P43. The identification and characterization of gemstones: from natural to laboratory-grown gem materials and their impact in the gem market


Congressi SGI-SIMP

  • Alessandra Costanzo - University of Galway, Ireland
Gemstones have been widely used in the manufacture of jewellery and as ornaments since antiquity. As the demand for gem materials increases, several deposits have been exploited and new gem species constantly reach the market. The growing demand for jewelleries and ornaments is driving the growth of the industry. Moreover, the rising demand for coloured gemstones and the growing acceptance of gemstones in their synthetic form owing to their affordable nature are also contributing to the industry growth. This session will emphasise the recent advances in both fundamental and applied studies of gem material. Research on specific fields such as geology of gem deposits, mineralogical and gemmological investigation, geochemistry, geochronology, and spectroscopy of gem materials are welcome as they can provide important information about the formation of gemstones. The session will welcome scientific contributions that include original research relating to gem deposits from well-known and/or new localities worldwide as well as specific gem material used in jewellery, arts pieces or building stones. Research related to laboratory-grown material and comparisons with their natural counterparts are also welcome as well as contributions that shed light on the relative impact that the different gem origin has on the gem trade and market.
gemmological characterization, genesis and geological setting of gemstones, spectroscopy, geochemistry, geochronology of gemstones, Laboratory-grown gemstones, Gem-market