P1. Bioengineers of Mediterranean build-ups: looking at present to reconstruct the past and predict the future


Congressi SGI-SIMP

  • Mara Cipriani – Università della Calabria
  • Adriano Guido - Università della Calabria
  • Antonietta Rosso - Università di  Catania - Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare, Roma
  • Daniela Maria Basso - Università di Milano-Bicocca - Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare, Roma
  • Valentina Alice Bracchi - Università di Milano-Bicocca - Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare, Roma
The development of a build-up is a dynamic phenomenon comprising a wide array of processes, and results from the balance, on a relatively large temporal scale, between the action of building, dwelling, baffling, and destroying organisms. Like elsewhere, build-ups are among the most complex and diverse but threatened habitats in the Mediterranean Sea. The growth of these geo-biological bodies is shaped by environmental parameters and faunal and floral diversity, which in turn are influenced by local to global climate changes. This session is intended to create and strengthen collaborative interaction in the scientific community dealing with build-ups which form in a wide range of shelf-marine settings, from open sea (i.e., Coralligenous, sabellarid and vermetid build-ups) to confined (i.e., submarine cave biostalactites) in the Mediterranean area. In detail, the session is aimed at providing new insights about the inception of the build-ups and their evolution related to natural and/or anthropic environmental forcing. Contribution concerning ecological and environmental implications, role of the different skeletonised, soft-bodied organisms, sediments and cement in the overall framework, are welcome. Finally, investigations on socio-economic aspects and innovative sampling techniques are also well received.
Build-ups, bioengineers, environmental parameters, climate changes, Mediterranean Sea
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