P72. Sustainable development and management of groundwater resources


Congressi SGI-SIMP

  • Stefania Da Pelo - Università degli Studi di Cagliari
  • Vincenzo Piscopo - Università degli Studi della Tuscia
  • Maurizio Polemio – IPRI CNR Bari
  • Sergio Rusi - Università degli Studi G. d'Annunzio Chieti
This session is sponsored by IAH Italian Chapter and SGI Sezione di Idrogeologia
Groundwater resources provide in Italy about 85% of drinking water, originate mineral and thermal waters, and supply for irrigation and industrial needs. This invisible resource is strategic for future generations to ensure the human well-being and to maintain the dependent ecosystems. The topic of this session is the sustainability of groundwater abstractions at the scale of the basin, aquifer and individual well. Contributions from basic and applied research and case studies on criteria and methods for the assessment, development and management of groundwater in different hydrogeological environments (alluvial, fractured, karst and volcanic aquifers) are welcome. The aim of the session is to stimulate the discussion on novel approaches to identify the balance between the use of groundwater resources and the containment of hydrogeological, economic, social and environmental impacts related to it in the climate change scenarios.
Groundwater - Hydrogeology - Aquifer - Sustainable yield