Fancello D., Medas D., Rigonat N., Biddau R., Meneghini C., Moroni M., Naitza S., Onnis P.* & De Giudici G. : Geochemistry and mineralogy of antimony in enriched riverine water and mineral phases.

23-18 Booth 67 Vezzola L., Fantini R.*, Carpenito G., Lusvardi G., Arletti R. & Vezzalini G. : UV-Vis spectroscopy of gemstones: comparison between portable and laboratory instruments.

23-19 Booth 68 Vitale L., Buonocore C., Coppola D., de Pascale D., Vitiello G., Mantovani L., Funari V.* & Tedesco P. : Biotechnological evaluation of calcite biomineralization induced by the marine bacteria Lysinibacillus sphaericus PG22.

S24. Asbestos and hazardous dust in geomaterials in the frame of European green economy: new strategies for monitoring, treatment, and reuse in view of exposure assessment

Conveners and Chairpersons: Giovanna Rizzo - Università degli Studi della Basilicata Rosalda Punturo - Università degli Studi di Catania Jasmine Rita Petriglieri, Università di Torino Matteo Giordani, Università di Urbino Carlo Bo Laura Fornasini, Università di Parma Alessandro Pacella, Sapienza Università di Roma


Tuesday 19 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula Leonardo

24-1 11.00 - 11.30 [KEYNOTE] Vaccaro C.*, Telloli C. & Marrocchino E. : Petrographic and mineralogical analysis of natural asbestos fibres in road pavements.

24-2 11.30 - 11.45 Rizzo G.*, Dilek Y., Mongelli G. & Punturo R. : Serpentinites of the Pollino ophiolite massif (Southern Italy) as a sink for atmospheric CO2: Asbestos evolving from a health risk to an Earth resource to trap greenhouse gas.

24-3 11.45 - 12.00 Punturo R., Visalli R.*, Pinizzotto M.R., Cantaro C., Pistorio A. & Cirrincione R. : Assessment of Naturally Occurring Asbestos in dismissed quarries: State of the Art and new perspectives for sustainable solutions.

24-4 12.00 - 12.15 Fracchiolla T.*, Lisco S.N., Moretti M., Laviano R. & Romano G. : A cliff-beach characterization of asbestos cement material discovered in coastal zone of Marechiaro Bay (TA).

24-5 12.15 - 12.30 Marrocchino E.*, Punturo R. & Vaccaro C. : Natural Asbestos fibers in decorative plasters used for artificial stones in Rationalist Architecture in Rural Villages between the XIX and XX centuries.

24-6 12.30 - 12.45 Telloli C.*, Salvi S., Rizzo A., Marrocchino E. & Vaccaro C. : Radioactivity in building materials.

24-7 12.45 - 13.00 Rizzo G., Buccione R., Dichicco M.C., De Bonis A., Punturo R.* & Mongelli G. : Serpentinite quarries at the Calabria-Basilicata boundary (Southern Apennine, Italy): A case study of petrography, geochemistry and mineralogy towards sustainable economy.

Tuesday 19 September 2023 [15.30-17.30] - Aula Leonardo

24-8 15.30 - 16.00 [KEYNOTE] Gualtieri A.F.*, Fantone S., Di Valerio S., Tossetta G., Procopio A.D., Marzioni D., Pugnaloni A., Bassi A.M., Almonti V., Mirata S., Vernazza S., Tirendi S., Marengo B., Traverso N., Passalacqua M., Scarfì S., Raneri S., Fornasini L., Bersani D., Perchiazzi N., Ballirano P., Pacella A., Bloise A., Ottaviani M.F., Mattioli M., Giordani M. & Della Ventura G. : PRIN 2017 Fibres - A Multidisciplinary Mineralogical, Crystal-Chemical and Biological Project.  What have we learned after four years of research?

24-9 16.00 - 16.15 Gianchiglia F.*, Petriglieri J.R., Barale L., Viti C., Ballirano P., Belluso E. , Bruno M. R., Campopiano A., Cannizzaro A., Piana F., Tomatis M., Olori A., Montereali M.R., Nardi E., Fantauzzi M., Rossi A., Skogby H., Pacella A. & Turci F. : From Field Analysis to Nanostructural Investigation: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Describe Natural Occurrence of Asbestos in View of Hazard Assessment.

24-10 16.15 - 16.30 Fantini R.*, Sisti M., Arletti R., Malferrari D., Cavallo A. & Gualtieri A.F. : Identification and quantification of Ni occurrence in serpentinites from the Valmalenco mining area (Sondrio, Central Alps, Northern Italy).

24-11 16.30 - 16.45 Di Carlo M.C.*, Ballirano P., Bloise A., Campopiano A., Cannizzaro A., Fantauzzi M., Montereali M.R., Nardi E., Pacella A., Petriglieri J.R., Rossi A., Turci F. & Tomatis M. : An insight to the Fenton reaction of amphibole asbestos.

24-12 16.45 - 17.00 Di Benedetto F.*, Belluso E., Capella S., Ardit M., Baroni T. & Capacci F. : Cristobalite dusts: on the hazard connected to exposure to such particulate.

24-13 17.00 - 17.15 Misséri M.*, Beugnon K., De Salvo S., Martinon L., Danek T., Pairon J.C., Belacel M., Verdun-Esquer C. & Carles C. : Identification of asbestiform mineral particles and cleavage fragments in the lung: regulated and unregulated amphiboles.

24-14 17.15 - 17.30 Capella S.*, Visonà S.D., Borrelli P. , Villani S. , Favaron C. , Kurzhunbaeva Z. , Colosio C. & Belluso E. : Asbestos burden in lungs of women from Broni (Pavia, Italy): a postmortem sem-eds study.


Tuesday 19 September 2023 - Poster Area

24-15 Booth 64 Belluso E.*, Ardit M., Capella S., Di Benedetto F., Bullone M. & Vigliaturo R. : Respirable crystalline silica and feldspar particles in respiratory apparatus of equines in riding arenas: a diffuse and non-conventional exposure for animals and humans.

24-16 Booth 65 Caggiano J.*, Buccione R., Mongelli G. & Rizzo G. : Natural occurrence of asbestiform minerals (NOA) in the Timpone Seluci metabasites (Pollino Massif, southern Italy).

24-17 Booth 66 Pace O.*, Buccione R. , Punturo R., Zummo F. & Rizzo G. : Mineralogical and petrographic characterization of fibrous amphiboles in the blueschists of the Diamante-Terranova Unit (Calabrian-Peloritan Orogen, southern Italy).

24-18 Booth 67 Punturo R.*, Tuccitto P. & Cirrincione R. : From hazard to pioneering georesource: exploring the new role of asbestos and potentially harmful minerals in the 21st century.

24-19 Booth 68 Punturo R.*, Vaccaro C. & Marrocchino E. : Namibia Marbles: Insights about occurrences of tremolite exhibiting various habits.

24-20 Booth 69 Punturo R., Visalli R.* & Cirrincione R. : Serpentinization and chrysotile vein development: some remarks about the metamorphic process and health issues.

24-21 Booth 70 Tuccitto P.* : Digitized Inerting Process in a Protective Atmosphere in a Continuous Line Industrial Plant for the Inertization of Silicates and Asbestos Materials, for recycling in the Powder Metallurgy Industry, in the Aerospace, Arms and Defense Industry for technologies and military equipment, from industrial electronics to the goldsmith industry as well as for the production of refractory material - From hazardous asbestos containing wastes (ACW) to new secondary raw material through a new sustainable inertization process: A multimethodological mineralogical study.

S25. A world at risk: evaluation of the hazard associated to volcanic eruptions, natural radioactivity and land instabilities

Conveners and Chairpersons: Eleonora Benà - Università degli studi di Padova. Ivan Sunyé Puchol Sapienza – Università di Roma Livio Ruggiero - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Roma Lorenzo Monaco Università di Pisa Alessandra Sciarra - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Roma


Wednesday 20 September 2023 [08.30-10.30] - Aula A4

25-1 08.30 - 09.00 --- Withdrawn --- Ciotoli G.*, Benà E., Sciarra A., Procesi M., Ruggiero L., Sassi R., Mazzoli C., Beaubien S.E. & Bigi S. : From the Geogenic Radon Potential map to the Radon Priority Areas of the Italian territory.

25-2 09.00 - 09.15 Benà E.*, Ciotoli G., Ruggiero L., Petermann E., Bossew P., Verdi L., Mazzoli C. & Sassi R. : A new perspective in radon risk assessment.

25-3 09.15 - 09.30 Bonorino L.*, Beccaris G., Bisi P., Chiozzi P., Cogorno A., Filippi E., Narizzano R., Prandi S. & Verdoya M. : Gamma-ray spectrometry to predict the indoor radon concentration.

25-4 09.30 - 09.45 Sciarra A.*, Sepe V., Sapia V., Materni V., Ruggiero L., Pizzino L. & Cristoferi A. : Identification of active and capable faults (FAC) using geochemical (222Rn, 220Rn and CO2) and geophysical (ERT, GPR) investigations: Case study of the Rieti Basin (Lazio Region, Italy).

25-5 09.45 - 10.00 Iovine R.S., Avino R., Cuoco E., Minopoli C., Santi A., Caliro S., Piersanti A., Galli G. & Piochi M.* : Dissolved radon levels from the unresting Campi Flegrei caldera compared to concentrations in waters from other volcanic areas in Southern Italy using a RAD7 radon detector.

25-6 10.00 - 10.15 Ruggiero L.*, Sciarra A., Tuccimei P., Galli G., Mazzini A., Mazzoli C., Tartarello M.C., Florindo F., Wilson G., Mattia M., Giagnoni F., Benà E., Bigi S., Sassi R., Anderson J. & Ciotoli G. : Study of the origin of soil 222Rn and 220Rn activities in Taylor Valley, Antarctica.

25-7 10.15 - 10.30 Baccolo G.*, Beard D., Clason C., Łokas E., Nastasi M., Schwikowski M. & Sisti M. : Uncovering cryoconite: the radioactive legacy of glaciers.

Wednesday 20 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula A4

25-8 11.00 - 11.30 [KEYNOTE] Massaro S.* : On the long-term multi-source probabilistic hazard assessment: an example from Neapolitan volcanoes.

25-9 11.30 - 11.45 Özsoy R.*, Sunyé-Puchol I., Pedrazzi D., Miggins D., Aydar E., Akkaş E., Tavazzani L. & Mollo S. : Reconstructing the recent eruptive history of Hasandağ volcano by tephrostratigraphic correlations along the Belbaşhanı Valley, Central Anatolia, Turkey.

25-10 11.45 - 12.00 Giansante S.*, Esposti Ongaro T., Cioni R., De' Michieli Vitturi M. & Pistolesi M. : Dynamics and hazard of phreatic explosions at Vulcano island (Aeolian archipelago, Italy).

25-11 12.00 - 12.15 Orefice S.* & Innocenti C. : Preliminary results of a susceptibility analysis of a Ligurian (Italy) coastal area.

25-12 12.15 - 12.30 Kaya S., Özsoy R., Sunyé-Puchol I.*, Aydar E., Nazzari M. & Mollo S. : Reconstructing the Holocene volcanic history of Erciyes stratovolcano, Central Anatolia (Turkey): the Karagüllü, Perikartin and Dikkartin explosive eruptions.

25-13 12.30 - 12.45 Fernandez G.*, Giaccio B., Costa A., Monaco L., Albert P.G., Nomade S., Pereira A., Leicher N., Lucchi F., Petrosino P., Milia A., Insinga D., Wulf S., Kearney R., Veres D., Jordanova D. & Sottili G. : The Late Pleistocene volcanic activity at Campi Flegrei: new tephrostratigraphic and tephrochronological evidence.

25-14 12.45 - 13.00 Magli A.*, Speranza F., Branca S., Coltelli M., Corsaro R., Malaguti A. & Giordano G. : Paleomagnetic dating of prehistoric flank eruptions from the SE lower slopes of Etna volcano.


Wednesday 20 September 2023 - Poster Area

25-15 Booth 59 Bentivenga M., Siervo V., Palladino G., Pescatore E., Piccarreta M. & Giano S.I.* : Application of landslides susceptibility models by using GIS analyses.

25-16 Booth 60 D'Alessandro A. , Figlioli A.*, Scudero S., Speciale S., Vitale G., D'Anna R., Martorana R., Sulli A., Piersanti A., Cannelli V. & Galli G. : Preliminary data from the permanent radon monitoring network in western Sicily.

25-17 Booth 61 Molina-Guadarrama A.N.*, Guilbaud M.N. & Chédeville-Monzo C. : Eruptive dynamics and hazards associated to pyroclastic density currents from the Las Derrumbadas rhyolitic twin domes (Puebla, Mexico).

25-18 Booth 62 Mureddu A.* : Functional recovery of the provincial road n° 22 at Km 9+000 - Historical analysis of previous problems, evaluation of construction errors and planning of landslide risk resolution.

S26. Exploring geoscience communication

Conveners and Chairpersons: Ortensia Amoroso - Università degli Studi di Salerno Rosa Coluzzi - CNR-IMAA Valeria Giampaolo - CNR-IMAA Vito Imbrenda - CNR-IMAA Silvia Peppoloni – INGV


Thursday 21 September 2023 [15.30-17.30] - Aula A5

26-1 15.30 - 15.45 Russo R.*, Gargiulo M.V., Vitale M.P., Quarta S. & Capuano P. : Trust in experts and authorities as influencing factors of communities' risk perception.

26-2 15.45 - 16.00 Dell'Aversana P.* : Combining Geophysics, Sound Engineering and Multimedia Art for improving Communication and Education in Geosciences.

26-3 16.00 - 16.15 Voltattorni N.* : Dedicated storytelling to introduce pre-scholar children to the seismic risk: Giuseppa e Tremotto the dragon.

26-4 16.15 - 16.30 Gargiulo M.V.*, Napolitano F. & Capuano P. : Different examples of serious games to educate risk perception.

26-5 16.30 - 16.45 Nazzareni S.*, Costantini E., Ciccoli N., Grohman D., Mazzoni M., Pagiotti S., Romani A. & Scarlato S. : Comics as a new tool to communicate science: an example from the University of Perugia.

26-6 16.45 - 17.00 Giamborino A.* & Fanti F. : SADP - Southern Alberta Dinosaur Project (Canada).

26-7 17.00 - 17.15 Gianoglio F.*, Castello G., Caprioglio M.C., Cavalletti B., Corsi M., Rocca M. & Marescotti P. : Geodiversity assessment in the Beigua UNESCO Global Geopark (Liguria, Italy): valuing geoheritage for education, tourism, and community engagement.

