- Luca Pandolfi – Università della Basilicata
- Saverio Bartolini Lucenti - Università di Firenze
- Lorenzo Rook - Università di Firenze
With the development of Virtual Paleontology and its techniques, numerous arrows have been added to the quiver of natural history museum curators to help them engage people more into their collection and the science behind it. The innovations, in terms of methods of obtaining the digital data of fossil specimens, make nowadays easier and cheaper for museums and other institutions to use them in their exhibits and for conservation purposes. In a way, virtual paleontology itself revolutionized how paleontology is perceived: the dusty, old-fashioned discipline became a fascinating, rigorous, and engaging subject, open to ever-improved techniques and analyses. One of the keys of the success of these methodologies, among many others, lies in the non-invasiveness of their use on the specimens: whether tomographic imaging or surface scans, such techniques do not need preliminary preparation of the specimens nor imply any damage, making them perfect for precious, invaluable objects such as fossils. As a consequence, natural history museums have a great array of benefit in digitalizing their own collections.
Conservation, Data sharing, Virtual Heritages, Virtual Collections