P67. Progetto METIQ-mare: a new view of the Quaternary Geology of the Italian Seas


Congressi SGI-SIMP

  • Fabiano Gamberi, Istituto di Scienze Marine, Bologna, CNR
  • Francesco Latino Chiocci, Sapienza, Università di Roma
Natural resources evaluation and risk assessment require a continuous endeavour for synthesizing and updating our geological knowledge. The METIQ (Modello Evolutivo del Territorio Italiano nel Quaternario) project aims at fulfilling such a need through the mapping of the Quaternary of the Italian peninsula and its underwater areas. Drawing advantages from the MAGIC project experience and data, the Italian Marine Geology Community has come together to compile a map of the Italian Seas at the 1:500000 scale. The map shows the large variety of geomorphic, sedimentary, volcanic, and tectonic features of the Italian Seas. In addition, it highlights the effects of fluid circulation in the subsurface and the interaction of the geosphere with the biosphere. In this session, we aim at bringing together presentations that underline the major new findings coming from the METIQ-mare mapping effort. In particular, we are soliciting contributions that highlight how diverse geologic elements play a distinctive role in the different Italian Seas, depending on their geodynamic and physiographic setting. More in general, we seek to assemble a collection of papers showing how the mapping activity has enriched our understanding of the geology of Italy's submerged territory.
Seafloor mapping, geomorphology, georesources, geo-hazards