26-8 17.15 - 17.30 Gugg G.* : The many voices of Vesuvius. Anthropology of risk communication.


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

26-9 Booth 69 Matarazzo N.*, Coluzzi R., D'Emilio M., Imbrenda V., Lanfredi M. & Samela C. : The contamination of quantitative approaches with qualitative methods as a communication strategy for geoscience. Practices from field work in human geography.

26-10 Booth 70 Berloco T.*, Calabritto M., Loiudice C., Carlucci G., Laterza D., Lardo E. & Mininni A.N. : Impacts of regenerative agricultural practices on soil health and carbon sequestration as a driver of rural eco-entrepreneurship towards the creation of a Living Lab in Southern Italy: the case study of FARMS4CLIMATE project.

26-11 Booth 71 D'Agata A.* : Towards the use of Citizen Science for land consumption monitoring.

26-12 Booth 72 Giampaolo V., Calamita G., Capozzoli L., Coluzzi R., De Martino G., Fanti L., Gaudiosi I., Imbrenda V.* & Sinisi R. : Awareness to land degradation phenomena on Earth surface: chronicles from Basilicata (Southern Italy).

26-13 Booth 73 D'Addezio G.* & Besker N. : Climate change, effects and strategies in the drawings of elementary school students  .

26-14 Booth 74 Lucente S., Bentivenga M., Cantarelli V., Giordano A., Prosser G., Rizzo G., Soldo G., Baggi I.G. & Guidetti G.* : Disclosure of geological sciences through the geosites: the example of Geoscuola project in Basilicata.

26-15 Booth 75 Gargiulo M.V.*, Amoroso O., Russo R. & Capuano P. : The CORE project APP: Teacher's training.

26-16 Booth 76 De Novellis V.* & Somma R. : Vesuvius, from risk to resource? The show for the past and future Grand Tour.

S27. Geoscience at School

Conveners and Chairpersons: Elena Bonaccorsi – Università di Pisa Anna Gioncada – Università di Pisa Claudia Lupi – Università di Pavia Eleonora Paris – Università di Camerino Manuela Pelfini - Università degli Studi di Milano Statale


Thursday 21 September 2023 [15.30-17.30] - Aula A4

27-1 15.30 - 16.00 [KEYNOTE] Realdon G.*, Beccaceci A., Berlingieri K., Crottini A., Occhioni M., Ometto L., Piacentini V., Rota-Stabelli O. & Scapellato B. : Science teaching for sustainability: the SSI approach.

27-2 16.00 - 16.15 Occhioni M.* & Paris E. : A collaborative project on urban sustainability using Minecraft.

27-3 16.15 - 16.30 Furfori I.*, Bonaccorsi E. & Gioncada A. : Geosciences in natural sciences and in civic education in italian upper secondary school: is interdisciplinarity a resource?

27-4 16.30 - 16.45 Gastaldi M.*, Santulli C. & Paris E. : "TRASH CAMP: an experiential learning path for Global Citizenship Education".

27-5 16.45 - 17.00 Occhipinti S.* : From Geotourism and Geoeducation, to Geoheritage: the value of tangible and intangible heritage.

27-6 17.00 - 17.15 Beccaceci A.*, Occhioni M. & Paris E. : Sustainable city virtual game: how to engage students in sustainable lifestyles.

27-7 17.15 - 17.30 Gravina T.* & Iannace A. : Earth science teaching in Italian Upper secondary school: the floor to Natural Science teachers.

Thursday 21 September 2023 [17.30-19.30] - Aula A4

27-8 17.30 - 17.45 Occhipinti S.* : Unforeseen connections and new points of view to promote interest and passion for Earth Sciences.

27-9 17.45 - 18.00 Cifelli F.*, Barnikel F., Funiciello F., Gravina T., Laj C., Kourtidis K., Macko S., Panieri G., Pereira H., Pereira Correia G., Roca A.A., Schwarz A., Smith P., Stahopoulos S. & Berenguer J.L. : Science@school: the example of the GIFT workshops.

27-10 18.00 - 18.15 Gizzi F.T.*, Minervino Amodio A., Potenza M.R., Sannazzaro A., Ruggeri A., Ciampa M.G., Cloroformio L., Locuratolo E., Salvia A. & Sileo A. : MEMOSIL: a Path for Transversal Competences and Orientation (Italian PCTO) aimed at increasing seismic risk perception in high school students. Methodology, activities, and results.

27-11 18.15 - 18.30 Adanti B.*, Corrado S., Grossi F., Bosco V. & Vasconi P. : The historical geological collections of the "Ennio Quirino Visconti" Higher School at the Roman Collegium: a hidden geological jewel in Rome, from the XVII century to nowadays.

27-12 18.30 - 18.45 Liverani P.*, Truffelli E., Balduzzi L., Ravaioli R. & Braga R. : "Fire in the center of the Earth" - Exploring alternative geological ideas in entry-level high school students.

27-13 18.45 - 19.00 Lupi C.* & Cicconi A. : Effectiveness of fieldwork in Earth Sciences education.

27-14 19.00 - 19.15 Occhioni M.* & Paris E. : Critical minerals and energy transition: an educational activity in a webXR virtual world and Opensimulator.

27-15 19.15 - 19.30 Piangiamore G.L.*, Maramai A. & Pennesi D. : Hypernarrative online Escape Room as a learning tool: experiences since pandemic to date.


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

27-16 Booth 77 Adanti B.*, Cifelli F., Corrado S., Grossi F. & Bosco V. : The dissemination of Geosciences for the enhancement and protection of the historical and cultural heritage, through educational workshops and geological itineraries: The Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls in Rome.

27-17 Booth 78 Bonaccorsi E., Cifelli F., Gioncada A., Lupi C., Paris E.* & Pelfini M. : Joining the Barcelona manifesto for the teaching of Geosciences: an EGU initiative to emphasize the relevance of Geoscience education for the building of citizenship.

27-18 Booth 79 de Luca A.*, Dessì A., Fiorentini F., Lucia G. & Carboni F. : "Antropocene: alla scoperta delle rocce 2.0": a multidisciplinary laboratory about plastic rocks formation.

27-19 Booth 80 Della Seta M.*, Bigaroni N., Collettini C., Curzi M., Esposito C., Di Bella L., Innocenzi F., Lustrino M., Mercuri M., Petronelli D., Piacentini D., Ronca S., Scuderi M. & Volpe G. : The LAB2GO project: enhacement and sharing of Earth Science laboratory practice in secondary schools.

27-20 Booth 81 Fornasaro S.*, Giacomoni P.P., Gioncada A., Meneghini F., Pandolfi L., Ribolini A. & Rocchi S. : Integrating the Italian and Uzbek higher education system in Geosciences: the example of the preparatory year at the Branch of the University of Pisa in Tashkent (Uzbekistan).

27-21 Booth 82 Marinangeli L.*1, Pappalardo V., Di Pietro I., Tangari A.C. & Caramanico A. : Geologia 3D: explaining geological features in VR at school.

27-22 Booth 83 Misiti V.*, Di Laura F., Riposati D. & Battelli P. : SEISMOMETER THEFT: discovering the guilty.

27-23 Booth 84 Pelfini M., Cameron E.*, Azzoni R.S. & Bollati I.M. : The hydrological cycle in the field starting from a glacier: the experience with a secondary school of first level.

27-24 Booth 85 Realdon G*., Bianchet L., Candussio G., Cettolo L., Fabris S. & Gallo M.T. : Scienza Under 18 Isontina: a new approach to science communication in schools, for schools, with schools.

27-25 Booth 86 Sabatini A.*, Pauselli C., Porreca M., Ercoli M., Akimbekova A., Ariano A., Azzarà B., Baldanza A., Barchi M.R., Bertinelli A., Bisolfati M., Burla M.C, Burnelli M., Caciolli M.C., Cambi C., Carboni F., Cardellini C., Cencetti C., Cherin M., Cirilli S., Comodi P., Di Matteo L., Fastelli M., Fisauli G., Frondini F., López M.A., Melelli L., Minelli G., Mirabella F., Mitillo N., Nazzareni S., Occhipinti M., Ortenzi S., Pandolfi Balbi E., Parparousi E.M., Pasqualone L., Perugini D., Pisello A., Rettori R., Ricci L., Saldi G., Saleh H., Silvani F., Sorci A., Spina A., Urbani M., Valigi D., Zucchini A. & Petrelli M. : The "School-Shake" project: growing seismologists for the future at the University of Perugia (Italy).

27-26 Booth 87 Tosetti V.* & Giamborino A. : A new teaching approaches to promote significant geological learning: Human Paleogenetics.

S28. Unveiling the evolution of the oceanic and continental lithosphere through the study of mantle rocks, primary melts and crustal sections

Conveners and Chairpersons: Federico Casetta - University of Vienna Carlotta Ferrando - Università di Genova Arianna Secchiari - Università degli Studi di Milano Statale

Sessione patrocinata da IAH – Italian Chapter


Wednesday 20 September 2023 [17.30-19.30] - Aula Magna Matematica

28-1 17.30 - 18.00 [KEYNOTE] Stagno V.* & Marras G. : Mantle eclogites and eclogitic diamonds: witnesses of Archaean deep mantle heterogeneities and robust redox buffers.

28-2 18.00 - 18.15 Ferri F., Poli S.*, Scambelluri M., Rinaldi M., Rodríguez Vargas A.I. & Ferrando C. : Ca-carbonatite mantle metasomatism, and kimberlite-like melt ascent recorded in xenoliths from the Andean Northern Volcanic Zone (Colombia): a window on mantle wedge dynamics.

28-3 18.15 - 18.30 Beltrame M.*, Ziberna L., McCammon C., Masotta M., Venier M., De Felice A., Majgsuren Y. & De Min A. : The lithospheric mantle beneath central Mongolia: constraints from spinel-bearing peridotite xenoliths and high pressure experiments.

28-4 18.30 - 18.45 Ziberna L.*, Müntener O., Hetényi G., Greenwood A., Zanetti A., Pistone M., Giovannelli D. & the DIVE Drilling Project Science Team : Project DIVE: Probing the continental lower crust and its transition to the mantle through scientific drilling.

28-5 18.45 - 19.00 Battifora C.*, Ferrando C., Crispini L., Basch V. & Rampone E. : Reactive melt percolation and impregnation processes through the Oman lithospheric mantle (Wadi Tayin Massif).

28-6 19.00 - 19.15 Sandoval-Velasquez A.*, Rizzo A.L., Casetta F., Ntaflos T., Aiuppa A., Alonso M., Padrón E. & Pérez N.M. : New insights on the noble gas and CO2 signature of the lithospheric mantle beneath La Palma (Canary Islands).

28-7 19.15 - 19.30 Nardini N.*, Casetta F., Petrone C.M., Coltorti M. & Ntaflos T. : Modelling ancient volcanoes from zoned clinopyroxene populations and cumulitic nodules: dynamics and timescales of Middle-Triassic plumbing systems in the Dolomites (Southern Alps; Italy).


Wednesday 20 September 2023 - Poster Area

28-8 Booth 63 Angellotti A.*, Marras G., Mikhailenko D. & Stagno V. : The oxidation state of iron in Mg-chromite inclusions from lithospheric diamonds: implications for the redox heterogeneities in the upper mantle.

28-9 Booth 64 Angellotti A.*, Marras G., Morana M., Chariton S., Medeghini L., Romano C., Bindi L., Correale A., Kaminsky F. & Stagno V. : Multianalytical investigation of inclusions in a lithospheric diamond reveals possible metasomatism-driven mechanisms of formation.

28-10 Booth 65 Baratelli L.*, Murri M., Mihailova B., Prencipe M., Cámara F. & Alvaro M. : Raman spectroscopic study of omphacites at variable pressures: implications for elastic geobarometry.

28-11 Booth 66 Benedetti F.*, Stagno V., Marras G., Bianchini G. & Dallai L. : The investigation of the oxidizing role played by the subduction-driven metasomatic fluids through the oxygen fugacity of mantle peridotites coupled with the mineral oxygen isotopes: case of the peridotite mantle xenoliths of Tallante (Betic Cordillera, Spain).

28-12 Booth 67 Borghini G.*, Fumagalli P., Crotti C.F., Tiepolo M. & Rampone E. : Chemical and mineralogical modifications during high-pressure melt-harzburgite reaction: constraints from experiments at 1-2 GPa.

28-13 Booth 68 Casetta F.*, Faccincani L., Ashchepkov I., Abart R. & Ntaflos T. : Reconstructing the P-T structure and composition of the Siberian sub-cratonic lithospheric mantle: clues from spinel, spinel-garnet and garnet peridotite xenoliths from the Udachnaya-East kimberlite.

28-14 Booth 69 Gull F.*, Ntaflos T. & Abart R. : Petrological study of mantle xenoliths from Bou Ibalghatene and Tafraoute maars, Middle Atlas (Morocco).

28-15 Booth 70 Marras G.*, Mikhailenko D., McCammon C., Aulbach S., Logvinova A., Dominijanni S. & Stagno V. : Mineral inclusions in eclogitic diamonds from Udachnaya pipe (Siberia) help to track the geochemical and redox evolution of the subducted ancient oceanic crust and the deep volatiles recycle.

28-16 Booth 71 Secchiari A.*, Godard M. & Montanini A. : Heterogeneous mantle domains in a modern OCT: new insights from the West Iberian margin (ODP Legs 149 and 173).

28-17 Booth 72 Sessa G.*, Cannaò E., Tiepolo M., Farina F., Forni F., Filippi M. & Ferrari M. : Geochemical laboratory at DST UNIMI: toolbox for investigating the Earth .

S29. Extraterrestrial materials: from meteorites to planetary bodies

Conveners and Chairpersons: Anna Barbaro – Università di Padova Mara Murri – Università di Pavia Fabrizio Campanale -Università di Milano Bicocca Matteo Masotta – Università di Pisa Ana Cernok - University of Trieste, FU Berlin


Tuesday 19 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula A5

29-1 11.00 - 11.30 (Invited) Rider-Stokes B.G.*, Stephant A., Anand M., White L. F., Franchi I.A., Zhao X., Whitehouse M.J., Greenwood R.C. & Yamaguchi A. : Assessing the role of impacts in volatile addition to the inner solar system.

29-2 11.30 - 11.45 Iannini Lelarge S.*, Masotta M. , Folco L., Pittarello L. & Suttle M.D. : Partial melting experiments on a CM2 chondrite: implications for differentiation of oxidized planetesimals and angrite parent body formation.

