P48. Landslide hazard and risk: current issues and future developments


Congressi SGI-SIMP

  • Francesco Sdao - Università degli Studi della Basilicata
  • Filomena Canora – Università degli Studi della Basilicata
  • Rosalba Muzzillo - Università degli Studi della Basilicata
Landslides are one of the main natural hazards that involve serious risks and significant socio-economic impacts. Their complexity and behaviour depend on the geological and geomorphological context (geo-structural setting, lithology, morphology, hydrology and hydrogeology, etc.) and several external factors, resulting in different types and degrees of hazard and risk. The study of these dynamic and complex phenomena requires the acquisition and analysis of robust sets of data detected by investigations, monitoring, and reliable model to fully understand their behavior and evolution in space and time, under present and future climate change effects. Then, multidisciplinary and holistic approaches are needed to develop innovative methodologies and tools. This session encourages investigation of landslide mechanisms through laboratory experiments, fields of data acquisition, and models.
We invite contributions on procedures in the site investigations and monitoring, remote sensing techniques and mapping of landslide hazard and risk. We particularly solicit studies considering the implications of climate change. Papers documenting landslides physical and numerical modelling aiming to explore recent advances, innovations and  future challenges in the field of landslide hazard and risk management and mitigation, are welcome.
Landslides, hazard, risk, climate change, monitoring, modeling