P26. Petrological and geochemical tools to investigate recycling processes in the Earth's system


Congressi SGI-SIMP

  • Martina Casalini - Università degli Studi di Firenze
  • Enrico Cannaò - Università degli Studi di Milano Statale
Geochemical recycling processes are pivotal to maintain the Earth's system alive as a dynamic planet. Among key geodynamic environments, convergent margins are the main site controlling the re-injection of exogenous and incompatible elements within the Earth's interior, feeding the chemical mantle heterogeneity since the onset of plate tectonics. The products of the chemical interaction between Earth's major reservoirs are thus essential to understand recycling processes and their impact in unraveling Earth's evolution and differentiation through time. In this frame, the application of petrological and geochemical investigations to subduction-related products represents a fundamental tool to decipher volatiles and elements recycling within the Earth's system. In this session, petrological, geochemical and isotopic studies on natural and experimental samples, as well as contributions from numerical modelling, are welcome, and insights from geophysical methods are also encouraged. Among the main topics targeted here are
(i) the dichotomy of the amounts of volatiles and incompatible elements recycled into depth vs. those returning to the surface through volcanisms,
(ii) the mechanisms of the mass-transfer of elements at sub-arc depths and beyond
(iii) the long-term evolution of Earth's major reservoirs in relation to recycling processes
(iv) the new advent of isotopic systematics to trace such processes.
chemical recycling, subduction zones, isotope and elemental geochemistry, petrology