29-3 11.45 - 12.00 Avanzinelli R.*, Casalini M., Cuppone T., Pratesi G., Langone A., Carli C., Stephant A. & Tosi F. : Petro-mineralogical and geochemical study of lunar meteorite NWA 13859.

29-4 12.00 - 12.15 Pisello A.*, Bisolfati M., Ferrari M., De Angelis S., Poggiali G., Brucato J.R., Zinzi A., De Sanctis M.C., Vetere F. P., Maturilli A., Porreca M. & Perugini D. : Volcanic glasses and geochemical signatures: a new resource to decipher volcanic products on planetary surfaces.

29-5 12.15 - 12.30 Giuli G.*, Pratesi G., Morelli M., Capaccioni F., Di Martino M., Di Michele A., Nazzareni S. & Barbieri M. : Glass of possible impact origin from Pica (Chile).

29-6 12.30 - 12.45 Casalini M.*, Carli C., Avanzinelli R., Cuppone T. & Pratesi G. : Detailed study on ungrouped achondrites combining trace elements and Cr isotopes as geochemical tools.

29-7 12.45 - 13.00 Agrosì G.*, Mele D., Tempesta T., Rizzo F. & Manzari P. : More quasicrystals in the cosmos? Preliminary observations of new khatyrka-like fragments.


Tuesday 19 September 2023 - Poster Area

29-8 Booth 71 Barbaro A.*, Domeneghetti M.C., Fioretti A.M., Alvaro M. & Nestola F. : Shock evidences on Frontier Mountain ureilites fragments.

29-9 Booth 72 Barbaro A.*, Zorzi F., Lorenzetti A., Ferrari S., Tubaro C. & Nestola F. : Thermal expansion of oldhamite(CaS) on the surface of Mercury.

29-10 Booth 73 Campanale F.*, Mugnaioli E., Folco L., Parlanti P. & Gemmi M. : TiO2II: the high-pressure Zr-free srilankite in impact rocks.

29-11 Booth 74 Černok A.*, Tait K.T., Anand M., Nicklin I.R., White L.F., Kizovski T., Xuchao X., Franchi I.A., Füri E., Nottingham M., Stephant A., Perea D., Darling J. & Ziberna L. : Water content of an andesitic planetesimal at the dawn of the solar system: a study of achondrite Northwest Africa 11119.

29-12 Booth 75 Giuli G.*, Lepore G.O., Pratesi G., Belza J. & Goderis S. : Iron oxidation state in impact glass from the K/Pg boundary at Arroyo El Mimbral (Mexico) by Fe K-edge XANES spectroscopy.

29-13 Booth 76 Manzari P.*, Moggi Cecchi V., Marzo C., Agrosì G., Cuppone T. & Pratesi G. : Multispectral analyses techniques on X-Ray data in meteorite research.

29-14 Booth 77 Murri M.*, Bossi A. , Recca T. & Campione M. : Cosmic impact laboratory simulations on rubrene nanoparticles: new insights on the generation of prebiotic molecules.

29-15 Booth 78 Stagno V.*, Bovenzi J., Marras G., Aldega L., Cornacchia I., Mancini A., Marianelli D., Morelli G., Rimondi V. & Brandano M. : Petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of the K/Pg layer at the Bottaccione Gorge of Gubbio, Italy.

S30. Geology, mineralogy and petrology in space: exploring planetary bodies in the Solar System and beyond

Conveners and Chairpersons: Alessandro Pisello - Università degli Studi di Perugia Maximiliano Fastelli - Università degli Studi di Perugia Valentina Galluzzi - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (IAPS) Marco Ferrari - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (IAPS)


Tuesday 19 September 2023 [15.30-17.30] - Aula A5

30-1 15.30 - 15.45 Sepe A.*, Ferranti L., Galluzzi V. & Palumbo P. : Mapping structures and impact basins in Mercury's Discovery Quadrangle (H–11).

30-2 15.45 - 16.00 Schmidt G.*, De Toffoli B., Galluzzi V., Salvini F. & Pasquale P. : Elastic Thickness of Mercury's Lithosphere: Insights from the Topography of the Caloris Planitia Impact Region and the impeding Caloris Montes.

30-3 16.00 - 16.15 Balbi E.*, Cianfarra P. , Tosi S. , Crispini L. & Ferretti G. : Clustering analysis to unravel polyphase tectonics settings on planetary surfaces: the case of the Claritas Fossae, Mars.

30-4 16.15 - 16.30 Bisolfati M.*, Pisello A., Porreca M., Zinzi A. & Perugini D. : Analysis of Spectral Variations in the Craters of the Moon Basaltic Flow Using Terra Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer.

30-5 16.30 - 16.45 Masoumi I.*, Sekandari M., Maggio S., De Iaco S. & Beiranvand Pour A. : Integrating ASTER and Sentinel-2 Data for Detecting Potential Zones of Lead and Zinc Deposits Carbonate-Hosted Rocks: Case Study of Khan Khatun Area, Kerman, Southeast Iran.

30-6 16.45 - 17.00 Fastelli M.*, Schmitt B., Beck P., Poch O., Zucchini A. & Comodi P. : Reflectance spectra of mascagnite and salammoniac minerals: effect of viewing geometry variation.

30-7 17.00 - 17.15 Camplone V. *, Manzari P. , Zinzi A. , Ammannito E. , Sindoni G. , Zucca F. & Polenta G. : Comparing Hyperspectral Data from PRISMA and CRISM: Analyzing Geological and Mineralogical Differences in Terrestrial and Martian Deltas.

30-8 17.15 - 17.30 Bruschini E.*, Ferrari M., De Angelis S., De Sanctis M.C., Altieri F., Pisello A., Brossier J., Frigeri A. & the Ma_MISS team : Spectroscopic characterization of Martian analog mineral mixtures.


Tuesday 19 September 2023 - Poster Area

30-9 Booth 79 Baschetti B.*, D'Amore M., Carli C., Massironi M. & Altieri F. : Exploring the potential of machine learning techniques to analyze remotely sensed hyperspectral data on Mars.

30-10 Booth 80 Ferrari M.*, Bruschini E., De Angelis S., Frigeri A., Gomez F. & De Sanctis M.C. : VIS-NIR measurement and sampling campaign in the Rio Tinto area in support of the Ma_MISS scientific activity.

30-11 Booth 81 Carboni F.*, Karagoz O. & Kenkmann T. : 3D reconstruction and kinematic analysis of wrinkle ridges on Mars: symmetric, asymmetric, and double-ridges examples.

30-12 Booth 82 Corrado F.*, Sorrentino A., Chirico R., Massironi M., Ferrari S. & Mondillo N. : A multi-approach hyperspectral analysis for the mineralogical characterization of Zn-Cu-Pb vandate ores in the Otavi Mountainland (Namibia).

30-13 Booth 83 Costa N.*, Massironi M., Penasa L., Pozzobon R. & Ferrari S. : Compositional studies and laboratory comparison of the North Polar Layered Deposits exposed on a steep scarp (Mars).

30-14 Booth 84 Ferranti L., Galluzzi V., Sepe A.*, Menna F. & Palumbo P. : Segmentation and length-distribution analysis of lobate scarps on Mercury.

30-15 Booth 85 Fisauli G.*, Pisello A., Zinzi A., Porreca M., Petrelli M. & Perugini D. : Distinguishing geochemical signature of volcanic rocks using PRISMA satellite: the case study of Tenerife.

30-16 Booth 86 Rondinelli M.*, Gardiol D., Pratesi G., Di Michele A., Bellesi M. & Giuli G. : Mineralogical characterization of the fusion crust of the Cavezzo L5 Chondrite.

30-17 Booth 87 Schmidt G.* & Salvini F. : Highlighting hydrated minerals from orbital spectral data on Mars: potential through a colorized mapping method of sedimentary deposits.

S31. From facies to depositional sequences: experimental approaches and case studies on the analysis of sediments and sedimentary rocks

Conveners and Chairpersons: Sergio G. Longhitano - Università degli Studi della Basilicata Luisa Sabato - Università degli Studi di Bari A. Moro Marcello Tropeano - Università degli Studi di Bari A. Moro


Thursday 21 September 2023 [17.30-19.30] - Aula Leonardo

31-1 17.30 - 17.45 Demurtas L.*, Amorosi A. & Bruno L. : Pleistocene-Holocene stratigraphic architecture of the Po Plain.

31-2 17.45 - 18.00 Borrelli M.*, Perri E., Heimhofer U., Santagati P. & Le Pera E. : Neogene cold seep system reconstruction in the Crotone Basin (South Italy).

31-3 18.00 - 18.15 Di Stefano A.*, Catalano S., Maniscalco R., Brandano M., Barbagallo V., Borzì L., Catania G., Cornacchia I., D'Andrea N.M., Distefano S., Forzese M., Foti A., Macrì P., Mancini A., Marianelli D., Montalbano S., Pellegrino A.G., Salerno A., Torrisi S., Tortorici G., Urso S. & Carbone S. : Revising the western Hyblean sedimentary succession: an update from field mapping and integrated stratigraphic analysis.

31-4 18.15 - 18.30 Sælen G., Spalluto L.*, Jensen N.B., Grunnaleite I., Sande A.J.H., Svendsen P.O.E., Osso G., Paoli N. & Talbot M.R. : Diagenesis of carbonate density-flow deposits controlled by differential uplift of platform segments: examples from the Cretaceous of the Gargano Promontory (Italy).

31-5 18.30 - 18.45 Tamburelli S.*, Perozzo M., Manna L., Menegoni N., Federico L., Crispini L., Amadori C., Seno S., Maino M. & Mueller P. : Juxtapositions of load-and-flames, clastic diapirs and deformation bands as diagnostic tool for earthquake-induced liquefaction in mixed siliciclastic-carbonate successions of the Finale Ligure Basin (NW Italy).

31-6 18.45 - 19.00 Obasuyi F.O.*, Longhitano S.G. & Chiarella D. : The impact of salt tectonics on the degree of preservation of the Middle Jurassic Garn Formation, Halten Terrace Norwegian Continental Shelf.

31-7 19.00 - 19.15 Longhitano S.G.* : A revision of the depositional model for modern and ancient, tectonically-confined tidal straits.

31-8 19.15 - 19.30 Sabato L., Longhitano S.G.* & Tropeano M. : The Plio-Pleistocene Sant'Arcangelo Basin (southern Italy): a stratigraphic/sedimentologic review of the infill succession in its northern sector.


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

31-9 Booth 88 Bruno L.* & Amorosi A. : River instability during the Middle Ages in the Po Plain. Insights into mechanisms and rates of alluvial sedimentation.

31-10 Booth 89 Buttò S.*, Corradino M., Faraci C., Sacchi M. & Pepe F. : On the Lowstand System Tracts (LSTs) as paleobathymetric indicators.

31-11 Booth 90 Canzoneri A.*, Martorana R., Agate M., Capizzi P., Gasparo Morticelli M., Bistacchi A., Bonfardeci A. & Lo Presti V. : A geological model of the urban area of Palermo realized by a multidisciplinary approach.

31-12 Booth 91 Cerone D.*, Gallicchio S., Patacci M. & Tinterri R. : Topographic control on turbidite deposition in foredeep and trench-slope basins: a comparison between the Serra Palazzo Fm. and the Tufiti di Tusa Fm. (Lucanian Apennines, Southern Italy).

31-13 Booth 92 Jablonská D.*, Galdenzi S., Pierantoni P.P. & Mazzoli S. : Inherited morphology control on basin evolution in Cretaceous-Paleogene carbonates. A case study of mass-transport deposit, Frasassi Area, Central Italy.

31-14 Booth 93 Kairouani H., Abbassi A., Zaghloul M.N., Micheletti F.* , Fornelli A., Piccoli F., Criniti S., Critelli S. & El Mourabet M. : Provenance of the Pre-orogenic Lower-Middle Jurassic successions of the Prerif foreland basin (Rif chain, Morocco).

31-15 Booth 94 Petruzzelli M., Antonelli M., Caffau M., Conti J., Fanti F., La Perna R., Marino M., Minervini L., Petti F.M., Sabato L., Sacco E., Spalluto L.* & Tropeano M. : The dinosaur tracksite of Molfetta: stratigraphy and facies analysis of the shallow-water carbonate succession hosting medium- to large-sized footprints.

31-16 Booth 95 Pugliese E.* : Modern fluvial sand composition and sediment production from the Crati River (Calabria, Italy): implications from provenance studies.

S32. New advances in the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the central and southern Apennines

Conveners and Chairpersons: Stefano Vitale – Università di Napoli Federico II Giovanni Luca Cardello – Università di Sassari Sabatino Ciarcia – Università del Sannio Domenico Cosentino – Università RomaTre Monia Sabbatino – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II


Wednesday 20 September 2023 [08.30-10.30] - Aula Leonardo

32-1 08.30 - 09.00 [KEYNOTE] Tropeano M.* : Quaternary evolution of the southern Apennines (Italy): a foreland-basin perspective.

32-2 09.00 - 09.15 Olita F.*, Palladino G. & Prosser G. : Unravelling the geometry of poly-deformed allochthonous units in the Southern Apennines: geological map and 3D model of the left side of the High Agri Valley.

32-3 09.15 - 09.30 Bonfardeci A.*, Gasparo Morticelli M., Avellone G., Parrino N., Gennuso M., Rizzo G.F., Maiorana M.G., Todaro S., Petrella F., Incarbona A., Agate M., Muraro C. & Sulli A. : Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of a segment of the Sicilian Fold and Thrust Belt outcropping in the Sciacca area (south-western Sicily).

32-4 09.30 - 09.45 Cerone D.* & Prosser G. : Field geology and cartography of the Muro Lucano, Bella and Castelgrande areas (Basilicata): revised stratigraphy, sedimentology and tectonics of the NW Lucanian-Apennines.

32-5 09.45 - 10.00 Cavalcante F., Ciarcia S.*, Cicchella D. & Muto F. : The open question of the "Argille Varicolori" Auctorum: inferences on the geodynamic evolution of the southern Apennines.

32-6 10.00 - 10.15 Cardello G.L.*, Consorti L. & Sabatino M. : Stratigraphy and structure of the Chaotic complex of the Volsci Range (central Apennines).

32-7 10.15 - 10.30 Cipollari P.*, Abbassi A., Fellin M.G., Zaghloul M.N., Guillong M., El Mourabet M. & Cosentino D. : The Numidian sandstones of the southern Apennines: age and provenance analysis from the Molise domain.

