FT2. Geology, georesources and geoheritage of the Apulia Carbonate Platform: a novel from the Gargano to the Murge


Congressi SGI-SIMP

Field Trip Leaders: Luigi Spalluto1, Giacomo Eramo1, Italo Muntoni2, Fabio Massimo Petti3

1Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro.
2Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le provincie di Barletta-Andria-Trani e Foggia, Ministero della Cultura.
3MUSE - Museo delle Scienze di Trento.

Date: 6-8 September 2024
Cost: € 386 (single room) € 350 (double room) 
Minimum number of participants: 10
Maximum number of participants: 15

Description and itinerary
This excursion will explore the geology, georesources and geoheritage of several sites where Mesozoic limestones and cherts of the Apulian carbonate platform crop out. The topics covered will be: i) regional geology of the Puglia region; ii) carbonate sedimentology of Cretaceous platform-to-basin successions; iii) georesources extracted from Cretaceous successions (cherts, building stones, bauxites); iv) Early Christian catacombs; v) geosites preserving dinosaur footprints; vi) sinkhole.

Day 1: Bari (departure from Campus at 7:30), Peschici (lower Cretaceous cherty limestones and old chert mines – Valle Guariglia archaeological site), Vieste (cherty limestones and old chert mines – Defensola archaeological site), Vignanotica beach (Maiolica limestones and slumpings); Monte Sant'Angelo (hotel arrival at 7:30 pm)
Day 2: Monte Sant'Angelo (upper Cretaceous slope successions), Borgo Celano (Hauterivian peritidal limestones and dinosaur footprints), Bauxite Mines (intraCretaceous unconformity marked by bauxites), Pantano di Sant'Egidio (Mattinata Fault), Monte Sant'Angelo (hotel arrival at 7:00 pm)
Day 3: Monte Sant'Angelo (departure at 8:00), Canosa (Christian catacombs of Lamapopoli), Molfetta (Albian peritidal limestones and dinosaur footprints), Pulo di Molfetta (sinkhole), Bari (Airport and Railway station arrival around 4:30 pm)

Further indications
The field trip difficulty is low, apart from a couple of quarries having an uneven bottom surface. Rather high temperatures (25-30° C) and a dry climate are expected. It is advisable to bring sunscreen, hats with visors, sunglasses, and a light raincoat in case of light rain. Hiking or trekking shoes and long trousers are also recommended. The cost includes: insurance policy; half board accommodation in hotel; lunch on the first day; packed lunch on the second and third day; bus transport. The cost does not include the tourist tax of € 1.5 per day (to be paid in cash at hotel check-out).

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