P79. Field analogue studies of fractured reservoirs and discrete fracture networks


Congressi SGI-SIMP

  • Stefano Tavani - Università di Napoli Federico II
  • Silvia Mittempergher - Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
  • Fabrizio Balsamo - Università di Parma
  • Vincenzo La Bruna - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Fracture networks exert a key role for fluid storage and flow patterns in subsurface reservoirs. Because of this, understanding how the fractures develop, their scaling laws evolve, and how they might favor/inhibit subsurface fluid flow, is of paramount importance for geothermal energy production and overall geofluid exploitation. Furthermore, detailed information regarding the modalities of fracture formation and fluid-rock interaction under various diagenetic and tectonic conditions, is necessary for underground carbon sequestration and energy storage. Field analogue studies, remote sensing interpretation, and laboratory measurements provide a key to build a clearer understanding of the processes that control rock fracturing and fluid-rock interactions, which in turn provides inputs to simulate discrete fracture networks, and upscale the fracture properties to reservoir scales. We propose a multi-disciplinary session focused on natural fractures, and on their interaction with fluids in low-permeability rocks. We encourage submissions of field, experimental and numerical studies, as well as subsurface core and well data analyses.
Fracture, Discrete Fracture Network, Reservoir, Fluid-rock interaction



Alberto Ceccato, ETH Zurich
"Integrated approaches for the characterization of mesoscale permeability of faulted and altered granitoid units"
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