Wednesday 20 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula Leonardo

32-8 11.00 - 11.15 Diamanti R.*, Camanni G., Vitale E., Russo G. & Vitale S. : The nature of faults developed across a layered, pre-existing fault zone in dolostone rocks: insights from the Matese area (Southern Apennines, Italy).

32-9 11.15 - 11.30 Ferranti L.*, Akimbekova A., Carboni F., Bacchiani A., Ercoli M., Diaferia G., Valoroso L., Bello S., Brozzetti F. & Toscani G. : Structural architecture and tectonic evolution of the west-central Campania-Lucania arc (Southern Apennines, Italy): constraints from seismic reflection profiles, well data and structural-geologic analysis.

32-10 11.30 - 11.45 Innamorati G.*, Fabbi S., Aldega L. & Santantonio M. : Apennines, what Apennines? The hidden orogeny.

32-11 11.45 - 12.15 (Invited) Cipriani A.* & Curzi M. : Mesozoic depositional architecture of the Mt. Sibilla-Mt. Priora area (Sibillini Mts) and its control on the orogenic and post-orogenic deformations.

32-12 12.15 - 12.30 Pedini M.*, Galdenzi S., Jablonská D., Mazzoli S., Pierantoni P.P. & Zambrano M. : 3D Structural model of the Sibillini Mountains area, Umbria-Marche Apennines, Italy.

32-13 12.30 - 12.45 Aiello G., Barra D., Ciarcia S., Di Donato V., Infante A.* & Morabito S. : Paleoenvironmental new constraints in upper Zanclean Benevento Valley deposits (Ariano Basin, southern Apennines).

32-14 12.45 - 13.00 Garzarella A.*, Frezza V., Notaro A., Pampaloni M.L., Berti D., Brozzetti F., Cipriani A., Consorti L., Fabbi S., Muraro C., Pizzi A., Prinzi E., Radeff G., Romagnoli G. & Silvestri S. : Where is life? Preliminary biostratigraphic data on the Messinian-Zanclean successions from the CARG surveys in the Central Apennines.

Wednesday 20 September 2023 [17.30-19.30] - Aula Leonardo

32-15 17.30 - 17.45 Mehmood M.*, Ciarcia S., Lo Schiavo L. & Vitale S. : Paleocurrent analysis in the wedge-top basin deposits of Cilento Group and Monte Sacro (southern Italy).

32-16 17.45 - 18.00 Di Giuseppe M.G.*, Ciarcia S., De Paola C., Fabozzi C., Isaia R., Pagliara F., Troiano A. & Vitale S. : Reconstruction of the non-volcanic CO2 migration pathway in the thermal springs of Contursi and Oliveto Citra sector (southern Apennines, Italy) through multidisciplinary investigations.

32-17 18.00 - 18.15 Fabozzi C.*, Albanese S., Ambrosino M., Ciarcia S., Cicchella D., Di Giuseppe M.G., Natale J., Prinzi E.P., Verrilli F. & Vitale S. : A multidisciplinary study of the "Bolle della Malvizza" mud volcanoes (southern Italy).

32-18 18.15 - 18.30 Gallicchio S.*, Cerone D., Fornelli A., Maiorano P. & Micheletti F. : The Late Paleogene volcaniclastic turbidite succession of the Candela Gorges (Southern Italy): new constrains for the Southern Apennines evolution.

32-19 18.30 - 18.45 Natale J.*, Vitale S., Ciarcia S., Calcaterra D., Guadagno F. & Morgavi D. : Volcano-tectonic deformation during caldera collapse and resurgence of the Ischia Island.

32-20 18.45 - 19.00 Vitale S.* & Natale J. : Did Bradyseism drown the Roman city of Baiae?


Wednesday 20 September 2023 - Poster Area

32-21 Booth 73 Aiello G., Barra D., Ciarcia S., Di Donato V., Infante A.*, Morabito S. & Prinzi E.P. : Miscano River: insights on sedimentation after the Messinian salinity crisis in the southern Apennines.

32-22 Booth 74 Artegiani F.*, Fagioli G., Pietrosante A., Parente M. & Putignano M.L. : Lithiotid-coral deposits in the Lower Jurassic of the Apennine Carbonate Platform (Campania, southern Italy): new evidence from geological mapping.

32-23 Booth 75 Caielli G.*, Maffucci R., de Franco R., Bigi S., Parotto M., Mollica R., Gaudiosi I., Simionato M., Romanelli M., De Marchi N. & Cavinato G.P. : The reusing of the CROP11 seismic data: new insight on the stratigraphic and structural setting of the Fucino and Piani Palentini basins.

32-24 Booth 76 Cavalcante F.*, Belviso C., Lettino A., Prosser G. & Agosta F. : Relations between structural-staking and clay minerals features across the regional decollement of the southern Apennines exposed at the Monte Alpi area of southern Italy.

32-25 Booth 77 Capotorti F.* : Modes and geometry of drowning steps of an Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene carbonate platform.

32-26 Booth 78 Ciarcia S.* & Vitale S. : The geological map of the Campania Region (southern Apennines) at 1:250,000 scale.

32-27 Booth 79 Cicala M.*, Festa V., Sabato L. & Tropeano M. : Surface and subsurface geological features at the boundary between the Bradanic Trough and Murge: a comparison with the Apulia Swell – Taranto Trench transition (Southern Italy).

32-28 Booth 80 Di Nocera S., Borrelli M., Cesarano M., Civitelli M., Criniti S., Falsetta E. & Matano F.* : Geology of the Irpinia sector of southern Apennines: new data for the analysis of the tectono-stratigraphic evolution.

32-29 Booth 81 Diamanti R.*, Awais M., Camanni G., Iannace A., Kylander-Clark A. & Vitale S. : Multiple dolomitization events throughout the tectonic evolution of the southern Apennines from the passive margin to the mountain building stages constrained by new U-Pb dating.

32-30 Booth 82 Fabozzi C.*, Ambrosino M., Ciarcia S., De Paola C., Prinzi E.P. & Vitale S. : Geological, geochemical, and geophysical investigations of the CO2 gas vent in the Solopaca area (southern Apennines, Italy): insigths on the active Southern Matese Fault system.

32-31 Booth 83 Girardi G.*, Barattolo F., Pignatti J., Vitale S. & Ciarcia S. : Bangiana beds from the Upper Cretaceous of Mt. Maro (Southern Apennines, Italy).

32-32 Booth 84 Maffucci R.*, Caciagli M., Braun T., Buttinelli M., Cinti F., Danesi S., De Martini P.M., Errico M., Famiani D., Materni V., Pantosti D., Pucci S., Salimbeni S. & Sapia V. : Integrated investigation of the structural setting of the Val d'Agri oilfield (Basilicata, southern Apennines, Italy).

32-33 Booth 85 Mehmood M.*, Ciarcia S. & Vitale S. : The impact of Late Cretaceous-Eocene abortive rift in the carbonate platforms of the southern Apennines.

32-34 Booth 86 Natale J.*, Vitale S., Giordano G., Prinzi E.P., Tramparulo F.D.A., Isaia R. & Ciarcia S. : Middle-Late Pleistocene volcano-tectonic activity in carbonate mountains (southern Apennines, Italy): evidence of tectonic control on dike emplacement.

32-35 Booth 87 Vitale S.*, Ciarcia S., Prinzi E.P. & Tramparulo F.D.A. : Late Miocene‐Early Pliocene out‐of‐sequence thrusting in the southern Apennines (Italy).

S33. Processes of volcaniclastic sedimentation: analytical, experimental and modelling approaches for stratigraphic record and modern environments

Conveners and Chairpersons: Anna Chiara Tangari - Università G. d'Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara Emilia Le Pera - Università della Calabria Monica Piochi - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Lucia Marinangeli - Università G. d'Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara


Thursday 21 September 2023 [08.30-10.30] - Aula Leonardo

33-1 08.30 - 08.45 (Invited) Tenuta M.*, Donato P., Dominici R., Lirer S., Le Pera E., Delle Rose M. & De Rosa R. : Heavy minerals as indicators of coastal erosion processes: the Apulian coast case study.

33-2 08.45 - 09.00 Le Pera E.*, Quartau R., Moreira S., Ramalho R.S. & Rodrigues A. : Petrography and provenance of Santa Maria island shelf sand, Azores.

33-3 09.00 - 09.15 De Rosa R.*, Morrone C., Bertagnini A., Di Capua A., Di Roberto A., Donato P., Freundt A., Kutterolf S., Pistolesi M. & Rosi M. : Volcanogenic turbidites in marine sediment successions off Stromboli island.

33-4 09.15 - 09.30 Pugliese E.*, Le Pera E., Di Capua A., Principe C. & Groppelli G. : Grain size analysis of modern beach sands in El Hierro and Tenerife islands (Canary Islands, Spain).

33-5 09.30 - 09.45 Tangari A.C.*, Scarciglia F. , Piluso E. , Marinangeli L. & Pompilio L. : Pillow basalt, pyroclastic input and geomorphic processes on the genesis of the Monte Cerviero upland soils (Calabria, Italy).

33-6 09.45 - 10.00 (Invited) Potere D., Iezzi G.*, Scisciani V., Piochi M., Nazzari M., Mormone A., Pierantoni P.P. & Scarlato P. : Field, mesoscopic, mineralogical, geochemical and textural features of a lithified tephra intercalated in the post-evaporitic Messinian level (5.5 Ma) of the Central Apennines in Italy.

33-7 10.00 - 10.15 Marras G.*, Stagno V., Aldega L., Barberio M.D. , Benedetti F. , Cornacchia I., Morelli G., Preto N., Rimondi V. & Brandano M. : Searching for large magmatic events signature in the sedimentary record: a mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic study of the Bonarelli level (Gubbio, Italy).

33-8 10.15 - 10.30 (Invited) Cantucci B.*, Piochi M., Montegrossi G. & Currenti G. : Multidisciplinary research at the Campi Flegrei geothermal system: mineralogical and petrophysical characterization and geochemical modeling in the small coastal depression of the Volturno alluvial plain (Campanian Plain, Southern Italy).

Thursday 21 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula Leonardo

33-9 11.00 - 11.15 Montegrossi G.*, Meloni F., Currenti G., Cantucci B., Stissi S.C. & Napoli R. : An update on numerical modeling of Vulcano Island.

33-10 11.15 - 11.30 Amato V., Matano F.* & Ebrahimi P. : Towards a spatial database for estimating the ash-fall pyroclastic deposit (APD) thickness in southern Italy: A tool for multi-hazard assessment in the landscapes impacted by active volcanoes.

33-11 11.30 - 12.00 (Invited) Silvestro S.* : Aeolian processes on Mars, present and past.

33-12 12.00 - 12.15 Caramanico A.*, Komatsu G., Pondrelli M., Marinangeli L. & Tangari A.C. : Possible volcanic origin for "mounds" of the Hypanis fan system, Mars: magmatic vs sedimentary.


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

33-13 Booth 96 Donato P.*, De Rosa R., Lucchi F., Nicotra E., Rondinelli D., Sulpizio R. & Tranne C.A. : The volcaniclastic succession of Spiaggia di Pollara Formation (Salina Island, Aeolian Archipelago).

33-14 Booth 97 Le Pera E.* & Morrone C. : The use of mineral interfaces in sand-sized volcanic rock fragments to infer durability.

33-15 Booth 98 Principi M.*, Bosio G., Arzilli F., Villa I.M., Pierantoni P.P., Malavolta M., Mammoliti E., Spinaci A. & Di Celma C. : The Messinian monomagmatic turbidites in the Central Apennines: sedimentological and petrographic features from volcaniclastic layers in the new Amandola section (Marche, Italy).

33-16 Booth 99 Mormone A.*, Caputo T. , Marino E. , Balassone G. , Alessio G. & Piochi M. : Volcano-tectonics and hydrothermal dynamics enhancing landscape modifications and sediment generations in a small scale basin routing system: the case of the northern Monte Epomeo at Ischia, Southern Italy.

33-17 Booth 100 Di Pietro I.*, Tangari A.C., Pondrelli M. , Silvestro S. & Marinangeli L. : Composition and potential provenance of aeolian deposits in Sera crater, Mars.

33-18 Booth 101 Cardinale M.*, Pozzobon R. , Tangari A.C. , Runyon K. , Di Primio M. & Marinangeli L. : Reconstruction of the sand transport pathways and provenance in Moreux crater, Mars.

S34. Fluid-rock interaction and terrestrial heat for provenance analysis, traceability and sustainable use of natural resources

Conveners and Chairpersons: Claudio Natali – Università di Firenze Gianluca Bianchini – Università di Ferrara Cristina Pauselli - Università degli studi di Perugia Massimo Verdoya - Università di Genova Domenico Liotta - Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro


Thursday 21 September 2023 [08.30-10.30] - Aula A5

34-1 08.30 - 08.45 Procesi M.* : EMOTION and IRGIE two broad-scope projects to support the geothermal research.

34-2 08.45 - 09.00 Chiozzi P., Bonorino L. & Verdoya M.* : Terrestrial heat-flow: a basic tool for the geothermal potential assessment.

34-3 09.00 - 09.15 Weert A.*, Ogata K., Vinci F. & Tavani S. : Multiphase rifting and rivers: Geothermal energy in the West Netherlands basin.

34-4 09.15 - 09.30 Amoroso O.*, Napolitano F., Convertito V., De Matteis R., Hjörleifsdóttir V. , Agustsdottir T., Scafuro M.R. & Capuano P. : The seismic imaging of the Nesjavellir (Iceland) geothermal production area.

34-5 09.30 - 09.45 Sabatini A.*, Pauselli C., Fuchs S., Peksa R., Comodi P. & Fastelli M. : Mapping the thermophysical properties of rocks: implications for the temperature state of the crust.

34-6 09.45 - 10.00 Perrini M.*, Gola G., Brogi A., Caggianelli A. & Liotta D. : Heat transfer From Shallow Magma intrusions: an Updated Study of the Thermal Evolution of the Monte Capanne Magmatic System.

34-7 10.00 - 10.15 Di Sipio E.*, Manzella A., Pasquali R., Pockéle L., Romanowski A. & Steinmeier O. : Deep U-tube heat exchanger breakthrough: combining laser and cryogenics gas for geothermal energy exploitation.

Thursday 21 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula A5

34-8 11.00 - 11.30 [KEYNOTE] Baneschi I.* : Understanding water-rock-biota interaction in the Critical Zone using stable isotopes: examples from Artic to Mediterranean region.

