P25. New approaches in geochemical data analysis and mapping: from the urban scale to continental wide experiences


Congressi SGI-SIMP

  • Stefano Albanese - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
  • Domenico Cicchella - Università del Sannio
  • Annalise Guarino - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
  • Pooria Ebrahimi - CNR ISMAR
One of the most valuable tools for understanding the world around us, if quantitative information is available, is statistics. The elaboration of geochemical data proceeding from prospecting activities made on solid (soil, sediment, rocks) and fluid (surface and ground waters, air) media is often the starting point to understand natural phenomena or contamination processes originating from single or multiple sources.
However, without an appropriate and conscious use of compositional data analysis (CoDa), multivariate statistics, machine learning techniques, etc., results can lead to the misinterpretation of the observed geogenic processes and to a very poor understanding of the dynamics behind anthropogenic noises disturbing natural signals.
The aim of this session is to open a window on the Italian and , if possible, international panorama of the researchers working to the development (and/or to the application) of  cutting-edge statistical and spatial analysis techniques to mine and plot geochemical data at different scales. Contribution dedicated to environmental and exploration geochemistry are welcome and submissions focusing on environmental risks and their mapping will be highly appreciated.
Statistics, GIS, Compositional Data, Geochemical pattern, Contamination, Risk assessment