P31. Magnitude, rates and timing of topographic evolution from modelling and quantifying techniques


Congressi SGI-SIMP

  • Romano Clementucci - Università degli studi RomaTre
  • Riccardo Reitano - Università degli studi RomaTre
  • Silvia Crosetto - GFZ Potsdam
  • Paolo Ballato - Università degli studi RomaTre
The interplay between exogenic and endogenic processes controls the growth and decay of topography over diverse temporal and spatial scales. Tectonics, climate, and surface processes all leave fingerprints on modern topography, making it difficult for researchers to discretise their contribution to shaping landscapes. The main target of recent geology is indeed to quantify the nature and the magnitude of the interaction between tectonics, climate, surface processing, and evolving topography from shorter to longer term timescales. The use of laboratory, numerical modelling and the recent advances in quantifying techniques, allow quantitative constraints on the magnitude, rates, and timing of topographic changes. The development of laboratory apparatus and numerical codes allows identifying how autogenic features like new channels developing during fluvial avulsion, topographic gradients, river terraces, alluvial fans and erosional surfaces develop into evolving landscapes. Modelling is also extremely useful in following variations in incision/discharge rate during the general topographic evolution. Overall, this information could be crucial when interpreting data coming from field observations.
We invite contributions aiming to link analogue and numerical models, with quantitative techniques like cosmogenic nuclides and thermochronometric data, in supporting field interpretations.
Quantitative geomorphology, Topographic evolution modelling
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