34-9 11.30 - 11.45 Ferrari M.*, Natali C., Bragagni A. & Bianchini G. : Provenance of Holocene sediments from the Venetian-Paduan area (NE Italy) by elemental and Pb-Sr isotopes analyses.

34-10 11.45 - 12.00 Maccelli C.*, Natali C. , Nisi B. , Casalini M. , Vaselli O. , Venturi S. & Avanzinelli R. : Heavy metals and Pb isotopes as tracers in environmental matrices: the Valdinievole sub-basin river system (Tuscany, Italy) case study.

34-11 12.00 - 12.15 Salani G.M., Bianchini G., Brombin V.* & Natali C. : Mapping of distribution of Soil Organic Carbon and CO2 emissions in the Ferrara province: comparison of C contents in 1937 and 2022.

34-12 12.15 - 12.30 Giannetti F.*, Braschi E., Cantisani E., Casalini M., Langone A., Vettori S., Virili C. & Avanzinelli R. : Chemical and isotopic provenance study of Final Bronze Age glass artefacts from Central Italy.

34-13 12.30 - 12.45 Brombin V., Bianchini G.*, Natali C. & Salani G.M. : Stable isotopes as tracers of provenance in Holocene sediments from the Venetian-Paduan area (NE Italy).


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

34-14 Booth 102 Ariano A.*, Frondini F., Cardellini C., Chiodini G., Ricci L., Petrelli M., Vetuschi Zuccolini M. & Virgili G. : New data on Monterotondo Marittimo and Sasso Pisano geothermal areas: a focus on the carbon dioxide, methane and heat emissions (Tuscany, Italy).

34-15 Booth 103 Colombo R., Gambini R., Marchesini R., Minelli G.* & Pauselli C. : Favorability map for geothermal resources of Sicily with focus on Hyblean plateau area.

34-16 Booth 104 Ferrari M.*, Bragagni A. , Wombacher F. , Montegrossi G., Agostini S., Conticelli S., Natali C. & Tommasini S. : A novel separation technique for thallium isotope determination via MC-ICP-MS.

34-17 Booth 105 Floridia G., Cacace M., Scheck-Wenderoth M., Bott J. & Viccaro M.* : Reconstructing the thermal field of Sicily: development of numerical models for a small-to-large scale geothermal characterization of the island.

34-18 Booth 106 Ghiotto M.*, Ferrari M., Valeriani L., Bragagni A., Pucci C., Malpaganti A., Casalini M., Pelacani S., Conticelli S., Riccio R., Moretti S. & Tommasini S. : Sr isotopes and Rare Earth Elements as tracing tools: the Tuscan Extra Virgin Olive Oil case study.

34-19 Booth 107 Provera S.*, Brombin V., Floreani F., Covelli S. & Frijia G. : Elemental and isotopic fingerprints during the life cycle of the manila clams Ruditapes philippinarum in the Goro Lagoon (north Adriatic Sea): tools for food provenance traceability and environmental studies.

34-20 Booth 108 Salani G.M.*, Lissoni M., Bianchini G., Brombin V., Natali C. & Natali S. : Soil Organic Carbon estimation in Ferrara (Northern Italy) combining in situ geochemical analyses, hyperspectral remote sensing and neural networks.

34-21 Booth 109 Vico G.*, Maffucci R., Pascazio A., Bonamico A., Corrado S., Giordano G. & Bigi S. : Geothermal potential assessment of fractured carbonate reservoirs through 3D thermal and structural reconstruction: a case study from the southern Latium (Central Peri-Tyrrhenian Italy).

34-22 Booth 110 Salani G.M.*, Allevato E., Carbone F. & Stazi S.R. : Carbon dynamics in the chestnut forests of Lazio (Central Italy): insights from the critical zone.

S35. Groundwater sustainability and water-energy-food nexus

Conveners and Chairpersons: Stefania Da Pelo - Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Vincenzo Piscopo - Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Maurizio Polemio – CNR IRPI Bari, Dimitra Rapti – Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Sergio Rusi - Università degli Studi G. d'Annunzio Chieti, Francesco Sdao – Università degli Studi della Basilicata


Wednesday 20 September 2023 [17.30-19.30] - Aula A4

35-1 17.30 - 17.45 Grimaldi S.*, Napoliello A. & Agosta F. : Hydrogelogical setting of the Monte Alpi carbonate massif, southern Italy, hydro-structural aspects and water budget calculations.

35-2 17.45 - 18.00 Leone G.*, Fiorillo F., Esposito L. & Jourde H. : Analysis and modeling of the complex recharge-discharge relationship of the Caposele karst spring (southern Apennine).

35-3 18.00 - 18.15 Fronzi D.*, Mammoliti E., Pepi A., Palpacelli S., Marcellini M. & Tazioli A. : Characterization of aquifer recharge processes in the Laga Geological Formation of Marche Region through the permanent monitoring of the vadose zone.

35-4 18.15 - 18.30 Rusi S., Di Curzio D. & Di Giovanni A.* : Unconventional pumping tests in carbonate, alluvial and complex aquifers, without interruption of drinking water exploitation.

35-5 18.30 - 18.45 Piscopo V., Sebestyén Z., Sbarbati C.*, Scarelli A. & Varga Z. : Game-theoretical model for sustainable use of groundwater in the heavily stressed system of the Acque Albule Basin (Rome, Italy).

35-6 18.45 - 19.00 Rapti D.* & Caputo R. : A new dynamic closed loop exchange for the exploration of shallow geothermal resources.

35-7 19.00 - 19.15 Lobina F.*, Da Pelo S., Coppola A., Vacca A., Arras C., Piscedda A.F. & Porru M.C. : Coupled soil water balance and isotopic approach to determine spatial and temporal distribution of groundwater recharge.

35-8 19.15 - 19.30 Balestra V.* , Galbiati M., Lapadula S., Zampieri V., Cassarino F., Barzaghi B., Manenti R. & Bellopede R. : New threats in the Trieste Karst (Italy): pollution by microplastics in groundwaters and springs.


Wednesday 20 September 2023 - Poster Area

35-9 Booth 88 Bondesan A.* & Rapti D. : Soil permeability map of the Ferrara plain (Northern Italy).

35-10 Booth 89 Critelli F., Aquino M. & Tenuta M.* : An innovative platform for water crisis management: WebGIS to support the emergency.

35-11 Booth 90 Farinella R.* & Rapti D. : Salinization of water resources and urban regeneration processes in the delta Po area (Northern Italy).

35-12 Booth 91 Fiorillo F., Cafaro S., Pagnozzi M., Leone G.*, Liso I.S., Esposito L., Ginolfi M. & Parise M. : Karst Hydrology and Geomorphology of the Alburni Massif (Campania, Italy).

35-13 Booth 92 Marchetti A.*, Rapti D. & Caputo R. : Thermal conductivity and grain size in unconsolidated materials.

35-14 Booth 93 Martinelli G.* & Rapti D. : Some consideration on the hydrochemical and isotopic composition of bottled mineral waters in the Mediterranean area.

35-15 Booth 94 Muzzillo R.* : Flow and transport numerical modeling for groundwater management: the Metaponto coastal aquifer case study (Basilicata, Italy).

35-16 Booth 95 Porru M.C.*, Manning A., Arras C., Piscedda F.A., Lobina F., Biddau R. & Da Pelo S. : Groundwater age tracer challenges: a case study from the Muravera plain, Italy.

35-17 Booth 96 Rapti D., Marchetti A.*, Andreotti M., Neri I. & Caputo R. : GeoTh: An experimental laboratory set-up for the measurement of the thermal conductivity of granular materials.

35-18 Booth 97 Riva A.*, Rapti D. & Marchetti A. : Some considerations on the reuse of geopressurized deep aquifers as an energy resource.

35-19 Booth 98 Sangiorgio P.*, Pizzichini D., Leone G.P. & Balducchi R. : Water management in agro-industrial processes: successful case studies.

35-20 Booth 99 Stevenazzi S., Massaro L., Corniello A. & Ducci D.* : Spatial and temporal patterns in the hydrogeochemistry of coastal aquifers in Campania Region (southern Italy).

S36. Mineral deposits: understanding, exploring and exploiting, in a sustainable way

Conveners and Chairpersons: Marilena Moroni - Università di Milano Stefano Naitza - Università di Cagliari Licia Santoro - Università di Torino Simone Vezzoni - CNR, Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Pisa Micol Bussolesi (Università di Milano Bicocca)


Tuesday 19 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula Magna Matematica

36-1 11.00 - 11.30 [KEYNOTE] Blengini G.A.* : Critical raw materials in the EU and international agendas.

36-2 11.30 - 11.45 Gioiello S.*, Cazzaniga A. & Santoro L. : Characterization of granite scraps for REEs recovery.

36-3 11.45 - 12.00 Ghirelli E., Nazzareni S.* & Di Michele A. : Alluvial ethical gold: a pilot project of Tabor Srl in Bétaré-Oya (Cameroon).

36-4 12.00 - 12.15 Putzolu F.*, Seltmann R., Dolgopolova A., Armstrong R.N., Shail R.K., Spratt J., Buret Y., Broderick C. & Brownscombe W. : Lithium micas as indicators of the magmatic-hydrothermal history of the Cornubian Batholith (SW England).

36-5 12.15 - 12.30 Sorrentino A.*, Corrado F., Chirico R. & Mondillo N. : Satellite hyperspectral mapping of hydrothermal and supergene alteration footprints in the Escondida district (northern Chile): a vectoring tool for high-grade orebodies in porphyry copper systems.

36-6 12.30 - 12.45 Beni T.*, Borselli D., Bonechi L., Bongi M., Brocchini D., Ciaranfi R., Cimmino L., Ciulli V., D'Alessandro R., Dini A., Vezzoni S., Frosin C., Gigli G., Gonzi S., Guideri S., Lombardi L., Nocentini M., Saracino G. & Casagli N. : Transmission-based muography for ore body prospection: results and next challenges.

36-7 12.45 - 13.00 Corrado F.*, Marchesini B., Balassone G., Carminati E., Tavani S. & Mondillo N. : The Allumiere-Tolfa mining district (Central Italy): new data on the mineralizations and hydrothermal alteration zones.

Tuesday 19 September 2023 [15.30-17.30] - Aula Magna Matematica

36-8 15.30 - 16.00 [KEYNOTE] Pirard E.* : A deeper insight into possible mineralogical barriers and extractable global resources.

36-9 16.00 - 16.15 Boni M.*, Santoro L., Putzolu F. & Mondillo N. : Tectonically deformed SedEx and Irish-type deposits in the Cambrian of SW Sardinia.

36-10 16.15 - 16.30 Attardi A.*, Cocco F., Deidda M.L., Fancello D., Funedda A. & Naitza S. : The case study of structural control on skarn ores in highly deformed domains in SW Sardinia and its application as a regional prospection guideline.

36-11 16.30 - 16.45 Ciccolella A.*, Fregola R.A., Ruggieri G., Tursi F., Festa V., Ventruti G. & Schingaro E. : Mineralizations of the Sila Massif (Calabria, southern Italy): The case study of the Zn-Pb ore deposit of Longobucco.

36-12 16.45 - 17.00 Mondillo N.*, Balassone G., Barbalucca C., Joachimski M., Putzolu F., Villa I.M., Large D. & Boni M. : New data on the Pb(Zn) Olovo deposit (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

36-13 17.00 - 17.15 Scano I.*, Staude S., Markl G., Frau F. & Naitza S. : Sb-bearing and Sb-free Ni-Co arsenide assemblages from the Southern Arburèse hydrothermal district (SW Sardinia, Italy).

36-14 17.15 - 17.30 Putzolu F.*, Armstrong R.N., Garcia J., Hawkes N., Boyce A., Najorka J., Lefebvre-Desanois M., Palmer M., Salge T., Abad I. & Herrington R.J. : The Jadar (Serbia) Li(B) deposit: insights into borosilicate-type Li volcano-sedimentary systems.


Tuesday 19 September 2023 - Poster Area

36-15 Booth 88 Attardi A.*, Cocco F., Funedda A., Naitza S., Scano I. & Sedda L. : Italian CRM's potential: the case of Sardinian F-Ba hydrothermal ore deposits.

36-16 Booth 89 Blengini G.A. & Sabra G.* : Ensuring informed decision-making over mineral resources with the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC).

36-17 Booth 90 Bosso D.*, Santoro L. & Montomoli C. : New insight on the Pb-Zn mineralization of Ruà Mine (Bagni di Vinadio, Cuneo, Piemonte).

36-18 Booth 91 Bussolesi M.*, Grieco G. & Tzamos E. : The Platinum Group Elements enrichments and mineralogy of chromitites from the Serbo-Macedonian Massif, Chalkidiki, Northern Greece.

36-19 Booth 92 Carano G.*, Baranzelli C. & Blengini G.A. : Resource corridors: a geological and strategic analysis within the EU Critical Raw Materials Act.

36-20 Booth 93 Deidda M.L.*, Marchesini B., Conte A.M., Fancello D., Moroni M., Scano I. & Naitza S. : The Au-Bi-Te-W Tògoro vein system in the Monte Linas district: evidence of a Reduced Intrusion-Related Gold System in Southern Sardinia.

36-21 Booth 94 Domenighini G., Santoro L.*, Moroni M. & Milani M. : Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of the Punta Corna Fe-Co-Ni Mineralization in Piedmont, Italy: Implications for Late-Alpine Hydrothermal Ore Deposition and Metallogenesis.

36-22 Booth 95 Pieruccioni D.*, Vezzoni S., Zucchi M. & Iaccarino S. : Structural setting of late Alpine vein systems at Buca della Vena mine (northern Apennines): preliminary results.

36-23 Booth 96 Scano I.*, Secchi G., Giovanardi T., Oggiano G. & Naitza S. : Multiple sources of ores and late-Variscan post-collisional tectonic setting in the Arburèse district (SW Sardinia, Italy).

36-24 Booth 97 Sedda L.*, De Giudici G., Naitza S. & Attardi A. : Mining dumps in Sardinia: from waste to resource?

36-25 Booth 98 Sorrentino A.*, Corrado F., Chirico R., Massironi M., Castelli S., Casarotto B., Marchesini B., Tavani S., Carminati E. & Mondillo N. : The Allumiere quarry test site (Latium, Italy): new insights into the proximal hyperspectral characterisation of high sulfidation epithermal deposits.

