P69. Elemental and isotope geochemistry as a tool for provenance analysis and traceability


Congressi SGI-SIMP

  • Claudio Natali – Università di Firenze
  • Gianluca Bianchini – Università di Ferrara
The Earth's critical zone is the supergene environment where complex processes involving rocks, sediments, soil, water, air, and living organisms are precursors for geobiological reactions.
Elemental and isotopic analyses of geological and biological matrices are of fundamental importance in the study of the genesis and evolution of the Earth's critical zone. Geochemical tracers represent powerful tools for the identification of source areas and pathways that link sources and sinks, with potential applications spanning from the provenance of sediments and waters to the traceability and authentication of valuable food products.
Emphasis will be given to contributions that explore the applications of new geochemical tracers for the above cited purposes, as well as the geochemical partitioning and isotopic fractionation between lithosphere, pedosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere, for the identification of natural and anthropogenic components in transitional environments. Contributes dealing with the combination of multiple techniques are welcome, and researches by young scientists are encouraged.
Geochemical and isotopic tracers, Sediment provenance, Traceability of food products, geogenic vs. anthropogenic sources