36-26 Booth 99 Tinagli L., Vezzoni S.*, Rocchi S. & Dini A. : The carbonate replacement Sn-W deposit of Monte Valerio (Campiglia Marittima, Tuscany).

36-27 Booth 100 Velicogna M., Beltrame M.*, Barago N., De Min A., Lenaz D., Venier M. & Tavazzani L. : Trace element content in sphalerite from the Raibl Mine (NE Italy).

S37. Deciphering tectono-metamorphic processes in the continental crust from field to micro-scale

Conveners and Chairpersons: Maffeis Andrea – University of Turin Matteo Simonetti – ISPRA, Geological Survey of Italy Chiara Montemagni – University of Milan - Bicocca Martina Zucchi – University of Bari Fabrizio Tursi – University of Turin Diego Pieruccioni - ISPRA, Geological Survey of Italy


Tuesday 19 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula Galileo

37-1 11.00 - 11.30 [KEYNOTE] Iaccarino S.*, Montomoli C., Nania L. & Carosi R. : Mapping crystalline basements from map-scale down to microscale and backwards: an example from Central Himalaya.

37-2 11.30 - 11.45 Cardello G.L.* & Casini L. : The 4D geological characterization strategy for the Einstein Telescope site selection: the case of Sardinia (Italy).

37-3 11.45 - 12.00 Carosi R.*, Montomoli C., Iaccarino S., Dana D., Borghi A., Corno A., Petroccia A., Gianotti F., Stellino L. & Drago D. : Mapping the Dora-Maira metamorphic basements: the example CARG project sheet n. 172 "Pinerolo" (Western Alps).

37-4 12.00 - 12.15 Corvò S.*, Maino M. , Piazolo S., Kylander-Clark A., Seno S. & Langone A. : Crystal plasticity and fluid availability govern the ability of titanite to record the age of deformation: the case of the Anzola shear zone (NE Italy).

37-5 12.15 - 12.30 Ceccato A.*, Behr W. M., Zappone A. S., Tavazzani L. & Giuliani A. : Tectonics and rheological evolution of the Gotthard nappe (Central Swiss Alps): constraints from integrated field and in-situ petrochronological analyses of the Rotondo granite.

37-6 12.30 - 12.45 Cruciani G.* & Franceschelli M. : Two stage of garnet growth in mylonitic micaschist from NE Sardinia: evidence from major and trace elements in garnet.

37-7 12.45 - 13.00 Cocco F.* & Funedda A. : Influence of inherited multiphase deformation on thrust system structural style.

Tuesday 19 September 2023 [15.30-17.30] - Aula Galileo

37-8 15.30 - 16.00 [KEYNOTE] Giuntoli F.*, Viola G., Eske Sørensen B., Villa I. M., Boschi C. & Rubatto D. : Shear zones in blueschist facies continental metasediments: a tool to disclose potential fossil deep episodic tremor and slow slip events.

37-9 16.00 - 16.15 Tursi F.*, Spiess R., Fornelli A., Ferrando S., Maffeis A. & Festa V. : Tectonic overpressure and thermal dissipation within a cold lower crust: Markers for the seismic cycle.

37-10 16.15 - 16.30 Dulcetta L.*, John T., Vrijmoed J.C., Zhong X., Cruciani G. & Franceschelli M. : Combined thermodynamic modelling and elastic barometry to unveiling the metamorphic evolution of the Zicavo Metamorphic Complex, central Corsica (France).

37-11 16.30 - 16.45 Langone A.*, Corvò S., Maino M., Bonazzi M., Simonetti M., Piazolo S., Braschi E. & Orlando A. : Monazite and titanite behaviour within amphibolite-facies mylonites: the Forno-Rosarolo shear zone (Ivrea-Verbano Zone; Italy).

37-12 16.45 - 17.00 Simonetti M.*, Langone A., Bonazzi M., Corvò S. & Maino M. : Tectono-metamorphic evolution of a post-Variscan mid-crustal shear zone in relation to the Tethyan rifting (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Southern Alps).

37-13 17.00 - 17.15 Zuccari C.*, Mazzarini F., Tavarnelli E. & Musumeci G. : Architecture and deformation partitioning across a brittle-ductile detachment zone: geological and structural constraints from the Mykonos Detachment (Aegean Rift System, Mykonos Island, Greece).

37-14 17.15 - 17.30 Zanchi A.*, Zanchetta S., Rocca M., Montemagni C., Aldega L., Kylander-Clark A. & Viola G. : New geochronological data confirm Late Cretaceous thrusting in the Italian central Southern Alps.


Tuesday 19 September 2023 - Poster Area

37-15 Booth 101 Bosso D.*, Montomoli C. & Santoro L. : Structural setting of the Pb-Zn vein system of Rua mine (Bagni di Vinadio Valley, Cuneo, Piemonte).

37-16 Booth 102 Dana D., Iaccarino S.*, Schmid S.M. & Michard A. : Structural architecture of a subducted passive margin revealed through integrated geological mapping: a case study in the Briançonnais units (south Western Alps).

37-17 Booth 103 Gosio F.*, Modesti A., Martin S. & Montresor L. : New geochrological data from Valsugana and Agordo metaporphyroids.

37-18 Booth 104 Montemagni C.*, Zanchetta S., Rocca M., Villa I.M., Morelli C., Mair V. & Zanchi A. : How to unravel the evolution of a regional scale shear zone: a plunge into the Vinschgau Shear Zone (Eastern Alps).

37-19 Booth 105 Nerone S.*, Petroccia A., Caso F., Dana D. & Maffeis A. : Unveiling the importance of MH2O in the tectono-metamorphic evolution of shear zones: a case from the Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps).

37-20 Booth 106 Paternoster M.C.*, Prosser G. & Tursi F. : Microstructures of sheared metagranitoids of the Pollino Massif: possible relics of the Mesozoic rifting?

37-21 Booth 107 Pieruccioni D.* & Simonetti M. : The crystalline basement of Asinara Island (NW Sardinia, Italy): a multidisciplinary approach in a CARG project.

37-22 Booth 108 Simonetti M.*, Pieruccioni D., Carosi R., Iaccarino S., Montomoli C. & Zucchi M. : Mapping crystalline basements integrating field geology and analytical data: criteria, methods and standards.

37-23 Booth 109 Petroccia A.*, Carosi R., Montomoli C. & Iaccarino S. : How much can contour maps help? Flow kinematics map of the Posada-Asinara shear zone (NE Sardinia, Italy).

S38. Deformation and faults: from deep to shallow crust and from long term to seismic hazard

Conveners and Chairpersons: Riccardo Lanari - Università di Firenze Silvia Crosetto - GFZ Stefano Gori - INGV Giorgio Arriga - Università di RomaTre


Wednesday 20 September 2023 [17.30-19.30] - Aula Galileo

38-1 17.30 - 17.45 (Invited) Curzi M.*, Aldega L., Billi A., Boschi C., Carminati E., Vignaroli G., Viola G. & Bernasconi S.M. : Closed vs. Open fluid-rock-fault systems tracked by structural, geochemical, geochronological, and thermal constraints.

38-10 17.45 - 18.00 Galadini F., Gori S.* & Falcucci E. : Quaternary Geology to uncover seismogenic faults reveals the modernity of an Italian way to Neotectonics decades after its definition.

38-3 18.00 - 18.15 Schirripa Spagnolo G.*, Agosta F., Aldega L., Prosser G., Smeraglia L., Tavani S., Bernasconi S.M., Billi A. & Carminati E. : Structural architecture and maturity of the seismically active and hydrocarbons productive Val d'Agri basin (Southern Italy).

38-4 18.15 - 18.30 Carloni G.*, Gusmeo T., Vignaroli G., Martelli L. & Viola G. : A new 3D geological model of the Northern Apennines between Parma and Bologna: a further step toward the parametrization of Active Faults and Seismogenic Sources and a refined local seismic hazard map.

38-5 18.30 - 18.45 Bonini S.*, Viola G., Tartaglia G., Rodani S., Comedini M. & Vignaroli G. : Active and capable faults and railway lines planning: assessing seismic hazard through a multidisciplinary and multiscale workflow.

38-6 18.45 - 19.00 Safarzadeh E.*, Ercoli M., Akimbekova A., Mirabella F., Minelli G., Pauselli C., Porreca M., Carboni F. & Barchi M.R. : The November 2022 Mw 5.5 offshore Pesaro earthquake (Adriatic Sea, Italy): matching seismicity and seismogenic structures based on the interpretation of seismic reflection profiles and well data.

38-7 19.00 - 19.15 Martin S.*, Montresor L., Modesti A., Gosio F., Bartoli O., Piccin G., Roghi G., Monegato G., Zambotti P., Demozzi M., Marcato E., Rinaldo M., Trentini T., Favaro S., Marighetti S. & Adami S. : The structural knot of the Valsugana area (TN, Italy).

38-8 19.15 - 19.30 Bonforte A., Guglielmino F. & Puglisi C.* : The contribution of SAR interferometry to the long-term structural assessment of Mt. Etna.


Wednesday 20 September 2023 - Poster Area

38-2 Booth 101 --- Withdrawn --- Del Sole L.*, Mazzoli S., Carafa M.M.C., Toffol G., Pennacchioni G., Giuli G., Invernizzi C. & Tondi E. : Interseismic creep of carbonate-hosted seismogenic normal faults (central Italy).

38-9 Booth 100 Asti R.*, Viola G., Castellaro S., Carloni G., Bonini S. & Vignaroli G. : How to reconcile active structures with the complexity of seismogenic sources in tectonically polyphasic areas? Insights from the Northern Apennines.

38-11 Booth 102 Lanari R.*, Buzenchi A., Bragagni A., Dhuime B. , Brilli M. , Del Ventisette C., Mattei M., Conticelli S. & Avanzinelli R. : Bias and validation criteria for calcite U-Pb dating: Insights from the Olevano-Antrodoco thrust fault (Italy).

38-12 Booth 103 Mercuri M.*, Smeraglia L., Agosta F., Billi A., Tavani S. & Carminati E. : Origin of non-cohesive fault rocks in carbonate fault zones: insights from the Roccapreturo Fault (central Apennines, Italy).

38-13 Booth 104 Piazolo S.*, Campbell O. & Gregory L. : Why do faults weaken with strain, fault maturity and size? Insights from the rock record.

38-14 Booth 105 Pizzati M.*, Lieta N., Torabi A., Aldega L., Storti F. & Balsamo F. : Scar left by a fossil earthquake: coseismic deformation affecting high-porosity sandstone under shallow burial conditions (Crotone Basin, Italy).

38-15 Booth 106 --- Withdrawn --- Reitano R.*, Lanari R., Faccenna C., Crosetto S., Ballato P., Cosentino D., Corbi F. & Brune S. : Uplift vs extension related normal faults: insights from the Northern and Central Apennines, Italy.

38-16 Booth 107 Roghi G.*, Monegato G., Stefani C., Preto N. , Zambotti P., De Mozzi M., Rinaldo M., Trentini T., Piccin G. & Martin S. : Sedimentary evolution of Valsugana area in the geologic record of "Borgo Valsugana", sheet 61.

38-17 Booth 108 Valentini G.*, Volatili T., Galli P. & Tondi E. : Investigating the Influence of Coulomb Stress Transfer in the Activity of the Central Apennine Fault System (CAFS) Over the Last Millennium.

S39. Field analogue studies of fractured reservoirs and discrete fracture networks

Conveners and Chairpersons: Stefano Tavani - Università di Napoli Federico II Silvia Mittempergher - Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia Fabrizio Balsamo - Università di Parma Vincenzo La Bruna - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil


Thursday 21 September 2023 [08.30-10.30] - Aula Galileo

39-1 08.30 - 09.00 [KEYNOTE] Ceccato A.*, Tartaglia G., Antonellini M. & Viola G. : Integrated approaches for the characterization of mesoscale permeability of faulted and altered granitoid units.

39-2 09.00 - 09.15 Jablonská D.*, Riegel H.B., Miller Zambrano M., Volatili T., Tondi E., Di Celma C., Mattioni L. & Agosta F. : Fault architecture and fault permeability structure within heterolithic siliciclastic rocks, Macigno Fm., Italy.

39-3 09.15 - 09.30 Labry C.*, Torabi A., Funedda A., Da Pelo S. & Arras C. : Effect of lithology on deformation patterns and fluid flow in a faulted siliciclastic-carbonate sequence.

39-4 09.30 - 09.45 Vernazza L.*, La Bruna V. , Balsamo F., Manniello C., Maia R.P., Gomes D.D.M., Tonietto L. , Freire J.V. , Da Silveira Jr L.G. & Bezerra F.H.R. : Mechanical stratigraphy in Mesoproterozoic Morro do Chapeu sandstones combining field data and digital outcrop models in the Ferro Doido waterfall, Bahia, Brazil.

39-5 09.45 - 10.00 Manniello C.*, Todaro S., Abdallah I., Prosser G. & Agosta F. : Origin of bed-parallel mechanical interfaces affecting the fracture stratigraphy properties of Mesozoic platform carbonates, insights from the Viggiano Mt. of southern Italy.

39-6 10.00 - 10.15 Hodge M.* & Viola G. : Unravelling complex crystalline basement-hosted 3D fracture and fault arrays through time: A proposed integrated field and modelling-based approach.

39-7 10.15 - 10.30 Benedetti G.*, Casiraghi S., De Paolo E. & Bistacchi A. : Methods for merging fragmented facets obtained from point cloud segmentation algorithms.

Thursday 21 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula Galileo

39-8 11.00 - 11.30 [KEYNOTE] Vinciguerra S.*, Vagnon F., Bottero I., Fortin J., Petrullo A., Spanos D., Pagoulatos A. & Agosta F. : Integration of multiscale field and laboratory analyses for assessing the poro-perm relations of carbonate fault damage zones, Araxos Promontory, NW Greece.

39-9 11.30 - 11.45 Abdallah I.*,Panza E., Prosser G., Giuseppe P. & Agosta F. : DFN modelling of multiscale geo-cellular volumes after field and digital structural analyses.

39-10 11.45 - 12.00 Casiraghi S.*, Benedetti G., De Paolo E., Bistacchi A. & Agliardi F. : Semi-automatic workflow for quantitative structural interpretation of fracture networks in outcrop analogues: Case study in fractured carbonate rocks (Puglia, Italy).

39-11 12.00 - 12.15 De Paolo E.*, Casiraghi S., Benedetti G., Bistacchi A. & Agliardi F. : A new workflow to calibrate fracture parameters for Discrete Fracture  Networks (DFN) models based on outcrop data: applications to fractured carbonates in Malta.

39-12 12.15 - 12.30 Urbani M.*, Mitillo N., Barchi M.R., Cirilli S. & Trippetta F. :  Exploring CCS feasibility on tight carbonate reservoirs: the relationship between facies and fractures.


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

39-13 Booth 111 Araújo R.E.B., La Bruna V.*, Lamarche J., Agosta F., Bezerra F.H.R. & Marié L. : P-wave velocity anisotropy and the spatial distribution of fractures in carbonate rocks, Monte Alpi (Southern Apennines, Italy).

39-14 Booth 112 Candeloro C.*, Balsamo F., La Bruna V., Restelli G., Manniello C., Vernazza L., Auler A., Maya R., Pereira J., Tonietto L., Silveira L. & Bezerra F. : Reconstruction of 3D fracture pattern, attributes and topology in the Cristal Cave, Brazil, integrating field data with photogrammetric models: implications for karstified carbonate reservoirs.

39-15 Booth 113 Freda G., Mittempergher S.*, Pizzati M., Balsamo F., Di Cuia R. & Ricciato A. : Deformation bands characterization in porous carbonates: a case study from the Matera High (Southern Italy).

39-16 Booth 114 Maciel I.B., Silva D.C.C., La Bruna V.*, Balsamo F. & Bezerra F.H.R. : Controls of karst formation in silicified reservoirs: the example of Crystal Cave, Brazil.

39-17 Booth 115 Manniello C.*, La Bruna V., Bezerra F.H.R., Morais X. M., Araùjo R.E.B., Paixão M., Antonino A., Barbosa J.A., Duarte D.A., Prosser G. & Agosta F. : The role of solution surfaces in the pore space properties of tight platform carbonates.

39-18 Booth 116 Panza E.*, Vinciguerra S. & Agosta F. : Plug-to-outcrop scales DFN modeling of the storage and migration fluid properties of fractured platform carbonates.

39-19 Booth 117 Restelli G.*, Balsamo F., La Bruna V. , Manniello C., Candeloro C., Vernazza L., Maya R., Pinheiro F., Tonietto L., Da Silveira Jr L.G. & Bezerra F.H.R. : Structural and stratigraphic controls on epigenic karst in shallow marine carbonates, Crotes cave, Potiguar basin, Brazil: implications for karstified carbonate reservoirs.

S40. From macro- to micro-investigations in structural geology: methodological essentials and advances

Conveners and Chairpersons: Costantino Zuccari - Università di Pisa Stefania Corvò - Università di Pavia Thomas Gusmeo - Università di Bologna Alessandro Petroccia - Università di Torino Barbara Marchesini - Università La Sapienza Roma


Wednesday 20 September 2023 [08.30-10.30] - Aula Galileo

40-1 08.30 - 09.00 [KEYNOTE] Menegon L.*, Toffol G., van Schrojenstein Lantman H.W., Michalchuk S.P., Zertani S., Pennacchioni G., Wallis D. & Renard F. : Earthquake nucleation and rheological transitions in the lower crust.

40-2 09.00 - 09.15 Viola G.*, Curzi M., Moretto V., Aldega L. & Vignaroli G. : High-resolution multidisciplinary studies of fault zone architectures: A futile exercise or a necessary insight into fault mechanics and seismogenesis?

40-3 09.15 - 09.30 Novellino R.*, Prosser G., Bucci F., Tavarnelli E. & Agosta F. : Architecture, fluid rock interaction and implication for seismic slip along a carbonate-hosted low-angle normal fault (Agri valley, Southern Apennine, Italy).

40-4 09.30 - 09.45 Spilotro G.*, Argentiero I., Bovenga F., Fidelibus M.D. & Decaro K. : Extensional faulting in the pleistocenic basins of Basilicata region (Southern Italy): kinematics and activity investigated by space-borne SAR interferometry.

40-5 09.45 - 10.00 Zummo F.*, Agosta F., Buccione R., Marchesini B., Billi A., Paternoster M. & Caracausi A. : Preliminary results of a crustal-scale, fault-controlled, paleofluid circulation, Contursi Terme (southern Italy).

40-6 10.00 - 10.15 Tavani S.*, Smeraglia L., Fabbi S., Aldega L., Sabbatino M., Cardello G.L., Maresca A., Schirripa Spagnolo G., Kylander-Clark A., Billi A., Bernasconi S.M. & Carminati E. : Thrusting and negative inversion along the Circeo thrust, central Apennines.

40-7 10.15 - 10.30 Stendardi F.*, Viola G., Carrapa B. & Vignaroli G. : Post late-Miocene exhumation history of the Northern Apennines fold-and-thrust belt constrained by detrital apatite thermochronology in the Epiligurian wedge-top basins.

Wednesday 20 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula Galileo

40-8 11.00 - 11.30 [KEYNOTE] Piazolo S.* : Shedding the light on shear zone development, evolution and rheology: Case studies, opportunities and challenges.

40-9 11.30 - 11.45 (Invited) Zucali M.*, Spalla M.I., Filippi M., Rebay G., Roda M., Zanoni D. & Gosso G. : Processes and fabrics in metamorphic basements from the map to the atomic scale in space and time.

40-10 11.45 - 12.00 Caso F.*, Zucali M., Filippi M., Piloni C. & Farina F. : Structural and metamorphic evolution of the Valpelline Unit (Austroalpine Domain, Western Italian Alps).

40-11 12.00 - 12.15 Gusmeo T.*, Zanoni D. & Spalla M. I. : Unravelling the tectonic evolution of an eclogitized "chaotic" complex: the Riffelberg-Garten Unit in the Breuil Dell (Upper Valtournenche, Western Alps).

40-12 12.15 - 12.30 Zanoni D.*, Filippi M., Roda M., Regorda A. & Spalla M.I. : Low-grade tectono-metamorphic overprint in the Carboniferous Badstub Formation as Alpine convergence record in the shallow crust of the Drauzug-Gurktal Nappe System, Upper Austroalpine basement nappes.

40-13 12.30 - 12.45 Rocca M.*, Zanchetta S., Mangenot X., Gasparrini M., Berra F., Deschamps P., Guihou A. & Zanchi A. : Tectono-stratigraphic, isotopic, and geochronological constraints on the Amora Fault System, central Southern Alps (BG).

40-14 12.45 - 13.00 Petroccia A.*, Carosi R., Montomoli C., Iaccarino S., Forshaw J.B. & Petrelli M. : Tectono-metamorphic constraints on shear deformation of the Monte Grighini dome (Sardinia): implications for the Southern European Variscan belt.


Wednesday 20 September 2023 - Poster Area

40-15 Booth 109 Maino M.*, Casini L., Manna L. & Funedda A. : MYflow – a practical Matlab toolbox for rheological modelling of mylonites.

40-16 Booth 110 Giuntoli F.*, Menegon L., Siron G., Cognigni F., Leroux H., Compagnoni R., Rossi M. & Vitale Brovarone A. : Hydrocarbon-bearing fluid migration produces brecciation at high pressure condition in subduction.

40-17 Booth 111 Caso F.*, Zucali M., Piloni C.B., Filippi M., Pezzotta A., Fazio E., Visalli R. & Ortolano G. : Quantitative combined multiscale structural and minero-chemical analysis to unravel the tectono-metamorphic evolution of cordierite-migmatite gneiss from the Valpelline Unit (Dent-Blanche Nappe, Western Italian Alps, Valle d'Aosta).

40-18 Booth 112 Russo D.*, Fiannacca P., Fazio E., Cirrincione R. & Mamtani M.A. : Construction of post-collisional magmatic complexes: an integrated field, microstructural and EBSD approach on the granitoids from the late Variscan Serre Batholith (southern Italy).

40-19 Booth 113 Chatterjee S.*, Dey S. & Gupta S. : Fabric analysis in UHT granulites of Indo-Antarctic terrane: implications of micro-scale observations to macro-scale processes.

40-20 Booth 114 Dey S.*, Chatterjee S. & Gupta S. : The role of Dauphine twin boundaries in controlling fluid percolation through high-grade rocks: Insights from EBSD, AFM and Micro-CT analysis.

40-21 Booth 115 Ciattoni S.*, Di Celma C., Hurst A., Mazzoli S., Megna A., Pierantoni P.P., Santini S., Volatili T. & Zvirtes G. : Microstructural and geochemical analyses on fibrous gypsum veins in a forearc environment: a study case of Pisco Basin (Peru) and San Joaquin Valley (California).

40-22 Booth 116 Debnath A.*, Dutta A. & Gupta S. : Vorticity analysis of the bounding shear zones of the Rengali Province: implications for partitioning of transtensional deformation within a dilational step-over zone.

40-23 Booth 117 Moretto V.*, Viola G., Vignaroli G., Curzi M., Dallai L. & Aldega L. : The origin of neoformed clay minerals in fault zones: an example from the Carboneras Fault, Betic Cordilleras, Spain.

40-24 Booth 118 Rocca M.*, Zanchetta S., Mangenot X., Gasparrini M., Berra F., Deschamps P., Guihou A. & Zanchi A. : Antitaxial calcite veins in shales associated with normal fault systems: evidence from the central Southern Alps (N Italy).

40-25 Booth 119 Penza G.*, Pierantoni P.P. & Turco E. : Tectonic escape of Sicily microplate in the framework of the Tyrrhenian-Apennine system evolution.

S41. Data and Questions on the deformation history of the southern Apennines of Italy: from long-term tectonics to seismogenic faulting

Conveners and Chairpersons: Francesco Brozzetti (Università di Chieti - CRUST) Simone Bello (Università di Chieti - CRUST) Carmelo Monaco (Università di Catania - CRUST - INGV) Barbara Orecchio (Università di Messina - CRUST) Luisa Valoroso (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, INGV)


Thursday 21 September 2023 [15.30-17.30] - Aula Galileo

41-6 15.30 - 15.45 Valoroso L.*, Piccinini D. & Improta L. : Fault structure of the Lake Pertusillo reservoir induced seismicity (Southern Italy) highlighted by a enhanced template-matching catalogue.

41-24 15.45 - 16.00 Giuffrida S.*, Brighenti F., Cannavò F., Carnemolla F., De Guidi G., Barreca G., Gambino S., Barberi G., Scarfì L. & Monaco C. : Multidisciplinary analysis for 3D seismotectonic modelling: the case study of Serre and Cittanova faults in Southern Calabrian Arc (Italy).

41-2 16.00 - 16.15 Balestra M.* & Mollica R. : New insights in the Val D'Agri structural framework: reprocessing of vintage 2D seismic lines to better frame the Western flank of the Valley.

41-3 16.15 - 16.30 Panebianco S.*, Serlenga V., Satriano C., Cavalcante F. & Stabile T.A. : Characterization of the Castelsaraceno microearthquake sequence (High Agri Valley, Southern Apennines, Italy) through a semi-automated template matching and machine-learning based approach.

41-4 16.30 - 16.45 Diaferia G.*, Valoroso L., Piccinini D. & Improta L. : Earthquake catalog enhancement through template matching: an application to the Southern Apennines (Italy).

41-5 16.45 - 17.00 Palmucci A.*, Brozzetti F., Akimbekova A., Bello S., Ercoli M., Pauselli C., Carboni F., Barchi M.R., Lavecchia G. & Cirillo D. : Extensional Quaternary faulting and basin development in the southern Campania-Lucania arc (Italy): architecture and kinematics constrained by field and seismic reflection data.

41-7 17.00 - 17.15 (Invited) Corradino M.* : Late Miocene-Quaternary structural evolution of the northern Calabrian Arc: new insights from marine geophysical data.

Thursday 21 September 2023 [17.30-19.30] - Aula Galileo

41-8 17.30 - 17.45 (Invited) de Nardis R.* : Fluids and tectonic loading controlling the time-3D space relationships among background seismicity, swarms, major events, and active faults - a case study from the central-southern Apennines of Italy.

41-9 17.45 - 18.15 (Invited) Galli P.* : Paleoseismology in the southern Apennines: when the icing on the cake of active tectonics is tastier than the cake itself.

41-10 18.15 - 18.30 Monaco C. * & UniCT PRIN 2017 Research Unit : PRIN Project 2017 "Overtime tectonic, dynamic and rheologic control on destructive multiple seismic events - Special Italian Faults & Earthquakes: from real 4D cases to models - MUSE 4D": onshore and offshore active fault architecture of central-southern Calabria from seismological, geodetic, structural-geological data and interpretation of seismic lines.

41-11 18.30 - 18.45 Andrenacci C., Bello S., Barbano M.S.*, de Nardis R., Pirrotta C., Pietrolungo F. & Lavecchia G. : Revision and analysis of macroseismic data of some strong Calabria earthquakes (Italy) for seismotectonic purposes.

41-12 18.45 - 19.00 Pirrotta C.*, Monaco C., Barberi G., Barreca G., Brighenti F., Carnemolla F., De Guidi G., Parrino N., Pepe F., Scarfì L. & Tansi C. : Neotectonics of the Catanzaro Trough (Central Calabria, Italy): recent E-W extension and implications for the March 28, 1783 earthquake.

41-13 19.00 - 19.15 Menichetti M.*, De Guidi G., Carnemolla F., Brighenti F., Barreca G. & Monaco C. : Geometrical and structural characterization of earthquake surface ruptures.

41-14 19.15 - 19.30 Barreca G.*, Imposa S., Sulli A., Pepe F. , Gasparo Morticelli M., Morreale G., Pagano M., Gambino S. & Grassi S. : Tectonically-deformed archeological remains at Lilybaeum in Western Sicily as possible footprints of missed large earthquake in the area.


Thursday 21 September 2023 - Poster Area

41-1 Booth 128 --- Withdrawn --- Lavecchia G.* : Multi-scale 3D Geometric-Kinematic Fault Modeling in High Seismogenic Areas of Southern Italy through MUSE-4D.

41-15 Booth 119 Amato V., Aucelli P.P.C., Cesarano M.*, Pappone G. & Rosskopf C. : Deep boreholes stratigraphic and palaeoenvironment studies to reconstruct quaternary tectonic evolution of Bojano intramountain basin (Southern Apennines).

41-16 Booth 120 Andrenacci C.*, Bello S., de Nardis R., Carducci A. & Lavecchia G. : Evaluations and processing of kinematic classifications for the integration of seismological and geological-structural data in active tectonic contexts.

41-17 Booth 121 Battistelli M.*, Ferrarini F., Brozzetti F. & Carafa M.M.C. : Inspecting Late-Quaternary active extension along the outer sector of the central-southern Apennines (Abruzzo-Molise border, Italy): preliminary results from the topographic analysis.

41-18 Booth 122 Bello S.*, Brozzetti F., de Nardis R., Cirillo D., Andrenacci C., Pietrolungo F. & Lavecchia G. : The 1857 Basilicata earthquake (Mw 7.2): is the trans-ridge Caggiano-Montemurro en-echelon normal fault the responsible?

41-19 Booth 123 Bello S., Perna M.G.*, Consalvo A., Brozzetti F., Galli P., Cirillo D., Andrenacci C., Tangari A.C., Carducci A., Menichetti M., Lavecchia G., Stoppa F. & Rosatelli G. : Studying fault scarps with geochemical and topographic analyzes to understand past earthquakes: an example from the southern Apennines of Italy.

41-20 Booth 124 Cipressi G.M.*, Vuan A., Sugan M., Romano M.A., Lavecchia G. & de Nardis R. : The clustered microseismicity in Benevento high seismic risk area (Southern Apennines) - a template-matching approach.

41-21 Booth 125 Corradino M.*, Morelli D., Ceramicola S., Scarfì L., Barberi G., Monaco C. & Pepe F. : Active tectonics in the Calabrian Arc: Insights from the structural pattern of the Squillace Basin (offshore eastern Calabria).

41-22 Booth 126 De Matteo A.*, Toscani G., Bello S., Lavecchia G. & Seno S. : The Campania‐Lucania Extensional Fault System, Southern Italy: an analog modeling perspective.

41-23 Booth 127 Ferranti L.*, Akimbekova A., Carboni F., Bacchiani A., Ercoli M., Diaferia G., Valoroso L., Bello S., Brozzetti F. & Toscani G. : Crustal structure and last 15 years instrumental seismicity distribution in the Marzano-Irpinia area.

41-25 Booth 129 Lavecchia G.*, Bello S., Andrenacci C., Cirillo D., Pietrolungo F., Faure Walker J., Sgambato C., Talone D., Menichetti M., Monaco C., Gambino S., De Guidi G., Barreca G., Carnemolla F., Giuffrida S., Ferranti L., Carboni F., Valoroso L., de Nardis R., Roberts G. & Brozzetti F. : QUaternary fault strain INdicators database (QUIN 1.0 and 2.0) – a release of more than 7000 fault/slip data with strain parameters from the Extensional Belt of Peninsular Italy.

41-26 Booth 130 Mancuso T.*, Totaro C. & Orecchio B. : Testing the MCMTpy waveform inversion method for moment tensor estimations in the Calabrian Arc region.

41-27 Booth 131 Scolaro S.*, Orecchio B., Presti D. & Totaro C. : Moment tensor analysis of the 1947 earthquake in the Calabria Ionian offshore area (Southern Italy).

S42. Magma storage, transport, fragmentation, and dynamics of deposition: advances in understanding magmatic processes and eruptive behaviors

Conveners and Chairpersons: Costantino Zuccari - Università di Pisa Stefania Corvò - Università di Pavia Thomas Gusmeo - Università di Bologna Alessandro Petroccia - Università di Torino Barbara Marchesini - Università La Sapienza Roma


Wednesday 20 September 2023 [08.30-10.30] - Aula Magna Matematica

42-26 08.30 - 08.45 Perinelli C.*, Fabbrizio A., Bonechi B., Gaeta M. & Conte A.M. : Experimental constraints on crystallization of alkaline basalt melt in presence of pre-existing phases.

42-2 08.45 - 09.00 Magri C.*, Trasatti E., Acocella V., Del Gaudio C., Ricco C. & Di Vito M.A. : Dynamics of Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) after the 1538 AD eruption.

42-3 09.00 - 09.15 Pezzo G.*, Palano M., Beccaro L., Tolomei C., Albano M., Atzori S. & Chiarabba C. : Magma dynamics and surface phenomena interactions at Mt. Etna (Italy) from InSAR and GNSS observations.

42-4 09.15 - 09.30 Minniti M.*, Lucchi F., Nicotra E., Sulpizio R. & Tranne C.A. : Highly explosive ancient eruptive activity at Stromboli (PaleoStromboli I, 85-75 ka) triggered by sudden changes in the pre-eruptive dynamics.

42-5 09.30 - 09.45 Gabellini P.*, Cioni R., Pistolesi M., Rubino L., Zuchegna M., Donato P. & De Rosa R. : The ballistic bomb field of the 1888-90 eruption of La Fossa volcano (Vulcano, Eolian Islands).

42-6 09.45 - 10.00 Sepulveda J.P.*, Cioni R., Ureta G., Scaillet S., Aguilera F., Scaillet B. & Alni E. : The evolution of the long-lived Ollagüe volcano, Central Andean Volcanic Zone: Volcano construction from central to lateral activity and destruction by sector collapses.

42-7 10.00 - 10.15 Pedicini M.*, Bonali F.L., Corti N., Pasquaré Mariotto F., Drymoni K. & Tibaldi A. : Application of photogrammetry processing to understand the structure of the Fremrinamar Fissure Swarm, Northern Volcanic Zone, Iceland.

42-8 10.15 - 10.30 Franceschini Z.*, Cioni R., Scaillet S., Sani F., Corti G., Scaillet B., Prouteau G. & Assan Melaku A. : Emplacement mechanisms of the high-grade Kencherra Ignimbrite (Central Main Ethiopian Rift).

Wednesday 20 September 2023 [11.00-13.00] - Aula Magna Matematica

42-9 11.00 - 11.15 Schiavon B.*, Mollo S., Pontesilli A., Del Bello E., Scarlato P., Forni F., Petrone C., Nazzari M. & Tiepolo M. : Plagioclase textural and compositional parameterization: A tool for tracking magma dynamics at Stromboli.

42-10 11.15 - 11.30 Michailidou E.*, Fabbrizio A., Bamber E.C., Romero J.E., Arzilli F., Bonechi B., Asensio-Ramos M., Polacci M. & Burton M. : Pre-eruptive conditions of the Tajogaite cone eruption in Cumbre Vieja ridge (La Palma, Canary Islands).

42-11 11.30 - 11.45 Tomassini A.*, Rocchi I., Masotta M., Petrelli M., Ágreda López M. & Rocchi S. : Crystal chemical textures record plumbing system dynamics as modulated by ice load - The Pleiades Volcanic Complex, Antarctica.

42-12 11.45 - 12.00 Langone F.*, Forni F. , Franceschini Z. , Scaillet B., Proteau G., Scaillet S. & Cioni R. : Geochemical and petrological characterization of two large silicic ignimbrites from the Main Ethiopian Rift (Ethiopia).

42-13 12.00 - 12.15 --- Withdrawn --- Braschi E.*, Franceschini Z., Cioni R., Corti G., Sani F., Casalini M. & Muluneh A. : Geochemical and isotopic constraints on the recent magmatic activity of the Dilo-Dukana and Mega volcanic fields (Ririba rift, South Ethiopia): implications for rift evolution.

42-14 12.15 - 12.30 Moretti R.* : CO2 and magma remobilization.

42-15 12.30 - 12.45 Lo Forte F.M.*, Aiuppa A., Schiavi F., Rose-Koga E.F., Rotolo S.G. & Zanon V. : A deep CO2-rich magma reservoir beneath Fogo volcano.

42-16 12.45 - 13.00 D'Oriano C.*, Montagna C.P., La Spina A., Del Carlo P., Colucci S., Brogi F. & Buisman I. : High-resolution compositional mapping reveals degassing dynamics during major explosions at Stromboli.


Wednesday 20 September 2023 - Poster Area

42-1 Booth 129 Isaia R.*, De Paola C., Di Giuseppe M. G., Natale J., Pagliara F., Troiano A. & Vitale S. : The deep volcano-tectonic structure of the Campi Flegrei caldera by magnetotelluric survey.

42-17 Booth 120 Baccari C.*, Buono G., Di Vito M.A., Pappalardo L. & Petrosino P. : Study of magmatic degassing processes at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy): insights from the Baia–Fondi di Baia eruption.

42-18 Booth 121 Cardone M., Cannata A., Gambino S., Giuffrida M., Iozzia A.*, Minio V. & Viccaro M. : Patterns of tilt deformation and volcanic tremor reveal changing dynamics during the 2020-22 fountaining activity at Mt. Etna.

42-19 Booth 122 Costa G., Mereu L., Prestifilippo M., Scollo S. & Viccaro M.* : Trajectories of ballistics and assessment of the hazard in the summit area of Mt. Etna (Italy) related to the 2020-22 sequence of lava fountains.

42-20 Booth 123 De Paola C.*, Di Giuseppe M.G., Isaia R., Toccaceli R. & Troiano A. : Detection of near-surface fault systems in the Casamicciola area (Ischia, Italy) through Electrical Resistivity Tomography.

42-21 Booth 124 Di Fiore F.*, Vona A., Mollo S., Nazzari M., Giordano G. & Romano C. : Unravel the effect of stirring and undercooling on the crystallization kinetics and solidification path of a phonotephritic melt.

42-22 Booth 125 Frontoni A.*, Vona A., Viccaro M., Romano R. & Giordano G. : Formation and emplacement of a clastogenic lava flow: a case study from the May 18th, 2016 eruption at Mt. Etna volcano.

42-23 Booth 126 Giuffrida M.*, Cardone M., Zuccarello F. & Viccaro M. : A 4D reconstruction of magma movements into the Etna plumbing system throughout a decade of eruptions at the volcano.

42-24 Booth 127 Giuliani G.*, Di Fiore F., Valdivia P., Mollo S., Romano C., Di Genova D. & Vona A. : Effect of magma–carbonate interaction on the viscosity of a phonotephrite melt from Vesuvius (Italy).

42-25 Booth 128 Nicotra E.*, Passaro S. & Ventura G. : Volcanism at the spreading ridge of the Marsili back-arc basins (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) as highlighted from a new high resolution Digital bathymetric model.

42-27 Booth 130 Scarani A.*, Faranda C.F., Vona A., Speranza F., Giordano G., Rotolo S.G. & Romano C. : Timescale of emplacement and rheomorphism of the Green Tuff ignimbrite (Pantelleria, Italy).

42-28 Booth 131 Tumaini G.*, Skogby H., Tavazzani L., Bernardi F. & Lenaz D. : OH-defects and trace element content in magmatic quartz of the Sesia Magmatic System (Southern Alps, Italy): characterization by FTIR and LA-ICP-MS.

S43. Progetto METIQ-mare: a new view of the Quaternary Geology of the Italian Seas

Conveners and Chairpersons: Fabiano Gamberi, Istituto di Scienze Marine, Bologna, CNR Francesco Latino Chiocci, Sapienza, Università di Roma


Tuesday 19 September 2023 - Poster Area

43-1 Booth 110 Agate M.*, Sulli A., Gamberi F. & Pierini S. : The METIQ Project - The North-Western Sicily offshore area.

43-2 Booth 111 Budillon F.*, Alberico I., de Alteriis G. & Sacchi M. : The 1:500000 mapping of marine areas offshore of the Campania Region (central-eastern Tyrrhenian Sea, Southern Italy), in the frame of METIQ Cartographic Project.

43-3 Booth 112 Gamberi F.*, Ferrante V., Polonia A., Gasperini L., Mercorella A. & Marani M. : How tectonics and lithology control the physical characteristics of slope parallel drainage systems.

43-4 Booth 113 Gamberi F.*, Distefano S., Dalla Valle G., Ferrante V., Scacchia E., Mercorella A., Loreto M.F. & Palmiotto C. : Mapping the Quaternary in the Tyrrhenian Sea: a renewed "exploration" and its scientific and applied significance.

43-5 Booth 114 Guerrieri L.*, Pieruccini P., Chiocci F.L., Monegato G. & the METIQ Working Group : METIQ: a dynamic evolutionary model of Italy during The Quaternary.

43-6 Booth 115 Innangi S., Romagnoli C. & Tonielli R.* : Mapping of Quaternary lineaments in the Pelagie Islands area (MetiQ project).

43-7 Booth 116 Markezic N.*, Ceramicola S., Ferraccioli F. & Gamberi F. : The METIQ project - the Evolutionary Model of the Italian Territory in the Quaternary in the Central sector of the Ionian Sea.

43-8 Booth 117 Markezic N.*, Lodolo E., Agate M., Ceramicola S., Fausto F. & Sulli A. : The METIQ project - Sicilian Channel.

43-9 Booth 118 Morelli D.*, Locatelli M., Crispini L., Corradi N., Cianfarra P. & Federico L. : METIQ-mare Project in the Gulf of Genoa (Ligurian Sea): an updated map with the integration of new CARG marine survey.

43-10 Booth 119 Polonia A.*, Gamberi F., Ferrante V., Gasperini L. & Marani M. : Morphotectonic processes in the southern Ionian sea: deciphering links between plate convergence, shallow structural deformation and sediment dynamics.

43-11 Booth 120 Primerano P.*, Congi M.P., Falcetti S., Guerrieri L., Pantaloni M., Schvarcz T. & Ventura R. : The Quaternary Italian map at 1:500.000 scale: a synthesis of the geological knowledge.

43-12 Booth 121 Savini A.*, Bistacchi A., Lisi G. & Pellegrini C. : The Southern Apulian margin mapped within the framework of the METIQ project: first results and knowledge gaps.

S44. Open Poster Session

Conveners and Chairpersons: Piergiulio Cappelletti - Università di Napoli


Tuesday 19 September 2023 - Poster Area

44-1 Booth 122 Vergani F.*, Moroni M., Gentile P. & Gatta G.D. : The base metal sulfide and Ni-Co arsenide-bearing veins of Valsassina (Lombardy, Italy): a possible "five element vein-type" system?

44-2 Booth 123 Montesano G.*, Rispoli C., Petrosino P. & Cappelletti P. : Crystal chemistry and mineralogy of phillipsite and analcime from Surtsey (Iceland).

44-3 Booth 124 Petti F.M., Antonelli M.*, Romano M., Sacco E., De Sario F., La Perna R., Marino M., Petruzzelli M., Sabato L., Spalluto L. & Tropeano M. : Reconstructing dinosaur foot motion from cross-section tracks: the case study of the Lama Balice dinosaur tracksite (upper Albian, Apulia, southern Italy).

44-4 Booth 125 Romano M.*, Bellucci L., Antonelli M., Manucci F. & Palombo M.R. : In vivo reconstruction and body mass estimate in the anancine gomphotheriid Anancus arvernensis (Croizet and Jobert 1828).